Thesis Chapter I - ACM Format
Thesis Chapter I - ACM Format
Thesis Chapter I - ACM Format
disciplines such as robotics, ergonomics, or even special education. This research is intended to explore the extending possibilities of the HMM-based computing technology and experiment to find ways for optimization.
1.3 Objectives
The general objectives of the study are: [1] to establish formalism, abstraction or analysis of the implementation of speech recognition; and [2] to apply the speech recognition system to a device that controls the movement of robotic arm. Specifically, this research will be done to answer the following items: 1. How Viterbi Algorithm works with the Hidden Markov Model? 2. How the Hidden Markov Model plays the main role in the speech recognition process? 3. How the speech sound signal analysis and pattern matching process works in identifying specific commands for control? 4. How to communicate the speech recognition system to a robotic arm device to serve as movement control? 5. What is the efficiency of the combination computing technique as applied to robotic arm movement control?