13 conclusionCOUNTER

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In the present era Terrorism is a very diffuse concept thus to define it is

extremely difficult what really constitutes. Terrorism shall we go by the nature of act
committed or by cause. There are several elements which have to be taken into
account to define terrorism. A person takes to Terrorism as a last weapon when his
voice is not heard and injustice is done to him constantly and continuously. He is
treated as inhumanity. Under such circumstance there is a question of his survival or
existence then he does not think what is good or what is bad justice or injustice and
in the battle between good and evil (however defined), it is in all situations the people
who get killed.
Further the primary concern is that terrorism is not implicit tactics in the similar
manner a way of function of weakness which are engaged in a hit and run basis.
Thus we are in a situation where strong nations can blame weak nations to evade
the tag of terrorist.By any imagination there can never be any justification for
terrorism whatever may be caste but act of terror cannot be justified it involves
violence. For few people violence against violence is no violence.They believe tit for
tat eye for eye. Mahatma Gandhi always advocated truth and nonviolence. He
practiced in South Africa and became successful over there. After that in India by
truth and nonviolence we achieved freedom in 1947 from British Rule.He was a very
strong believer of truth and nonviolence and preached and practiced for freedom
from slavery of British Rule. There is a proverb which says “ Extremely darkest
clouds are always followed by bright light”.
The tradition of literature is always progressive. “Every new sun brings a new
ray of Light”. Gandhiji said “If we get freedom at the cost of non-violence we will
return it and we will not accept it”. “One persons terrorist is another persons
Freedom Fighter”. In this regard few proverbs or phrases might get us off on the right
foot a cautious foot where good or evil are never as clear out as they seem and
where the truth since it is extremely difficult concept after all “ Terror is Terror.”
It is important to recognize state phenomenon. The state is unlikely to admit
its actions to be terrorist as being shrouded in the cloak of legitimacy as they are. But
on examination of conduct and behavior of that state clear revealed the use of
violence as a political tactic and implies the death of many innocent civilians.
Keeping the idea in mind of “Civilians as Victims” should allow to be possible
and arrive at obvious conclusion that terrorism is always wrong and should not be
supported. Terrorism is never justifiable although it is always justified by someone
and according to their political agenda. The war against terrorism looks a deal more
Apart from India and Pakistan there is a Kashmiri Group who wants to rule in
Kashmir. They do not want Kashmir to be with India or Pakistan and wanted to
liberate it even from India and for that people of Kashmir are joining and supporting
this group. But India can never allow it to happen with the result there exists unrest
and peace is not established.
Under these chaotic and disturbed conditions in the entire state of Jammu and
Kashmir there are terrorist who are taking advantage by exploitation in the region
and control to rule in the region. These terrorist groups are many in active
operations. They are kidnapping people torturing them and forcing them to become
terrorist. Today the most prominent international Terrorist group is ISIS (Islamic
State of Iran & Syria), ISI.
Terrorist group recruit the young Generations misguide and do brain washing
torturing and so on in the name of Jihad (Religion) with the result such young
generation understanding only one thing that is destroy everything nothing is right or
wrong. They are threatened their family members are tortured to the extent they
prefer to join rather than to survive.
Under such situations for Indian Government it is very difficult to rule in the
State of Jammu & Kashmir. All steps of Government of India and Government of
Kashmir have failed very badly or miserably.Now over more than two decades
people of Jammu & Kashmir have experienced and lived with deep grief & agony
and terror attacks. Targeted killings disappearances have become day of the order
and common feature.
Militarian curfew and almost disruption stone pelting by youths are to be
livelihood of the people of Kashmir. “Those who are engaged in the culture of
nescient activities, will enter into darkest region of ignorance, worst still are those
who are engaged in the so called Knowledge.”
Mangolis used to support the opposite groups in 13th Century. Though they
were in too small groups in confrontation of enemy in the battle and as such through
selective use of terror. They were able to cope with and maintain their religious
automony by creation of fear in their mind. Islamic terrorism is nothing but religiously
Learning from Roman Greeks and Bible that those who could not be trusted
for the use of power with responsibilities should not be obeyed.
French Revolution and Jacobin “Reigns of Terror” when we should date back
the modern terrorism in the sense that it is a deliberate strategy with the abuse of
power. While being in office from this perception terrorism is nothing but Justice.
Revolutionary struggle and emergence of new economic order force with human
rights were given new name Terror. In the past there were various form of torture as
a common practice in many Society/ Tribe.
“To try, explain and understand terrorism is not to Justify Terrorism.”
“One persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter.”
Historically as has been said earlier the same can be said of Northern Ireland as of
Palestine there had been cruelty and selfish rule on behalf of few English Landlords
such as mass starvation anti catholic laws exploitation and practices and so on. The
Irish are altogether different from English. Historical differences and has were
extended as England became part of the protestant reformation whereas goals
remanded Catholic resolutely. At the same time English controlled Ireland gradually
and brutally gained ground there.


Across the globe political, economical, social and cultural injustice is the main
feature which inevitably gave rise to a terrorist backlash and meant terrorism still
remains a strong force in future.. It may also be pointed out here that the particular
historical function makes particular forms of terror more lively which will mean that
rejectionism of religious fundamentalism along with modern advanced
communications make attack more likely.
Today there are so many other forms of weapons of mass destruction. They are as
1. Nuclear
2. Nuclear Missiles
3. Suitcase Bombs
4. Power Plant Attack
5. Bombs
6. Biological
7. Chemical Terror
8. Cyber Terrorism
No one can terrorize a whole Nation unless we are all his accomplishes.
If the war on terrorism means we simply fight evil with evil then it is doomed to
failure. We begin to create in global society an expectation of violence. As violence
has becomes the norm today and normalized society has been degraded. Therefore
the war on terrorism if it simply killed many more people seeking the elimination of
cultural differences.
Mahatma Gandhi was always against untruth and violence. Through out his
entire life he preached and practice truth and nonviolence to deal with any critical
problem. Even for the emanicipation of our Country India he firmly expressed his
views and strongly believed that if India achieves freedom from British Rule at the
cost of NonViolence he said it shall not be accepted and we will return to them. Truth
and NonViolence are great weapons and most relevant in todays time even.
As a result of state of actions across the Globe many more innocent
noncombatiants have died after September, 2001 than have been killed by terrorists
organizations. This reveals to ensure grievance still exist and are aggravated
violence leads to violence. Fight evil with evil, tooth for tooth, eye for eye. Worlds
preponderant military power seems unable to accept domestically or
internationally.Conducting terrorist act is one thing and finding a solution in Terrorism
is quite another. It has to be borne in mind that though any solution cannot be
achieved through military means only
So much of today’s terror and the reason why with profound regret seems to
have future is that it simply thrives on the false promise of Capitalism. So much is
promised but alas so little done that hatred and resentment built up. Here not only
economic reasons but for political injustice is clearly evident across the world.
Wherein require nothing but solutions and solutions to their disputes. Since centuries
their hostilities still remain alive over those issues from time to time and even on
daily basis wars happen and with the result at border innocent population could not
live peacefully. They are sufferings in terms of loss of human life properties etc. Our
experience has shown that till no solution to those issues internationally or
domestically could be discovered and condemn and situations are deteriorating day
to day.
There is an urgent need to resolve the following issues which are very serious
such as:
1. Israel/ Palestinine
2. Nation building after a change of regime in Afghanistan
3. Iraq Dispute
4. Ireland/ England
5. India/ Pakistan (Kashmir)
Solutions to above issues/disputes appear almost unlikely. But it does not mean that
we should sleep over such matters.
We have to discover solutions to the concern of Terrorism. Solution to terrorism
does not lie in the following:
1. Terrorism against Terrorism
2. Counter Terrorism
3. State Terrorism
4. Violence against Violence
5. Evil with Evil
6. Military Operation
We have to find out in first that what is the root cause which had given to rise to
terrorism and that root cause has to be investigated.To defeat Terrorism globally
solution is in love and humanity. There should not exist hatred. The tradition and
nature of literature is always progressive. We should not loose hope. There is
always a ray of hope which shall bring about peace in the Society. We should be
inspired and guided by the principle of Mahatma Gandhi that is Humanity.
There is a pressing need to have a wellstructured scheme of intervention and
assistant in case of criminal law amendment as per human right concept. The study
also present a case substantial over all in the policies and practice in favor of crime
victims. 1. Human rights still remain as a deprived lot/right of society. Their rights are
observed more in violation than in adherence. 2. Discriminatory practice range
exclusion of human right such as rights of accused rights of woman rights juvenile
(conflict with laws) from development programmers to economic disparities in Indian
laws failed to define the need of this section of society. 3. As regards to protect
human right and general welfare there are laws manifest clear and open bias against
their condition 4. Some concrete reforms are needed in favour of accused women
juvenile to ameliorate their condition. The content and ambit of human right laws
must be comprehensive covering areas of marriage, divorce, inheritance,
guardianship rights. In many cases human have acquired confidence and manage to
make some noticeable effect in society. Most of the general public specifically
accused women and juvenile not aware of their basic human right thinking is that this
is also for us. The findings of the study supported all the hypothesis prescribed for
verification the present study. In many cases human have acquired confidence and
mange to make some noticeable effect in society. Though human rights in sphere of
Indian criminal laws amended as per the need of the society and consider the victims
right women prisoners right, juvenile right even the rights of accused are considered
as basic right. There is some awareness among the accused due to amendment
made in the law. But there is need for appropriate training and education related to
human right of the functioning justice system. There is big lacuna in our Criminal
justice system as there are no stronger laws/Acts or statute to protect person from
different types crime. The Criminal justice that is police prosecutor and judiciary if we
see position becomes for more serious in rural areas where the women police is
almost nonexistent and the cases are invariable handed by uncaring and
unconcerned staff of police. The judicial response in this context is very poor as most
of the accused person was released due to lack of evidence or due to taking
advantage of the lacunas in the present laws. The legislative provisions are also not
sufficient enough to curb the menace of the crime. Punishment prescribed is also not
deterrent enough to deter the wrong doer. Despite all progressive judgment by the
higher judiciary on these subjects the victims of sexual violence continue to suffer.
Pending cases in Indian courts there are several criminal cases pending in the
courts. The Court are heavy burdened with cases. The judiciary which is the
important organ of State but there are no sufficient fund to improve standards
strength not only to officers but also staff of the court in administration of Criminal
justice. Due to lack of funds staff courts etc. several criminals are put in the prison
without inquiry. If the strict punishment is imposed on them that will become very
less quantity than actual imprisonment. In Indian Criminal justice there are several
defects criminologist sociologist jurisprudents and psychoanalyst eminent experts in
crime felt that the justice system should punish the convicts from retribution to
correction. Now a day’s court in sentencing process follow the principle that they do
not pay attention on the gravity of offences but on the offender who habitual offender
court impose more severe punishments and if the offender commits rape or sex
related offence against woman offender should strictly give enhance punishment
more severe in nature. Convicting an accused is not an end in itself the above are
defects in Criminal justice system. The major causes of crime are social economical
and psychological causes to increase more crime rate in society. Lack of education
and legal knowledge. Education is considered as the means for development of
personal and awareness. But in India the rate of literary is not more as compare to
other developed countries.
If we talk about legal knowledge the Courts follow rigid rules and procedures
there are some officer like police even the other officers have lack of legal
knowledge rules and procedure. If the officers having knowledge but the failure to
apply and implement in procedure they do not file the case property due to the
technical grounds and proper sources this is the reason the criminals are acquitted
&once a criminal acquitted he take the court easy and lenient and continues to do an
illegal act. Corruption - Now a day’s India has been polluted with high rate
corruption. Each an every field is polluted with this corruption the failure of
administering Criminal justice system is because of corruption. It is hopeful to note
that our courts have taken initiative steps to our Courts to curb corruption in all the
department of the country.

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