Pre-Alg Lesson 1

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Pre-Algebra Lesson 1 Objectives 1. Understand the sets of numbers and be able to name them and organize them 2.

Know what the additive and multiplicative identities are and what theyre good for 3. Know how to place positive and negative numbers on a number line 4. Understand what an absolute value sign is 5. Learn how to add and subtract integers by moving up and down a number line. Materials and Handouts 1. Walking the plank game board 2. Walking the plank dice Time 5 min Homework Pages 3 and 4 of lesson Activity

10 min

10 min

20 min

Warm up: Put the following numbers up on the board-(0),(1/2), (20), (-8), (0.25),(-1.2), (1,500,230), (0.3333),(3.1415926), (3), (2/5), (0.002), (-3). Ask the student what numbers are similar to each other. How can we categorize these numbers? Why would we want to? Discuss warm up and go over sets of numbers: 1. Discuss how the different numbers can be categorized and go over the formal names for sets of numbers: whole, natural, integer, rational and real. 2. Discuss what irrational numbers are and the difference between irrational numbers and rational numbers. 3. Give them a minute or two to try and fill out the venn diagram in the notes section. 4. Have them make note cards for the types of numbers Intro to negative numbers: 1. Were going to start studying types of numbers by discussing negative numbers. 2. Warm up: Write an integer that matches each situation: a. You lose 7 socks in the wash b. You find $9 on the ground c. You take 8 steps forward d. Take 2 steps back e. Go down 5 floors f. You scored 6 points above average g. Its 3 degrees below. 3. Discuss what the point of negative numbers are- they have two functions a. Denoting where numbers are on a spectrum b. Showing direction of movement. 4. Ask them to classify which of the two types each of the situations above represent 5. Have them put the situations on a number line. Discuss representing the points with a point or with an arrow depending on what type of negative number it is. 6. Talk about absolute value and what it means. Go through a few examples Play walking the plank game 1. Play the game with me being the captain once. 2. Write equations for each of our roles describing the rationale behind each symbol. 3. Go through the rules for adding and subtracting negative numbers: a. First number is where you start b. Operation tells which way to face c. Positive and negative sign tells you which way to move d. The second number tells you how many spaces to move.

5 min

4. Go through a few examples of adding and subtracting negative numbers: a. ex1: 5-+2, ex2: 3+-5, ex3: -1++4, ex4: -3--7 Have them go back and summarize the lesson and start the homework

Pre-Algebra Lesson 1

Name:________________ Date:_________

Class Work
Summary of the lesson: When were done with the lesson today, come back to this box and summarize what you learned today in large, clear handwriting so you can easily come back to it. Write down any questions or confusions you have as well.

Warm up for Types of Numbers: Group the numbers written on the board into different categories below.

Vocab: Types of number- Write definitions for the different types of numbers below. 1. Natural Number:_____________________________________________________________ 2. Whole Number:______________________________________________________________ 3. Integer:_____________________________________________________________________ 4. Rational Number:_____________________________________________________________ 5. Real Number:________________________________________________________________ 6. Identity:_____________________________________________________________________ Write in the sets of numbers in the diagram below. Include examples of each type of number in the boxes.

Warm up for negative numbers: Write an integer that matches each situation: a. You lose 7 socks in the wash:___ b. You find $9 on the ground:___ c. You take 8 steps forward:___ d. Take 2 steps back:___ Two types of Negative Numbers: 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Please go back and classify each of the situations from the warm up as type 1 or type 2 negative numbers 4. Please mark the numbers from the warm up on the number line below. Label each mark. e. Go down 5 floors:___ f. You scored 6 points above average:___ g. Its 3 degrees below:___




Vocab: Definition of absolute value

Walking the Plank Game: We will play a simple game dreamt up by a cruel pirate ship captain. . Im the captain, youre my prisoner. I will roll and we keep playing until youre either eaten by sharks or safely back on the boat. I will roll two dice. One will tell you to point your arrow toward the boat or toward the shark. The other die will tell you how many spaces to move forward or backward. Please record your rolls below. Circle according to what was rolled. Well keep playing until youre safe or dead, but you dont need to write it down after 6 rolls Roll 1 Roll
# you start on # you Face Shar k Face Face Boat Face Forward 1 Forward Forward 2 Forward Forward 3 Forward Backward 1 Backward Backward 2 Backward Backward 3 Backward # you end on # you

2 Roll 3 Roll 4 Roll 5 Roll 5

start on # you start on # you start on # you start on # you start on

Shar k Face Shar k Face Shar k Face Shar k Face Shar k

Boat Face Boat Face Boat Face Boat Face Boat

1 Forward 1 Forward 1 Forward 1 Forward 1

2 Forward 2 Forward 2 Forward 2 Forward 2

3 Forward 3 Forward 3 Forward 3 Forward 3

1 Backward 1 Backward 1 Backward 1 Backward 1

2 Backward 2 Backward 2 Backward 2 Backward 2

3 Backward 3 Backward 3 Backward 3 Backward 3

end on # you end on # you end on # you end on # you end on

Writing it in Math: Well write each of your rolls as an addition or subtraction problem. 1. Roll 1 equation: 2. Roll 2 equation: 3. Roll 3 equation: 4. Roll 4 equation: 5. Roll 5 equation: 6. Roll 6 equation:

Rules for adding and subtracting integers using a number line:

Pre-Algebra Lesson 1

Name:_______________ Date:_________

1. Classify the following numbers using the smallest set to which it belongs. For example, 3 is a natural number, a whole number, an integer, a rational number and a real number, but lets just call it a natural number because thats the smallest set it belongs to. a. 4 c. e. g.


d. 0



2. State whether the following statements are true or false. a. If the number is a whole number, then its also a real number:____ b. If the number is an integer, then its also a natural number:____ c. Zero is a natural number:___ d. If the number is a rational number, then its also a real number:____ e. If the number is a natural number, then its also a rational number:____

3. Give an integer to represent each quantity, then in the space provided, determine if it represents a position in relationship to a fixed point (write position) or a direction of movement (write direction) a. I spent $16 dollars on earmuffs for my cat: ___/___________ b. I climbed a huge hill the other day reaching an elevation of 900 feet above sea level: ____/___________ c. For every 7 steps I take forward, I take 3 steps backward: ___/___________ d. He fell down two stories: ___/___________ e. I scored 15 points above average:____/__________ f. We have 10 seconds left before takeoff:___/___________

4. Please organize the numbers below from least to greatest. Then mark them on the number line. a. -5, -2, 6, -7, 0.5
-10 -5 0 5 10


|| |




5. Simplify each expression. a. | | | | b. 6. Challenge a. Is it true that | | | | |

c. | | d.

| |

e. The absolute value of -9= f. The absolute value of 6=

| Try some numbers (both negative and positive for

and .

b. Is it true that | |

| |

7. Find the answer to the addition or subtraction problems using a number line and arrows. Heres a number line for you to use. You may mark it however you wish. You may want to make paper arrows for yourself. Remember: When no sign is indicated, it means the number is positive.







-10 -5 0

5 10









8. Compare the two numbers by using a


in the box to indicate if the answer to the problem

on the left is greater than, less than or equal to the answer to the problem on the right. | | a. c. e.




9. Calculate answers to the following problems, then explain any patterns you notice: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

10. When you do two different things using the same numbers and arrive at the same answer, we call these two different things equivalent operations. What equivalent operations did you notice up above?

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