Jafira'S Draconity Guide Edition 2012
Jafira'S Draconity Guide Edition 2012
Jafira'S Draconity Guide Edition 2012
Edition 2012
I am Jafira Dragon, awakened dragonkin since 2000, one who has studied under a Cherokee shaman, danced with pagans, made mistakes and learned lessons. Within this text lay the lessons and observations made over a decade of spiritual growth. I am neither an expert nor an elder these are just the things that I have seen. All is subjective and perception, find your own path, this is just a guide, may it help you grow.
expression prior to the manifesting in the heart and mind. The importance of nature and relaxation. The importance of art and creativity. I believe I have incarnated into many forms, and lives, dragons, dolphins, you name it, am I different? Music and Otherkin. Otherkin Psychology, relating to the familiar, a calling for your kind. Channeling the draconic mind and body, a mental exercise for self affirmation and spiritual growth. Psychological alternative to guides. Psychological alternative to being otherkin. DragonKin: A Healthy Skepticism
What is otherkinism?:
Otherkinism is an obscure personal belief system in which a person perceives themselves to be connected spiritually in one way or another with a nonhuman form, a good deal of in depth information and resources on otherkin can be found at the site, http://www.otherkin.net. For the purpose of these writings I will be focusing on Draconity, which is a term used to refer to the idea that one is dragonkin, or the concept of believing oneself to be connected spiritually with dragons in one form or another. Information on such can be found by reading Baxil's Draconity Faq. or by visiting the Dragon Resource Project. From my own personal experiences over the past decade I can state that otherkinism is a personal belief system in which an individual believes or identifies with the perception that their soul, spirit or
consciousness is something other then human, or that the individuals are, on a deep spiritual or emotional level connected in some way to a being other then human. Those such as I, who claim to be otherkin, may tend to believe that their soul or spirit is trans-species in the same sense that some may believe that they were born into the wrong gender or time period, etcetera. There are many interpretations of what it means to be otherkin, and the idea is most often personal to the perceptions of the individual making the claim of being such. It is different for everybody. One thing that I must mention, is that the claim of being another species is in a strictly spiritual sense, somebody like myself who may claim to be a dragon, is obviously not claiming to literally be a dragon in the physical sense, but rather, spiritual, emotional, or whatever the case may be. Most otherkin (I hope...) are not going to run around trying to jump off ceilings or nonsensical things like that, they simply identify on a spiritual, emotional or strong personal level with, (or as) the said creature of their affinity. To some, an otherkin identity may be in the sense, that they simply identify emotionally with said form or have a strong spiritual connection to such, others perceptions of otherkinism may be based on reincarnation beliefs, or a belief that their nonhuman spirit is having a physical experience in the form of a human by some choice or cosmic mishap. I myself, personally perceive myself as a dragon through act of spiritual reincarnation, I feel I exist as a reincarnated spirit experiencing life in a human incarnation. In as such, I believe my spirit to be alien to this world. Writings explaining how I feel this is possible are available here: (http://www.jafiradragon.com/Draconity1.htm) In any case, I must reiterate that the reasoning or emphasis of how, or in what sense an individual may be otherkin is often determined by their perceptions and personal understandings of themselves and their own beliefs. There are of course general guidelines mentioned above in the aforementioned FAQ's, but overall, it appears that otherkinism is an individual experience.
may tend to be bullied or targeted in a negative fashion, due to their younger age or inability to adequately explain in logical terms what they are experiencing, this has the potential to put up mental blocks to the idea or concept of otherkinism and make potentially re-awakening harder in the future. In either case, for those who suspected for some time that they may have not originally been human, or as well, for those who as discussed above may have been born knowing, or had always known but may be learning now for the first time that their beliefs have a name, or that others like them exist, I welcome you to the concept of otherkin. I encourage you to keep an open mind, and always above all else, know yourselves, both on a spiritual and physical level. Strive not to get sucked into falsehoods, learn and study all angles and possibilities, even those which may attempt to discredit your perceptions, read up on the experiences of others and always question your own personal truths, take time to befriend others and network, share your experiences and know that you are no longer alone, there are others like us and we will look out for each other.
I have always been normal but feel different now, what is happening?:
I have known over the years a good deal of newly awakened otherkin, whom were shocked to discover these new found beliefs within themselves. The best that I can imagine is that the knowledge on a spiritual or subconscious level had been repressed, and that at some time, an object or event, such as seeing a dragon film, statue, picture, or perhaps experiencing an extremely vivid dream may suddenly trigger a sudden awakening in an individual whom, until recently had no interest in spirituality or the kintype in question. It happens a lot it seems, and often times, the individuals who experience this triggered awakening, be it late in life, or still in their youth, can often find clues that the kintype awakening had influenced them in the past outside their immediate notice at the time. Still, like all other times, I remind the reader, always when dealing with an awakening, or spiritual path regarding otherkin, always question yourself and your perceptions, base your beliefs off personal truths backed up by whatever evidence you may have. Remember, Emotion alone does not create truth. Remember to be objective, do not lie to yourself, if you suddenly awaken and identify as a dragon, do not proclaim yourself Arutama dragon prince of the underworld and be done with it. But rather connect the dots, between dreams, visions, emotions, interpretations, possible memories and personal truth, do not lie to yourself, rather learn your personal truth, and if you know in your heart, that you were a wild animal, a quadrupedal black dragon called Arutama, whom lived in a cave on a mountain and hunted at night, admitting such is infinitesimally superior to believing the baseless lie that you walked upright and were Arutama prince of dragons, simply because it seems more epic, or preferable. Be honest in your spiritual understanding and do not make stuff up, it will only come back to bite you in the end. This goes for all otherkin, newly awakens and those who have been for years.
Very good, many kin often times have very limited evidence to base their beliefs on, memories are a great gift to be awakened with. But remember always to question your memories, what are their basis, where did they come from, how much of them are true, and how much may have been tainted by falsehood, media, social expectations and so on? Be sure to write your memories down always and study them often, change them freely as you learn more, and do not resist new understandings, when I first awakened I thought I could speak when I was a dragon, but upon closer meditation on my perceived memories I noticed I never did. Things may change as you learn more about yourself and new memories come to the surface. Do not resist change for fear of criticism or that you were wrong, personal honesty with yourself, is the most important thing with otherkinism, if you lie to yourself, it will only come back to destroy you. Take your time, cherish your memories and always strive to learn more in honesty to your spiritual perceptions.
I don't have memories of being a dragon or whatever, but feel like such:
I would recommend not jumping to conclusions either for or against being otherkin, you might just like the kintype in question and think they are awesome creatures, or perhaps you legitimately relate to the creature and are just uncertain the relationship or reason as to why. Overall though I would strongly advise anyone exploring the idea to take things very slowly and don't jump into anything. Take time out to meditate and think deeply on why you feel like, or relate so closely to the kintype in question, examine if there are any external influences that may be impacting such, be objective and honest. But overall if you still feel a powerful affinity towards your kintype in question, look into the spirituality, check out some otherkin communities and test the waters, but remember, you either are or you are not, do not pretend just because it feels good, otherkinism is a struggle, from both within oneself and from without, it is not a game, it is frankly a mess. You will learn and grow immensely but it is a constant growth with many ups and downs, be sure in your heart and mind that this is your spirit and your path, and not just some silly role play reality you wish to impose upon yourself. All I can say is take the idea seriously and know all the angles, know yourself, know your own personal truths and perceptions, and go from there slowly and in a state of constant learning.
I know that advice may seem of little help to you, and I understand the frustration of wanting to know more, and finding nothing. It is simply all I can do to remind you to live for the day and take pride in that which you do know. Beyond that, if you wish to delve into possible memories, try thinking back to your past for any vivid dreams or visions which may have had clues within them, there may also be some meditation techniques that might be available in certain otherkin communities if you search for them, or ask, try those perhaps. Overall memories may or may not come to you, don't dwell on the past needlessly, you are here now, live, grow, and enjoy life. The absence of memories does not disprove your kin beliefs, so long as you know in your heart and soul what you were, or are on the inside.
Regardless, of origins, be they temporary external manifestations of your own spirit, or be they free roaming entities come to assist you, it does not matter. Source and origin are less relevant, then rather their purpose. Acknowledge their purpose and adapt your understandings around that, if they are negative entities get rid of them, else wise if they are helpful, accept them as cherished friends and work and learn from them as long as they remain. From what I have observed and experienced with so called spirit guides, regardless of whether they originated from your own spirit and energies or as outside entities, inevitably in time they will move on, those who originated from your own spirit will in time after their purpose is fulfilled, return to your spirit and merge as one whole again, those entities called to assist you from external origin, likewise in time, will often move on as well. So if you are lucky enough to obtain some friendly spirit guides or allies in your early awakenings, cherish them and treat them well so long as they are there, and never forget what they have to teach you. For the record, there is also a psychological alternative to the spirit or servitor explanations, in the form of multiple dissociative disorder, which I advise you to also look into in your quest to maintain an open mind and see all angles and know yourself.
Remember, otherkin by its very definition and existence is controversial, an individual can have more then one incarnation, you can awaken to forms that are unknown to Earth. Because we live in a universe in which we as humans are limited to our perceptions of what we know, we cannot know what lies outside this Earth, with that said, we cannot and should not eliminate the possibilities that there are things and forms out there that we do not know of. In short, if you awaken to some crazy bizarre form that is unique and never heard of, but you have some form of rational basis behind it, and the belief in the form in question is not completely made up fluff, I would not be too worried about it. As well, all the same with awakening to multiple incarnations or forms. We cannot know the nature of the spirit and the universe we exist in. We are limited to only that which we know, and we don't know much at all. All things exist of energy, and that includes your spirit. Remember that spirit and energy exist of infinite possibilities anything has the potential to be true, perception creates reality, just don't go overboard remember to back up all your beliefs and perceptions with evidence and honest truth in what you believe.
discretion, we just don't live in a perfect world, the idea is still too new and too obscure, its just not socially acceptable, use common sense.
How can I reconcile this new aspect of myself with who I am?
I am certain the way I wrote the question or topic above was in the form of a grammatical catastrophe, (much like many of my writings) nevertheless, what I meant to write was. Well hell, here I thought I was normal, and now I come to find out I once existed as a (fill in the blank), what do I do from here? Meh, thats probably not written much better. Short answer, you do what you have always done, It seems that a lot of newly awaken kin suddenly undergo this immense personality shift to identify as much as possible with the form or entity in question all the while shirking that which they enjoyed no less then a month or week before. You don't need to go crazy trying to identify with said form or do anything crazy unless you want to, it doesn't help or hurt. It can of course make you feel better or more emotionally or spiritually connected, but too much focus and attention to a single aspect of who you are can do more harm then good in the long run. So really, just stay who you are and do the things you have always loved, and integrate kin specific things of your choice, strive to relate with that which you perceived you once were, while not forgetting who and what you are now. Its just another aspect of who you are, an awesome and probably life changing aspect, but still, just one of many slices of the greater pie that is you. You should strive to find a balance within yourself, not too far into the spirituality to damage your social life or responsibilities, but also, not so far into your present life and responsibilities that you fall into bland mendacity and neglect your spiritual or otherkin side. Balance is the key, too far to the left or right will bring only pain, remain centered. A bit of advice for dealing with the struggle of who and what you were, versus who you are now and how you can live your life while not neglecting the truth of your past and spirit. Remember, that in nature you are always free, and through meditation and the silence and sanctity of your mind, you are free to imagine, experience and believe whatever you wish. Know that in the imagery and artistic expression of your kintype you can find relation and comfort, through video games, role-play, writing, and drawing you can express that which you feel about that which you once were. As well, through the use of the Internet you have several websites and large communities of otherkin who can relate and listen to your thoughts, you are not alone. There are many ways to identify or cope with your otherkinsm if you only look for them, the support, writings, and options are all out there if you only look closely. As for the differences between lifetimes, forms, personalities, possibly gender, and so forth, they can only be resolved by you, its your spirit, your past, your present, but help and advice is there. Just remember, whatever or whoever you perceive you were in a different reality, no matter what you feel you did, or failed to do, you are human now, and have this life to live and focus on. You can only dwell on a lost existence for so long. Above all else, remember, regardless of what or who you perceive you once were, you are human now, and will remain such for the foreseeable future. There is a time and a place for all things, remember at
all times to remain in balance. Also, obviously don't go crazy with the idea that you have awakened as otherkin and are somehow superior or different, as well, do not ignore that you are otherkin or unique, or focus so heavily on the tasks and distractions of this world to lose respect for, or hope of, the emotional and spiritual connections that awakening as an otherkin can bring. Remember, in all things find balance.
I live in a religious family, or am a faithful person, how do I know I am not simply possessed?:
Firstly, if you live in a religious household and you are dabbling with otherkinism, for your own sake don't get caught, only in regards to the fact that your family or friends may flip out. Just a fun warning, as it seems to be a common problem for otherkin in religious households to have to suffer with hiding such. Now as for whether or not you are possessed, or if you are under some form of spiritual attack or test, only you can determine such. I have known others, including myself, who have had spiritual companions (Guides) throughout their awakenings, who were deeply supportive and encouraging of faith. I would imagine a demonic entity would be quite the opposite and would strive to push away from a belief in the devine, but that is only my personal experiences. In all honesty only you and your God can know what is within your heart, mind and soul. It is a deeply philosophical question beyond my ability to respond to, it can only be determined by you as an individual.
A prayer tip for reconciling your present existence with the possibility of otherkinism for those who may actively participate in a strict religion or within a belief system that inherently disagrees with the idea of otherkinism.
If you believe in your heart and mind, in your very soul that you are otherkin but fear condemnation, pray to your God or deity and let them know that you still follow them now, as you always have, and that you are but a child, that you must follow your spirit alongside its creator, that you know your God can see into your mind and spirit and know that you mean no disrespect in such actions. That you pray, that if you are in error, that you will be forgiven, and that you trust in a loving deity who can see into your heart, mind, and spirit and know what you are going through and will support you in love and forgiveness. If need be, for further spiritual closure, ask your God in prayer, for some form of confirmation that what you believe of yourself is true or of his/her will, you may be surprised.
I want to relate to otherkin more, or have more dragon stuff, writings art, etcetera, but my family and friends would never accept such, what do I do?:
First, before I begin, a disclaimer, you know best how to go about this, yours and others situations may vary, do what you know is safe or best for you, as always my advice below is just what worked for me and my friends. As I touched upon in earlier tips, most people frown upon you getting too involved in what may be deemed fantasy, childish, sinful or bizarre. But you are probably still going to want to have physical reminders around to help bring you closer to, or help you relate more with what you perceive you were or are on the inside. For this topic, I use dragons, but insert your own kintype as need be. Here is my advice to you, if you cannot have a room with a dragon shrine and be constantly surrounded by dragon paraphernalia, due to parents or social expectations, you still have some options. Number one, digital means, create a secret folder on your computer, phone, media player or whatever is available, get down to www.deviantart.com or Google and find and save all the dragon art that has meaning to you, keep it secret and view it in private when you need a little emotional boost or reminder of who or what you are on the inside. If you are blocked from such sites, do such after school, or visit a public library if nothing else, do an art search at a friends and keep what meaningful pictures you find on a flash drive. And of course, leave no evidence. But beyond that, find someplace in nature that you can call your own, a lair so to speak, a private little natural spot where you can be alone and be yourself, there, you can read whatever books you want, draw whatever you wish, play whatever games you like and generally be yourself free of the criticism of others. No annoyances laughing or complaining about your love of dragons, just you and the nature around you, enjoy. If that is not possible, for example you live in a city or urban area, you always have the privacy of your room, at least I would hope. Save up a few dollars and invest in purchasing a storage chest with a lock, then buy whatever dragon trinkets, literature, art, goodies you wish, and keep them under lock and key when not in use, nobody need know unless you wish it, just don't get caught. Come on, you are probably young if your reading this, ^,=,^ you are smarter then me, the world is yours have fun, be dragon, own dragons, just be sneaky, its never as hard as it seems, think outside the box.
Find your own path, your own truth, and make your own way:
Remember, you are a spiritual being within a physical machine, this world we live in is an adventure, a learning experience, and each new life, each new form is only experienced once, you only get one whack at this life, this world, you could die today, you just don't know. So why waste your life in mendacity? You have your daily dramas and stresses, your problems and negatives, we all do.
The goal is to remember, each new day could be your last. Life on this world is just too short to waste on such petty things, you are here to live, yesterday sucked, why let it ruin today, today may suck, don't let it ruin tomorrow. Happiness is a choice, even in the worst of conditions, life can always improve, let drama and negatives just slide down your back, you must create your reality, your truth, your path. Do not be confined to one road in life, detour and explore the roads less traveled, you'll never know what you will find. If you are an otherkin, you are an alien to this world, never forget that, see and experience this reality through external eyes outside the perspective of humanity, learn and grow with this perspective, find what works for you in this world, make your own way, the truths and beliefs of man may not be your own. You are a visitor to this world truth is subjective, know yourself and never forget who or what you are on the inside. Be strong and take pride in what you are, you only live once, make this life count and do not waste time dwelling on the past, be it that of this life, or another, live for today and create your new reality.
Don't blow off those you disagree with, question, discuss, and learn, we all have different perspectives and experiences, what is right for one, may not be right for others. Take advice, and always be in a state of receptive learning and growth. Lastly, if somebody accuses you of fluff, or ignorance, do not take it as an insult, they had probably experienced the same beliefs or ideas you have now, tried, failed, and matured. We all start off as fluff, question why another may believe such and listen to their stories, not all things are an immediate attack, we speak from experience to teach those who need it. If we came off as rude, its not your fault, we may just be jaded from telling the same stories and lessons. Always question, always remain in a state of personal growth, your maturity or lack thereof, reflects upon us all. Be your best for all of us, as well as for yourself.
So, with all that said, remember always to question all things, research both sides, know yourself, base your beliefs on at least some form of evidence however remote it may be, even if it is just some dreams, visions, phantom sensations, an attraction to the creature(s) in question, in association with said creature(s), emotional longings, spiritual companions, spiritual experiences, perceived memories of another world or life, whatever it may be, but question all of them and have some line of evidence for your beliefs rather then just jumping into these beliefs just because it may be a fad or feel right at the time. As well, be ready for the responsibilities that come accompanying these beliefs, this isn't a game, you either are an otherkin or your not, if you are, it will probably make itself quite noticeable and undeniable, if you are not, that's fine, you can still hang out with us, or whatever you want, but for your own sake, don't try to be something your not, it will only screw you up in the end. If you are otherkin and you know yourself and what you perceive to be true, your fine, this rant is not for you, just be mature about your perceived spirituality and your fine.
person) these otherkin I would hope, quickly mature past that phase when they realize the truth, that such ideas are illogical and a form of escapism. I have also noted that some otherkin, after closer inspection of their beliefs or understandings of themselves may realize in the end, that they had lied to themselves, whether it be their perceived memories or it be their understandings of perceived forms or life. As well, sometimes they may renounce the entire concept of being otherkin in general. As stated above, sometimes people realize that they were wrong or misunderstood their feelings or had false assumptions. It is okay to be wrong, but it is better to learn earlier then later, thus my constant and repetitive insistence to always question yourself and what you understand or believe to be reality, always be honest with yourself. Other then that, most otherkin I have known just hang out with others of their kind or with people of similar beliefs on the Internet, often they go by a spiritual or false name, and are wise enough to avoid drama offline regarding their beliefs, relying on sharing their otherkin perceptions only with follow believers or close friends. They do this not because of a cult mentality, but rather out of a need for social preservation due to the severe social and religious disdain for beliefs so obscure or controversial. Lastly, as stated in other writings in these categories, many of the individuals I have met claiming to be otherkin at times may feel like they are wearing a mask or not being honest with themselves when they go about their mundane or typical daily routines, and wish or desire that they could relate more with their kintype at times. To vent such, as mentioned repetitively in other writings, they network with others of similar beliefs, seek others with similar or open minded beliefs near their area or within their schools, get out to nature often, role-play, write, relax, meditate or generally spend time within their imagination.
What are the warning signs that I may be taking this to far:
Anything that distracts from experiencing a mature or stable lifestyle, if it damages your education, relationships, employment, lands you in jail, or does anything to harm your ability to function normally in society, or overtly upsets your mental or emotional well being you are probably taking this to far. If you use your otherkin faith or perceptions continuously as a form of escapism or means to avoid real life responsibilities or if you truly do believe that you can physically become your kintype or teleport between worlds, or dimensions, (like me a decade ago during my spirit circle experiments) you are probably taking this a bit to far. As well, if you are running around telling everyone you know that you are otherkin and acting irrational of assuming delusions of grandeur because of your beliefs, you are probably taking this a bit to far. Another issue is if you have made up every aspect of your otherkin beliefs or are declaring you are otherkin without the slightest hint of personal exploration or self honesty, then you are probably taking this to far and should rewind and question your perceptions honestly. If your otherkinsism is interfering with your schedules, interpersonal relationships, education or employment, then you need to slow down and focus on what's important for the here and now, prioritize.
Lastly, if you being otherkin is in anyway creating excessive amounts of emotional instability, emotional outbursts of anger, sadness, bi-polar symptoms, or is generally causing an excessive emotional disturbance or intense change in how you would generally react to given situations, you should probably slow down and figure out why such is happening.
will always prevail, you can't call yourself "The Cosmic Banana God" just because you have faith, if you act stupid or are confused, you can expect extreme confrontation, that will be unavoidable no matter how much faith you think you have. When interpreting or laying claim to possible memories there is always the important need to be honest with yourself, as in all things that effect you on a spiritual level. And of course, always remember, the more controversial your perceived memories are, the less likely they are to be accepted, thus the importance to know yourself, as you may be expected to back up your perceived life or memories with the process you went through to come to those perceived conclusions. Overall though, remember that some otherkin may never awaken to any memories, they may simply maintain a deep emotional or spiritual connection or claim to their belief, that is common as well, some people just connect with their form or kintype and nothing more, some may not believe they actually were the forms but rather are connected to them in some other way, or many people may not believe in reincarnation or related spirit beliefs. In this world, there exists a variety of individual beliefs, perceptions and paths, not everyone will have the same experiences. Remember, that lost or no memories do not equate to a lack of proof or legitimacy to being otherkin, it is fine, to all parties both those and those without, it is only a single aspect of who you believe yourself to be, it is not something to spend all your time dwelling on. Overall, to those who have memories as well as those who do not, remember that you are alive today as a human, Remember, Respect, and Revere what you know of your perceived prior existences, learn from, and grow from the experiences you believed you obtained from those incarnations. But in the end, remember to always live for today, as who and what you are now, do not neglect to live this new life because you are to busy dwelling on what may or may not have happened in a past existence, that life is over, you are here now, live this one to its fullest, as it can end at anytime.
and strenuous, as well as difficult to handle, even more so if an individual is not emotionally grounded. In extreme cases, an individual influenced by their perceptions and emotions concerning past life memories might seek to find ways to physically return home, or to physically transform back to their prior form. I was such a person in the beginning, I was homesick and tried to return home through the use of a complex pattern of sticks and symbols placed around a circle of stones mixed with some foolish rituals. In that regard I can speak from experience, it is a desperation move and a form of escapism. We exist in these bodies and lives now, and we are stuck here until are purpose, lives, and time here are fulfilled. As well, if you believe that your prior form had been slain, or otherwise destroyed on a physical level, it is dead and decayed now, there is nothing to return to. That life, that past, that reality is now over, you exist here, make of it the best that you can, and do not waste this life, pining for the last, its not what your past self, or its love ones would want for you today, think of it through that perspective, live for the now, you have another chance in this world to experience what you could not in another. At the same time, in dealing with homesickness for a lost reality, a lost life, I encourage you to reflect upon your past memories with a trick I call the three R's. Revere, Respect, and Remember. Revere the memories and knowledge of what you were, you had experienced a life and existence outside of humanity, that knowledge and perspective is unique. Respect yourself in regards to both that life and who you are today, be strong for who you once were, or what you once existed as, be strong enough to imagine facing your past self in a mirror and not being ashamed of who you are today, live now, in honor of what and whom you once were. And lastly, remember. Remember that the memories you believe you have are sacred reminders of who you are, and who you have been, write them down and update them frequently, so as to never forget that which means so much to you on a spiritual and emotional level, that you are somebody unique and special, and that which you feel you know of your spirit, your memories, are there to lead you and guide you anew in this life, so for that purpose never forget them they are forever a part of you. Overall if you have been an otherkin who has awakened to memories of a nonhuman existence, you will likely be homesick for such memories at one time or another, how you cope with such things is your responsibility, I just provided some advice from my own experiences is all. You as an individual must find your own path and method for dealing with and understanding such things. Good luck, and remember you are never alone, others on line can likely relate so never be afraid to confide in others who may be going through, or have gone through, the same or similar experiences.
I have phantom limbs and crap, is this good or bad, normal or off?:
That is phantom limb syndrome, it is most often experienced by amputee's in that they still feel their missing limb even though it is no longer existent it is believed by some that it means their aura or spirit is maintaining its natural or original form despite the difference on the physical level. Regarding phantom limbs for otherkin, it is assumed ones spirit or aura is taking on the shape or
memory of a non-human form possibly of a past incarnation, it usually is a temporary sensation, relax and go with it. It is quite common to my understanding, I have known others to take on phantom tails, wings, claws, as well as entire phantom forms. Aside from being likely spiritual, it may also be triggered psychologically or emotionally, as there are exercises and meditations out there that can trigger the sensations, unfortunately it is never physical, just phantom changes, if anyone claims that they can pull off a physical change or alteration, demand evidence, as there are a lot of people out there who claim such, but in all honesty nobody can, its just not possible. Myself, in the past I had experimented through a variety of metaphysical means to take on draconic traits, through meditations with the purpose of alteration and extension of the aura, or otherwise simply alternating through other assorted techniques or terminologies regarding the manipulation and restructuring of supposed spiritual energy. In those days I had experienced phantom dragon wings, tail, horns, the works. Many discussions of phantom limbs could be found on many assorted kin communities so I generally accepted such as further proof to my spiritual claim of draconity. However there exists as well an equally viable rational explanation for the sensations which I and others have felt in the past and that is the term known as "placebo" the mind is a powerful tool and it can be tricked to produce sensations and results which are not necessarily real or existent. In so believing or desiring to have these limbs or traits, be it conscious or non, one can trigger the false sensation or a tingling presence of a physically nonexistent form. A popular quote once stated "reality is what doesn't go away when you stop believing in it." more often then not phantom limbs can be a placebo result brought about by the desire or belief that one is meant to be a dragon or some other form, the mind may attempt to produce the sensation of draconic or otherkin aspects to quell the emotional desire. Understand that I have noted through my own personal experimentation that even non-kin can be influenced to duplicate the sensations of phantom limbs with a little work. So take note that there exists both a spiritual and psychological explanation for the sensations. What matters is how it reflects upon you, is it a factor alongside other possible evidences, or is it a solitary trait that appears when you think of a specific form? Overall, it is either the mind playing tricks on us, or an actual reshaping of our personal auras or spiritual forms. Whichever one is chosen to be true for you is up to you and your perceptions, as each individuals experiences will be different, it would have to be considered a matter of faith, all things spirit exist in faith, the choice is yours. Just note however that considering the rational psychology involved in the possible sensations, not everyone will always accept such alone as a spiritual truth or claim to otherkinism.
Draconity, and the superiority complex, king of dragons, dragon god, etcetera, truth or ego?
It is a common trait of some newly awakened otherkin, that they will often portray great arrogance in their claim to otherkinism, tending to assume that, as they were a dragon, or other non-human being, that they are somehow superior, conveniently forgetting that presently they exist in the form of a human now and are no longer as epic or great as they claim they once were. I for example may claim that I being a dragon in human incarnation am superior, with great magic and powers, and that I should be treated as though I were still in that form or at whatever rank or position I had existed as in a prior incarnation. I can claim that I am a dragon, and that by these writings have proven myself a spiritual leader here to lead my people as their Dragon Pope (my new official title!) but that does not make it true. I am neither a dragon lord in human form, nor the Dragon Pope, I am just some dude with a computer. My past has no bearing on who I am today, it frankly cannot even be proven, it relies on faith and my own perceptions. Otherkin or not, I am no different from others, it is my actions and choices that shape who and what I am, and not a belief that I am important because I was something special or unique. As well, it is a common trait, that most newly awakened otherkin tend to take claim to quite heroic or adventurous lives, being related to royalty or having saved their world, if not proclaiming themselves a god incarnate, I myself am not exempt, in my early stages of awakening, I had falsely assumed that I was the savior of a race of peoples and died fending off an invading army, where in truth after an honest look at what I believe to be the memories and remnants of that life, as best as can be perceived by my available evidence, I was actually just a feral dragon, who happened to be murdered quite helplessly after being ambushed in my sleep. In looking closely at what I truly knew versus what I felt and assumed to be true, I learned or admitted that I was not a sentient dragon capable of telepathy and fighting wars as I originally believed and portrayed myself as, but rather I learned they were falsehoods that I had added or assumed based off fantasy and stereotypes, as well as a belief that such a form would be sentient like a human rather then a mere animal, but in the end I learned I was really a boring nomadic wild animal after all. Quite a smack to the epic expectations of my ego, but it was truth nonetheless. What I am getting at here is simple. Do not accept your otherkinism in a way that sets you apart from others in an arrogant manner, you are unique in your beliefs and experiences and that makes you special, but still, it is your actions and choices in this life that matter now, not what happened in the past, and in regards to spirit what you believe today may not be the same tomorrow, and arrogance and assumptions may come back to bite you, move slowly in your beliefs and growth. As for having been an important figure in a prior existence, perhaps you were, or perhaps it is simply your human ego telling you that you were, the only way to know for sure is to be honest with yourself, and not be afraid to accept the fact that possibly you were less then what you first came to believe. Either way, only you can discover the truth of your own soul. Always be honest with yourself, and try not to be a prideful arrogant bastard about your spirituality, you don't make friends that way, know yourself and your own truths
Spiritual aspects of oneself manifesting through artistic expression prior to the manifesting in the heart and mind:
I believe this subject may have been lightly touched upon earlier in another section or on another page, but I will reiterate my statement before to be safe. I believe it is possible for otherkin to portray their spirituality artistically or emotionally in certain traits prior to awakening, in ways such as always drawing dragons, or having a preference towards fantasy books with a dragon hero etcetera, and that in my understanding the spirit may seeks familiarity, it knows what it was or what it wants, even if the human consciousness does not. In that regard, it should not be assumed that you have simply gone off the deep end by going from seeking dragons through expression, to proclaiming yourself one spiritually, rather you have always been one, and traits you portrayed in the past were simply an extension of your inner spirit seeking to reach out to your conscious mind. In short, perhaps you liked dragons, or related with dragons so much, because you were one, and the only difference between the time when you longed for dragons and the present were you may now claim to be have been a dragon, is that you now believe you understand the rationalization for those odd traits where in the past they were just odd habits or desires of yours.
If you feel you were not always human, then of course it will be reinvigorating to take a vacation from the human lifestyle and rest, however briefly it may be, and of course, what works for me, may not always work for you, but give it a try and see.
I believe I have incarnated into many forms, and lives, dragons, dolphins, you name it, am I different?:
For this question, I will simply refer to my speculation of the nature of the spirit from my own draconity page. Let us assume, that all existence, spiritual and non, has resulted through the will of an eternal omnipotent being. As well, let us consider that the energy of this being exists in all forms and mechanisms throughout existence, let us also speculate that through this eternal being, sentience was given to energy in the form of a soul, and physical forms created and evolved to house, teach, and grow these souls. With each physical death the soul would return to the energy of it's creator, compile and learn from its lessons, and return to a new physical form. If such an entity had designed said process, the purpose of life, would likely be for each soul to transition between multiple forms throughout the physical universe, learn of what it means to live, to experience, to love, to die and to repeat in numerous successive journeys. To protect each new individual experience of existing in each new form, it would be considered proper for the soul to have a temporary or spiritual amnesia from other lives while in each new form, so that the experiences and memories of the last life do not conflict with the experiences of the new existence. Similar to how in death, Romans and Greeks would drink from the River Styx and forget their lives. As well, it can easily be considered that as each new forms brain does not have the memory or mechanics of the souls prior form within it, then the entire past or memory cannot carry over.
But what if souls that have progressed through many lives over time gain the power to carry over the knowledge? That the soul can through successive existence's learn to reach out and to teach the present bodies mind its own past? This is the concept of an otherkin awakening, the mind does not have the experiences, but the soul retains such, and with spiritual exercise can, overtime remind the conscious mind of select or emotionally driven events. If this theory is true, then if we can awaken to one form or life, lets say a dragon, why is it not equally possible to have awakened to another even later life, say, a dragon of the opposite gender, or a dolphin, or cat, and so on. If the spirit can have the remnants and traits of one existence, then it is equally possible that it can retain the remnants and traits of multiple others experienced throughout its spiritual evolution. So, yes, it is feasible to have multiple awakenings and not be insane, your first awakening was simply the most dominant or noticeable as it was possibly the most recent shape your spirit had adapted to prior to the one you now have. The spirit is formless and of boundless potential, it feasibly should retain all identities and consciousness's that it has experienced, to learn of other incarnations there is simply a need for a method of spiritual experimentation or meditation to access such aspects or traits of your higher or inner self. At the same time, an important disclaimer, because I'm getting all new-age again, and we don't need that. Always remember to use common sense and a rational inquisitive mindset in dealing with such things, question everything, check psychological alternatives, balance what is in your heart, with what you know in your mind and spirit, use wisdom and strive to back up your claims and feelings, never give in to direct assumption or fall for falsehoods.
Channeling the draconic mind and body, a mental exercise for self affirmation and spiritual growth:
One thing that seems very liberating to do as an otherkin, is to visualize the form of your inner identity overlapping your physical form, similar to the phantom limb phenomena discussed before, but purposeful and self induced. As a mental or spiritual exercise clear your mind, and visualize the form of your association overlapping your human form, with all its minute details, the limbs the traits, a tail if one exists, horns, fur scales, what have you, if it is a different gender then of course visualize the obvious, but overall take on the form imaginary or spiritually and see how it feels. It is an interesting and fun exercise to shift between your physical and spiritual identities, as well, try to get into the mind or instincts of the form, the actions and mannerisms, have fun with it. But just like in all things, this is just a little toy, a spiritual exercise with little to no physical basis, obviously moderation and balance is key, don't go off the deep end or do something stupid in result, stay well and have fun.
don't know what the hell I am talking about or what I am doing, I will just be pointing out what seems like common sense explanations as best as I can determine, I am not an expert, this is all just personal opinion. As I had stated in earlier writings, sometimes otherkin will be visited by what can best be described as sentient external or internal consciousness during the course of their awakenings. Not always, but it happens for some, and occurs either through personal effort to call such entities forth, or by random chance. For the purpose of disclosure, In these writings I may write with a slight bias, as I was once such an individual and have had experience with these types of entities. (or mental states depending.) My guides consisted of a green dragon called, Jafira, and a yellow dragon I called Veltra. I, perceiving myself to have been the reincarnation of a dragon known as Korageth, had simply assumed that Jafira and Veltra were other dragons that I as Korageth had met in life. My own experience with these possible spirit guides is a complicated story best saved for another time. Often times, these supposed guides or spiritual companions will communicate as separate sentient minds, personalities, or thought processes within, but separate from, the individuals own conscious thoughts. Overall these additional consciousness are similar in nature to what are often assumed to be imaginary friends, only these entities are often more useful tending to be self aware and portraying a more mature and useful demeanor. From my own experience they provide a powerful source of assistance, support and companionship to the individual experiencing the phenomena. In regards to the possibility of spiritual guides or companions, the two most obvious alternatives to the spiritual explanation are both quite simple. I would assume that the primary school of thought regarding those of us otherkin who claim to have contact with spiritual companions is that we are in fact falling prey to delusion and simply do indeed have some form of imaginary friends that we have never grown out of. It is easy to pass spiritual guides off as imaginary friends, as much like I stated above, they serve all the purposes and needs that imaginary friends would traditionally be known for, companionship, assistance, moral support, and so forth. Another explanation may be the possibility of multiple dissociative personality disorder, where someone may have created alternate sentient personalities which they can alternate between or communicate and associate with. Both the explanations of multiple dissociative personality disorder, or the imaginary friend theory can potentially be associated with other aspects of otherkinism and the possibility of escapism, be it conscious or subconscious. This has just been a brief look at the two most likely alternatives to the spiritual explanation, As stated earlier I am no expert on this, I just used what seemed like common sense explanations, I am sure there are many more alternatives as well which I have missed, as well I likely have a butchered or skewed understanding of multiple dissociative disorder, perhaps you should check into it to be sure I was not being stupid in my writings. Overall though, I am not here to debunk anything, I just wished to briefly give equal time and balance to both the alternatives as well as the spiritual explanation. We can not be honest with ourselves unless we have at least looked at, or considered both sides of an equation and then determined for ourselves
what is right for us on a personal or individual level. All are entitled to their paths and beliefs. It is up to you, the individual, to consider both sides and choose what is right to your perceptions and beliefs, find your own truth.
(Escapism) - It could be possible, that for some of us, our claim to otherkinism is the result of a
subconscious or conscious need to escape from the pains or responsibilities of this life, that for some of us who have lived harsh existences, or have low faith in humanity, we may simply desire to relate to something other then human. In result we may have created a false reality or belief system to elevate us to a different level. While justifying such actions in spiritual terms, we subconsciously may be striving to relate to another form other then human simply to escape the pains that we experience as humans ourselves.
(Ego) - As well, either consciously or subconsciously, it may simply be our ego's. Some of us may
have formulated our beliefs as a means to combat low self esteem or poor self image, feeling that if we could identify as something more powerful or magical, we could fill a personal void or strengthen our personal self image. For some it may very well just be a power trip, that as we are otherkin, perhaps it gives us a false sense of pride in the idea that we are different and special, we are something magical in a world of mendacity. We are superior because we are not like them who exist in mendacity around us..
(Desire) - For some, perhaps it is just a desire to be something that they relate to. Somebody may see
Draco from Dragonheart, or Saphira from Eragon, and think, I wish I could be a dragon and then through a strong desire to be like that creature, formulate a character or persona of similar design, create a back story and lay claim to the idea that he or she is that character or persona. For some, otherkinism could just be a complex role play identity that has gotten completely out of hand, the subjects, falling into illusions and separating fact from reality while having such ideas negatively reinforced by group think brought on by others following obscure and foolhardy beliefs in irrational and improbable spiritual and philosophical claims.
(Delusion) - As well, for some, otherkinsim could always be the result of emotional and mental
misinformation and false assumptions brought about by their own personal delusions and falsehoods in association to neural, hormonal or chemical imbalances in the brain. Overall there are countless ways for society and psychologists to call our beliefs in otherkinism or being trans-species a mental disorder. The only thing that we can truly do to avoid such social assumptions about us, is to strive to personally rule out escapism, ego, and desire as factors in our beliefs while focusing on the spirit and logic, as we
strive always to be honest and rational in our interpretations of our individual paths. As well, we as otherkin should strive to live in a way that our beliefs do not negatively effect who we are on a social level, striving for maturity while continuing to seek to know ourselves in honesty to our perceptions and spirit. As well, we must always be opened minded to the fact that we could be wrong, the possibility exists, but we cannot dwell on the negatives, all we can do is trust in our spirits and follow our hearts.
But in the end, otherkinism is an improvable subjective perception based on sensations and emotion, it creates a unique and enticing reality, but in the long run, it can be a distraction from this life, a life in a rough and unstable world that must be lived to the fullest. That said, I say, if being otherkin is stressing you out or screwing things up, lay it to rest for a time, stay the course of humanity, the course that you are on, relieve yourself of the trials and dramas of the spirituality and simply relish in the sensations and memories of the past when desires demand. Carry on the associations and friendships made, but move on with life as it is and see where it goes. If things are meant to be otherwise for you, your spirit, the higher self, whatever, by its very nature will make it known in the future. If nothing else, its just good to distance yourself from spirituality and look at things from an external lens for awhile. Many older otherkin have left their spirituality at one point, it was real, and came back to them years later. Many would agree that a skeptical break is healthy, it sets life in perspective. If you are a dragon or whatever, taking a break won't change that, but sometimes life needs your attention in the present, not the past. Reality needs your focus in the now, not on what might have been. So yeah, its healthy to doubt, its healthy to take a break sometimes. Just remember to always remain true to yourself, and if you do such, everything will be as it is meant to be. If you should find in time that you were wrong, it is not the end, you can at least say that you have been through a lot and experienced a different take on things that most others would never have known, its a unique knowledge if nothing else. Regardless of outcome remember to always be true to your spirit!
As said, it is simply perception, I can not state anything metaphysical as fact, it is all relative, just what I as an individual have perceived and experienced. --------------------------------------------------------------In regards to guides and spiritual companions the important thing is, regardless of origin, be it from within or from without, they are here to help us and guide us through this life, and that is what matters most, though we may not always have all the answers. they are here with us on this journey. --------------------------------------------------------------My awakening(s) were sporadic and often times tense, there were many bouts were I would shift between acceptance and denial. There where many occasions in my past when my spiritual beliefs gave me pride and strength, others when they brought me down and to the brink of insanity, there were times in which they helped and times in which they were my greatest threat. --------------------------------------------------------------But as a result of my draconity and unique spirituality in general, I have had and witnessed experiences that most in the mundane side of life would never have experienced or known. Despite the heartaches and mistakes of my past and present, through all the fluff and spiritual self exploration, pain and lessons I would gladly do such again at a moments notice, I shudder to think of what and who I would be if I had not awakened as I had, if I was not at least in mind or spirit, a dragon. --------------------------------------------------------------If you should find yourself in falsehood, hit the reset button, start over from scratch too your earliest evidence of draconity and build upon it slowly, reforming your own personal truths on perceived fact, and do not fear the results no matter how uncomfortable it may be, remember it is important above all else, to seek truth over delusion, and approach with patience and confidence in what you are in your heart and soul. --------------------------------------------------------------When my original draconic beliefs collapsed from advert falsehood, I was devastated, but I slowly rebuilt my belief on a strong basis of what I knew in my heart to be true, it was not as epic or fantastical as my original beliefs, but it was based on the perceived truth in my heart, and I could be confident that no matter what, I knew who and what I was, and that I was a black western dragon, if nothing else, then in spirit. --------------------------------------------------------------"I have observed that someone who may meditate or search within themselves often, would be more likely to connect with a possible spiritual experience, whereas someone who is not spiritually introspective may never awaken to any spiritual influence, or may awaken much later in life after triggering a spiritual connection by chance or external influence." ---------------------------------------------------------------
Through my awakenings and spiritual growth I have met people and learned things I could never possibly have imagined, far from the benign expectations of life in modern society, I have danced with witches, studied under shamans, learned of deity and our creator through unique perspectives, I have had unique pains and trials that most average individuals could not comprehend or would seldom consider, and these have made my life, though tumultuous, incredibly and uniquely awesome. --------------------------------------------------------------"I started working to separate fact from fiction, learned not to make up my draconity as I went, but to rather search myself deeply to best understand my beliefs. Lastly I learned that draconity requires a lot of faith, as unlike other beliefs it is not well accepted by most individuals, it is best to be discerning who you tell. But it is also, as I learned, something that you can not run away from without causing a good extent of pain in the process. The most important thing I learned is that it is a never ending journey of self discovery" --------------------------------------------------------------It is important to visit nature, not for fallacious experiments to return home for our lost love ones and families, nor to return to our perceived true forms before it is time, but rather, to simply remember who and what we are, that we are different, and to know we have a place where we can be different, nature becomes a portal to our homelands not in the physical sense, but rather an emotional and spiritual sense, there, at those locations we are safe from the pains and judgments of this world, if only for a little while, we can be free to be that which we truly are. --------------------------------------------------------------"Remember, not everyone will accept everything, do not cause yourself undue harm needlessly, recall that what is rational to some, will be irrational to others, we each exist in our own reality, study how others may interact and if it will be right for you, speak only that which they should know or will understand, your spirituality is most relevant to yourself, others need not know your deepest truths unless the others are trustworthy or you wish them known." --------------------------------------------------------------Your spiritual identity is not the world, only a single aspect of the greater picture of who you are, do not cling to a life now perished, so much that you miss out on the experiences, joys and lessons of this present life.
Regarding Metaphysics:
During a ritual at 11pm Nov 11th 2003, there was a deafening explosion in the sky above me, I was so shocked it snapped the reality back into me. That is the point, that I humbled myself and matured to respect that I was but a child, we cannot know all that there is to know, we exist to learn, to live, to experience our individual realities, unfettered arrogance and pride will bring only negative results.
--------------------------------------------------------------Rituals in my perception are unnecessary, it is simply a method of focusing intent is all, when working with energy or magick, the importance is the intention, your will for a desired result to occur, rituals are just one of many methods of focusing your intention or will to manifest. --------------------------------------------------------------I have a staff with a crystal on it, the staff contains my energy, I focus my thoughts into it. I can then focus my intention through the staff to obtain a desired effect. The staff itself is just wood and a stone, but it is used as a tool to focus through, hand gestures can work just as easily, so too, a pendant or a ring, an athame, or anything else so long as you can focus your will and intent to obtain the desired effect. --------------------------------------------------------------Remember: real our not, guides; self created or external beings will only remain so long as they are needed, it is the intention for the companionship that keeps their presence strong, with strong doubts they will leave or be drawn back to your spirit, with intent they are strong, the choice is yours. --------------------------------------------------------------Spells, are simply a tool to manifest intent, in the case of spells you are just focusing your intention through words and rhythm. --------------------------------------------------------------Once the door to spirituality and energy work has been opened, it is fairly hard to turn a blind eye and go back to the way things were, all things exist of energy, once one becomes aware of such, one is driven to learn more of it. Thats all I can say really. --------------------------------------------------------------All I can give as advice to you or any others, is to always be honest with your spirituality, question that which you know, have the experience or evidence to back up the basis of your perceptions, never stop exploring your inner self, seek the questions to who and what you are, always seek to know your place, and never cease to learn.
one thing at a time, a little bit at a time, always be patient as what you believe this year may not be what you believe a year from now, don't fear to change your perceptions or admit that you were wrong, but do insure that it is what is true for you, and not what others would want to be true for you. Remember always, meditate, explore, know yourself, and never cease to learn. --------------------------------------------------------------"Though the use of all of your available resources you can become the person you wish to be, through your will and determination you can make all things possible, you can shape your world as you see fit, you can aid others, you can teach others, and you can learn from others. While external forces will work to bring you down, you can always draw strength from inside, and that makes you indefinitely strong against the woes of life. Remember that no matter what may happen, or what had occurred in the past, your companions will always love you, and will always be there to give you strength from within." --------------------------------------------------------------"Cheer up, and realize that pain only exists if you allow it to, by dwelling on the past and the negatives of the present you deny yourself foresight to the positives ahead." --------------------------------------------------------------"Instead of dwelling on what could have been, or what should be, instead focus on what can be, remember that your destiny is not predetermined, but only placed on a path, if you choose to follow that path then you allow for mendacity to rule you, but if you stray off that path and create your own, you then can control your own destiny. Thereby live each day as if it were your last, create your own path in life, seek adventure, ignore pain and find laughter in all things." --------------------------------------------------------------"Nobody simply wakes up with all the answers about themselves and the world around them, by this I mean we have all been confused at one point or another, its only natural." --------------------------------------------------------------"In a church, one has the benefit that everyone has the same core principles and perceptions of reality and belief, but in regards to individual spirituality, it is different, each individual has their own personal perception of what is right for them, sometimes it may conflict with what is right for others, that doesn't mean that either party is wrong, it just means that they are on different spiritual paths, separate journeys." --------------------------------------------------------------"I have learned that, when I'm placed in a situation where my spiritual perceptions are challenged, the best that I can do is state sincerely what I believe and the basis behind it, that every spirit exists on its own journey, and that this is my own, it may not be the same as yours, but we can strive to avoid that which divides us, and embrace that which we have in common."
--------------------------------------------------------------"Most problems are temporary, they only remain because you dwell on them. Live each day anew and leave the past where it belongs, try to always focus on the present and the future, because they are what matter most in the long run. Don't ever be afraid to vent, it doesn't make you weak, only giving up will do that. Through support you will find you are not alone and that others can relate, through example you can learn that there is hope for a better tomorrow." --------------------------------------------------------------"Do not take my words as gospel, people are too quick to seek truth in others, do not believe others so readily, but rather, rely on your heart and own critical thinking to determine what is true or false. First listen to others, then decide for yourself, be both skeptic and open minded, self reliant and true to what you may choose to believe." --------------------------------------------------------------Respect your elders, and avoid fluff, if you don't know ask around, stay true to your perceptions, but do not cling to falsehoods, always be in search of the truth in all things, most adamantly, the truth of your inner being. --------------------------------------------------------------"As a dragon you are unique in mind and spirit, you are special in your beliefs and experience an enhanced view on life, stretch your wings and fly with pride."
"Dragons, masters of the past flying through dreams that will always last, I await that day when they'll return as I awaken to the knowledge which I still must learn." "May the spirit of the dragon Live on in all who believe."
CONCLUSION I hope this guide may have been of some use, it is a work in progress and is subjective, take everything with a grain of salt and work to find your own path. I am always happy to meet new people so if you have something to ask, or just want to chat don't be afraid to contact me. ~Jafira Dragon