Mrs. Coffey's Kindergarten: Reading Focus
Mrs. Coffey's Kindergarten: Reading Focus
Mrs. Coffey's Kindergarten: Reading Focus
Coffeys Kindergarten
November 26th, 2012
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Reading Focus:
Upcoming Events/Notes
Field Trip Tuesday12/11 to the Wildnerness Science Center Gingerbread House materials due Monday Dec. 10th (letter went home tonight)
Theme Question: What can I learn when I explore the outdoors? Focus Question of the Week: What weather can I observe each day? Sight Words: his my Nonfiction Text: The World Around You Letters: working on sounds A-Z ( Phonological Awareness: phoneme blending- hearing 3 sounds and blending them together to make a word Fluency Piece: What Is The Weather? (was sent home Monday- focusing on pacing, punctuation marks, fluency, pointing to words as they are read) Vocabulary review: seasons weather Comprehension: fact and opinion Log-on at home: (I am always happy to resend usernames and passwords!) Take Home Book system will start on Monday!! Be watching for your childs brand new book bag with instructions inside.
Math Focus:
Daily Kim Sutton Math drills (we call it Number Party Math) Monday: Monster Squeeze (greater than, less than) Tuesday: Measurement with Objects Wednesday: Pocket Problems Thursday: Number Card Games Friday: Porbability Stories (certain, possible, impossible)
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Classroom Needs!
Mystery readers SNACKS! We are starting to run very low. Helpers for our gingerbead house days (dec. 13/14 in the morning)
writers workshop:
unit: list books We began our study looking at a few mentor texts to show what list books are (simple books with 1-2 words on each page, about the same topic). We wrote a class book called Dogs and then the kids wrote their own! We will peer edit and share next week!
Indian Valley Elementary 11600 Knox Street Overland Park, KS 66210 School Phone: (913) 239-6400 Mrs. Coffeys Room: (913) 239-6471 Mrs. Coffeys E-mail: [email protected] Classroom Blog: