March 2021
March 2021
March 2021
1.a) Compare HVAC and HVDC system with respect to power transfer capability, length of the
line, and system stability.
b) Describe the typical HVDC bipolar transmission system and mention the function of each
element. [8+7]
2.a) Discuss about the choice of converter configuration for HVDC transmission.
b) Analyze the three-phase full wave 6-pulse bridge converter operation, with the help of neat
circuit diagrams. Draw the steady state ac and dc side voltage and current waveforms.[6+9]
3.a) Give the steady state dc voltage expressions for rectifier and inverter operation and draw
the equivalent circuit representation of HVDC system.
b) Draw the control characteristics of rectifier and inverter operation of HVDC converters and
explain the various regions of converter characteristics. [7+8]
4.a) Derive the relation between the ac side power factor angle and converter firing angle.
b) Explain the strategies employed to meet the steady state reactive power requirements of DC
link converters. [7+8]
5. Explain in detail the sequential method of AC/DC load flow. Give the relevant DC link
modelling and control equations. [15]
6. Explain Simultaneous AC-DC Power flow method. [15]
7. Explain about the schemes employed for over current protection in HVDC link. [15]
8. What are the different types of filters used in HVDC converter station? Explain their
objectives and design aspects. [15]