Fit Testing Government Form
Fit Testing Government Form
Fit Testing Government Form
Employee Name: ________________________________________________ Field Station: ___________________________________________________ Supervisor Name: _______________________________________________ A respirator fit test must be completed by an individual trained in respiratory fit testing procedures. This fit test is required annually. Does employee wear glasses? _____ Yes _____ No
Does Employee have facial hair, dentures or other attributes that may prevent a positive face fit? _____ Yes _____ No Testing media: ____________________________________ Respirator Type (Make Model and Certification Number): ________________________________ Compatible with eye glasses? Positive pressure fit check? Negative pressure fit check? Head Stationary Normal Breathing (60 seconds)? Head Stationary Deep Breathing (60 seconds)? Head Turning Side To Side (60 seconds)? Head Moving Up and Down (60 seconds)? ____Yes ____Pass ____Pass ____No ____Fail ____Fail
Talking (recite Rainbow Passage or count backwards)? ____Pass Bending Over (60 seconds)? Head Stationary Normal Breathing (60 seconds)? Respirator fit test result? ____Pass
____Fail ____Fail
____Pass ____Pass
____Fail ____Fail
Based on information provided on this form, I certify that the employee named on this form can wear the respiratory protective equipment listed above.
_________________________ Date