Travel Policy
Travel Policy
Travel Policy
needs. This shall enable employees to conduct business in an efficient and effective manner. To ensure the expenses are cost effective and shall also economical in optimizing the productivity. Scope: This policy covers expenses and entitlements of employees who travel on companys business, or deputed to attend lectures / conferences / workshops /training programs within India. This policy shall highlight on the entitlements during domestic travel. viz; a) b) c) d) Mode and class of travel Accommodation Food and Other expenses Local conveyance
Eligibility: This shall be aplicable to the all employee of Dinoct Inc a) Mode and class of travel: All the employee's in the organization can either travel by 2nd class AC train or in economic class (Flight) All the official travel expense for business will be reimbursed upon the submission of valid documents.
b) Accommodation: All the journeys should be made prior to the business day, so that employee's can reach the destination hassle free and have necessary time to refresh and then attend the seminar or conference. While entering the hotel employee should make an inquiry about the exit time and the billing process of the hotel. All the employe's who are on business trip should vacate the room once the schedule is over, I;e when an employee is attending the business meet on 3rd and 4th of October, employee should vacate the room prior to the next day billing.
c)Food and other expense: the food and other expense during the business trip will be incurred by the organization. Advance payment will be paid to the employee before the travel commence . All the employee's are advise to submit the valid bill upon the arrival to the office after the business travel. d) Local Conveyance: Employee's are advised to use the most effective way of transportation for local business need. All the employees are encouraged to use their own vehicle and the reimbursement will be done accordingly. Employees are also encouraged to travel by public transport, which is the most cost effective means of trasportation.