Faery Elven Star

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The document discusses the Faerie Star/Elven Star symbol and its connections to Faerie lore and different traditions. It also describes meditations one can do focusing on each point of the star.

The Faerie Star/Elven Star is a seven pointed star that represents a gateway between the human world and the Faerie world. Each point symbolizes a different aspect.

There are seven meditations associated with the Faerie Star, each focusing on a different element or concept represented by the points of the star.

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Faerie or Elven Star
Elves, Faeries, Mythology, Religion | Tags:elf star, elven star, faerie star, fairy star, Heptagram,
mythology, numerology, Septagram

Elven Star
Faerie Star

[originally posted 1987 on geocities; posted on faeid.com from 1991-2000; updated 2/7/2011. Current
home location: http://www.technogypsie.com/faeid/elvenstar.html. ]
Seven Pointed Stars, called Faerie or Elven Stars represent a gift from Faerie to humans to bridge the
understanding between the Mortal human realm and that of Faerieland. The 7 pointed star is known as
a gateway symbol, a Gate or entrance between our world and that of Faery, the Otherworld. Each point
on the star represents a gateway or path of the Higher Self to prepare one for entrance into Faery. It is
also known as a septagram, Heptagram, or 7 pointed star. It is also a representation of those who
believe in Faeries, consider themselves to be Fae, or blessed by the Fae. Originating from Faerie faiths,
alchemy, and ceremonial magickal groups the Faerie Star has been adopted by many old and newer
faiths, including some brands of modern day Witchcraft / Wicca such as the Faerie Tradition, Blue Star
Wicca, many Otherkin groups (especially Elves), The Silver Elves, Faeidism, Aleister Crowleys Order
of the Silver Star, the Pleidians, and some New Age Cults. Its first documented use was in the
Kabbalah, then with Aleister Crowley, the Ordo Templi Orientis as the Star of Babalon, and by
Alchemists to represent the 7 planets and 7 elements of the Universe. Christianity has even used the
star to represent the seven days of creation, to ward off evil, etc. It has been found in the Former
Georgian Coat of Arms (1918-1921; 1991-2004). The Cherokee Nation has incorporated the symbol
into various bands of the Cherokee Nation. Many police entities use the 7 pointed star on their badges,
including the Navajo Nation Police. It is employed in the Flag of Australia having 5 heptagrams and
one pentagram to depict the Southern Cross constellation and the Commonwealth Star.
Faerie Star :


Power, Personal Will, Determination, Prosperity, Justice, the Gate.

Unconditional Love, Wisdom, Growth, Friendship, Healing.
Knowledge, Intelligence, Creativity, Sexuality, Awakening.
Harmony, Tranquility, Blessings, Love.
Powers of Mind and Science, Balance, Dexterity.
Devotion, Honesty, justice, Healing.
Magick, Success, the Gaian Hypothesis.

Meditations on the Seven-Pointed Star
Draw line from 1 to 6 (1 = The Sun (prosperity, justice, the Gate) )
6 to 4 (6 Wind Spirits (justice, healing) )
4 to 2 (4 Magic (Goddess bless, love))
2 to 7 (2 Tree Spirits (friendship and healing) )
7 to 5 (7 Success (Gaian Hypothesis))
5 to 3 (5 the Gateway (balance/entering Faeryland) )
3 to 1 (3 Water Spirits (creativity, sexuality, Awakening) )
Point 1: Meditate on the Sun, the Gateway for peace and prosperity in Elfland. Love & Justice.
Point 2: Meditate upon the Spirits of the Trees. Loving friendship / healing light.
Point 3: Meditate upon our Regenerative Powers and Creative Energy. Spirit of Water.
Point 4: Meditate upon the Gift of Magic. Love is Magic, Magic is Love.
Point 5: Meditate upon the Gateway, Prosperity and Peace for the Passage into Faery. Prosperity.
Point 6: Meditate upon Justice in Faerie Realms. Wind Spirits.
Point 7: Meditate upon success in Extending your Love and Magic to all Life; to Gaia.
According to Azure Green: The 7-pointed star (also called the Fairy or Elven Star) represents the
Pleiadean Star System, known as the Seven Sisters, & was named after the daughters of Atlas &
Pleione. According to Greek mythology, Orion the hunter fell in love with the sisters & their mother. He
pursued them relentlessly for seven years trying to win their affections. Eventually, the god Zeus
intervened & transformed the seven sisters into doves to help them escape from Orions advances. The
doves flew into the sky to become the stars we see today. The word Pleiades in Greek means

doves. This mystical star system has been revered throughout antiquity, & has been called the center
of the Universe, the seat of immortality, & the home of the Divine.
According to Devan of Elvendrums: Over the past few years, the elven star has gained much
popularity among those who believe in faeries, and for us its a symbol of magic, childhood and
whimsy. Each point of the star has a meaning, and stories about the meanings vary depending on the
storyteller. Seven has long been a magical or lucky number, so many like the elven star for its seven
points. There are seven wonders of the ancient world, seven visible colors in a rainbow, seven notes to
a musical scale (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti), and seven levels of heaven. Additionally, there are seven
chakras, or energy centers in the body, and seven days of the week. Seven represents universal balance.
This is illustrated by the symbol for earth, a square with four sides, combined with the trinity,
representing heaven. These are bound together in harmony, forming a seven-pointed star. In an elven
star, this balance is symbolized by three over four, or heaven over earth. For some, the points represent
the seven directions: north, south, east, west, above, below, and within. For others, its the seven
magical elements: earth, air, fire, water, life, light, & magic. Still others say its inner and outer
elements: earth, air, fire, water, heaven, earth and self. (also inspired some of their songs and is the
symbol of their band. see http://www.elvendrums.com/ )
Others have stated that the faerie star is a twist off the five-pointed star in that the pentagram represents
the human race (two legs, two arms, and a head) that the faerie star adds two wings representing the
faerie race. [http://www.faeriestarchakras.webs.com/ ]
According to The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols this star represents the seven
stars called the Pleiades. It represents the number seven. This connects it with the seven days of the
week, the seven pillars of wisdom, seven natural wonders, etc. In the Kabbalah, seven is connected to
the sphere of victory. The symbol was also used by Aleister Crowley as the emblem of his Order of the
Silver Star.
It has also become a symbol of the week, or days of the planets.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weekday_heptagram#Weekdays_named_after_planets called a weekday

The Power of Seven

SEVEN: Is a lucky prime number, a factorial prime, a happy number, and a safe number. It represents
the Seven Colors of the Rainbow Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. It is the
Figurative Number of Seas. Seven is the number of Daughters of Atlas in the Pleiades (aka the Seven
Sisters). It is the number of stellar objects in the solar system visible to the naked Eye The Sun, the
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The number of main stars in the constellations of the
Big Dipper and Orion is seven. The Seven Wise Masters, the Seven Sages of Gree, the Seven Wonders
of the Ancient World, Seven against Thebes, the Seven Emperors of Rome, the Seven Hills of Rome,
the Seven Hills of Constantinople, the Seven Liberal Arts. The Seven Days of Creation in Genesis;
Seven years of plenty and seven years of famine in Pharoahs Dream, Seven days of the week, Seven
Spirits of God in the Book of Revelations; Seven Stars; Seven Seals; Seven Last plagues; Seven Vials
or Bowls; Seven Thunders in Revelations. The Seven virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence,
Kindness, Patience, and Humility. Seven deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and
Pride. The Seven Chakras. The Number of Heavens in Islam; The number of levels of Earth in Islam.
The Number of Archangels. The Number of Ranks in Mithraism. The Seven Lucky Gods in Japanese
Mythology. The Number of Gateways traversed by Inanna during her descent into the Underworld.
Every Seven years the Queen of the Faeries pays a title to Hel in the tale of Tam Lin. Thomas the
Rymer went to the Faerie Kingdom for 7 years. The 7th Glyph of the Mayan Calendar is the Blue Hand
which represents the days in creation and associated with creative perfection this is the glyph of the
last day of their calendar that ends on Dec. 21, 2012. The Pleiades were the seven draughts of the Titan
Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione born on Mount Cyllene: Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno,
Sterope, and Merope. The number of points and meditations associated with the Faerie Star / Elven Star
/ Pleiadian Star: (1) The Sun (prosperity, justice, the gate), (2) Tree Spirits (friendship and healing), (3)
Water Spirits (creativity, sexuality, awakening), (4) magic (blessings of the Goddess, love), (5) the
Gateway (balance, entering Elfland), (6) Wind Spirits (justice, healing), (7) Success (Gaia

consciousness). Magic Number Seven.

written by and 1987-2011 Leaf McGowan (The Faeid Fellowship, Tree Leaves Folk Fellowship,
Technogypsie.com). [originally posted 1987 on geocities; posted on faeid.com from 1991-2000;
updated 2/7/2011] Permission granted to copy, quote, and use information; please quote source.
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This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 at 7:20 am and is filed under Elves, Faeries, Mythology, Religion.
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