7th Sem Questions
7th Sem Questions
7th Sem Questions
link and explain the functioning of each component. (b) What are the limitations of D.C. transmission ? (c) Explain the advantages of H.V.D.C cables over EHV A. C. cables. 2. (a) Explain how the power handling capacity of EHV lines is depend upon the line parameters. (b) what is compensation of EHV A.C. transmission system? Compare different kinds of compensation. 3.(a) what is surge impedance and SIL (surge impedance loading) ? Explain the significance of SIL in power system. (b) what is tuned power line ?Explain how the electrical length of a line can be changed. 4. (a) For travelling waves on a transmission line starting from fundamentals, obtain expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients for voltage and current waves. (b) Explain why a short length of cable is connected between the dead end tower and the terminal apparatus in a station. (c)Define BIL? Explain its significance in power system. 5. Explain the following: (i) FACT concept and application. (ii) Trends in EHV A.C. and D.C. transmission (iii) constitution of EHV A.C. lines 6. (a) Justify the suitability of three-phase full bridge converter for H.V.D.C. application. (b) Explain D.C .filters mentioning the criteria about effectiveness of D.C. filters. 7. (a) Explain the desired feature of constant current control of EHV D.C. system. (b) Briefly explain the different types of faults in EHV D.C. system. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following: (i) Adverse effects of harmonics in H.V.D.C. system (ii) Ignition angle control. (iii) Use of 12 pulse converter in the modern H.V.D.C. system. (iv) Problems associated with EHV A.C. voltage. 9.(a)Discuss the advantages of HVDC over HVAC. (b)Discuss various types of DC links and compare them.
10(a)Discuss the application of HVDC transmission system. (b)Explain various types of AC transmission system and compare them. 11 (a)Explain the principle of operation of STATCOM and draw their characteristics (b)Explain the operation of SVC. How can it be used for improving the voltage profile of transmission lines? 12 (a)Describe the basic principle of Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer (TCPST). Also give its application in power system. (b)Describe the working of any one FACT device to improve the power transfer capability of transmission line. 13 (a)Explain the various types of harmonics in HVDC converters. How can they be eliminated? (b)Explain various types of multi-terminal HVDC systems. Discuss their advantages. 14 (a)Explain various types of converter faults and protection against them. (b)Explain how the power reversal in HVDC lines can be achieved. 15. (a)Draw the complete converter control characteristics in Vd-Id plane. Show how these characteristics will change when the direction of power flow is reversed. (b)Compare the desired features of constant current control and constant extinction angle control of converters. 16 . Draw the diagram of 3-phase, 6-pulse bridge converter used in HVDC transmission. Draw the waveform for 2/3 valve conduction mode of this converter. Assume suitable values of firing angle and overlap angle 17 (a)What are the main causes of voltage surges on overhead transmission lines? Explain how the waveform of a surge is specified. (b)Derive the expression for incident and reflected wave for a long transmission line. 18 . Discuss the effect of junction and termination on propagation of travelling waves.