Mrs. Coffey's Kindergarten: Reading Focus
Mrs. Coffey's Kindergarten: Reading Focus
Mrs. Coffey's Kindergarten: Reading Focus
Coffeys Kindergarten
Week of April 15th, 2013
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Reading Focus:
week 4 (science integration) Theme Question: What are living things? Upcoming Focus Question of the Week: How do plants grow and Events/Notes change? Sight Words: he she Fiction/Nonfiction Text: Pepito the Brave and Living It Indian Up! Valley Letters: working on sounds A-Z ( Phonological Awareness: onset and rime (d-og=dog) Literacy Poem for Fluency: A Little Seed Night Tues. Word Families: example: -am family: ham, cam, sam April 23rd 6Vocabulary: review of all: grow living tiny time 7:30 Please Sight Words: Please practice these at home! There are RSVP to premade flashcards on our class site under home Cheryl in resources. the office! Log-on at home: (I am always happy to resend usernames and passwords!) (dinner Daily literacy stations and small leveled reading served!) 913 groups 239 6400 or
cmrooney @bluevalley Mark your Math Focus: Everyday math section 5 calendarsDaily Kim Sutton Math drills (we call it Number Party Art and Math) Writing Fair Monday: no school 5/2 6:30Tuesday: # Grid Search Game 8:30 pm Wednesday: 3D Shapes
Thursday: 3D Shapes continued Friday: Combinations of Addition with dice
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School Newsletter
Chaperones needed for our may 9th field trip to the wilderness science center! Time commitment: 10:15-1:00 Two families have sent in snacks- thank you! Still in need. Mystery readers (12:45-1 any day of the week) We need 23 pinecones for our field trip on may 9th- have any to spare?
writers workshop:
Weather (calendar) Spring (season) Living/nonliving things Butterfly life cycle (what the kids chose for their inquiry project!)- just got our butterfly growing kit in! How plants/animals grow and changegrowing lima beans!
unit: personal narratives We began personal narratives or telling stories this week. The kids got to free write a personal narrative and illustrate. Weve been learning about showing and not telling (using dialogue and descriptive language). You will see these at the Art and Writing Fair! **All Writers Workshop books remain at school until the Art and Writing Fair in the spring and then you get to take them all home! **
Indian Valley Elementary 11600 Knox Street Overland Park, KS 66210 School Phone: (913) 239-6400 Mrs. Coffeys Room: (913) 239-6471 Mrs. Coffeys E-mail: [email protected] Classroom Blog: