Newsletter: 1st March 2013

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Bronte School Headmasters Newsletter

1st March 2013

COME AND SEE HOW YOUR CHILD IS TAUGHT IN THE CLASSROOM. WANDER IN AND OUTAND HAVE A LOOK AT WHAT YOUR CHILD WILL BE DOING NEXT YEAR, IF YOU WISH. YOU WILL BE MOST WELCOME All this will be happening for you next Monday 4th March between 9 and 11am. Lets make the idea a big success. (Please note: The Open Morning for Reception parents is on Wednesday not Monday). On the Thursday before half term we had a visit from Gravesend Grammar Schools Drum Band. Wow! We were so impressed! I can still hear the samba beat of the music played with so much enthusiasm and skill by the boys. Is there a link here that we can developI think so, thanks to Mr. Owen (Max, Year 4). A slightly (!) quieter concert, but similarly appealing, was the Guitar Concert on Monday. Mrs Brzozowska showed us how her pupils are progressing from first steps to various harmonies. Well done, all of you.

During our caretakers absenceand we wish John all the very best following his operationMr. David Ansell, an experienced project and site manager, is joining us first to work alongside the assistant caretaker and then to be with us and help us each day. Yesterday, Mrs. Carter sent you a letter about Homework Teas/After School Care as a follow-up to a discussion which took place at the last Parents Council in November. There is also an e-mail to which I need to draw your attentionfrom TCSour hot lunch suppliers. This is an extract, which obviously allays any concerns you may have had: TCS Independent would like to reassure all our customers, parents and school staff that there is no risk of any contamination within our beef and minced beef products. The beef used in our dishes is supplied from local butchers who source meat from either their own farm or other quality suppliers.

In assembly this morning I shall be very pleased to award Kornelijus Davidonis (for whom English is an additional language) a Headmasters Commendation for Outstanding Improvement in his Independent Writing. Congratulations from all of us and from Mrs Ansell in particular. Next Wednesday is the Mothers Day Secrets Room. Please make sure that 2 is available for a very special gift! Details about this and about the Easter Raffle have been sent to you this week.

Tomorrow there is a Service of Celebration for the life of Mrs Joan Gibson, a former Head of Bronte School, at 12 noon at St. Marys Church, Wrotham Road. All are most welcome. Looking ahead to Tuesday 19th March I need to mention that the school minibus will be in use to take Year 6 to St. Pierre School in Calais therefore the morning and afternoon shuttle service will be affected. Please discuss any difficulties with Mr John Paul to see if we can effect any solutions. Inevitably in every school, sickness and other sorts of bugs travel around so quickly. Mrs Dyson has been aware again this week of the importance of the school insisting that a child should have 24 hours of recovery and therefore be absent from school after sickness/ temperatures occur.

In their geography lessons with Mrs Prescott, Year 5 have been discussing and learning about climate change and in particular considering the implications of the disappearing ice in the Arctic. Four members of the class have entered a competition organised by the Girl Guides and the Scouts. They had to design a flag to increase awareness of what we are doing to our planet. These impressive designs have now been submittedand we wish Kabir, Heather, Amelia and Karam all the best with their entries.

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