BIG JAVA 4th - Edition (WWW - Akachopa.blogspot - Com) - 0249
BIG JAVA 4th - Edition (WWW - Akachopa.blogspot - Com) - 0249
BIG JAVA 4th - Edition (WWW - Akachopa.blogspot - Com) - 0249
Rewrite this code to eliminate the explicit true and false values, by setting xInside and yInside to the values of Boolean expressions.
T T R5.25 Give a set of test cases for the earthquake program in Section 5.3.1. Ensure coverage
of all branches.
R5.26 Give an example of a boundary test case for the earthquake program in Section
Programming Exercises
P5.1 Write a program that prints all real solutions to the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0. Read in a, b, c and use the quadratic formula. If the discriminant b2 4ac is negative, display a message stating that there are no real solutions. Implement a class QuadraticEquation whose constructor receives the coefcients a, b, c of the quadratic equation. Supply methods getSolution1 and getSolution2 that get the solutions, using the quadratic formula, or 0 if no solution exists. The getSolution1 method should return the smaller of the two solutions. Supply a method
boolean hasSolutions()
shorthand notation:
A 2 ... 10 J Q K D H S C
Ace Card values Jack Queen King Diamonds Hearts Spades Clubs
Your program should print the full description of the card. For example,
Enter the card notation: 4S Four of spades
Implement a class Card whose constructor takes the card notation string and whose getDescription method returns a description of the card. If the notation string is not in the correct format, the getDescription method should return the string "Unknown".
P5.3 Write a program that reads in three oating-point numbers and prints the three
P5.4 Write a program that translates a letter grade into a number grade. Letter grades are
A B C D F, possibly followed by + or -. Their numeric values are 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0. There is no F+ or F-. A + increases the numeric value by 0.3, a - decreases it by 0.3. However, an A+ has the value 4.0. All other inputs have value 1. Enter a letter grade: BNumeric value: 2.7.
the number 2.8 (which might have been the average of several grades) would be converted to B-. Break ties in favor of the better grade; for example, 2.85 should be a B. Any value 4.15 should be an A+. Use a class Grade with a method getLetterGrade.
P5.6 Write a program that reads in three strings and prints them in lexicographically
sorted order:
Please enter three strings: Tom Dick Harry The inputs in sorted order are: Dick Harry Tom
P5.7 Change the implementation of the getTax method in the TaxReturn class, by setting a
variable rate1Limit, depending on the marital status. Then have a single formula that computes the tax, depending on the income and the limit. Verify that your results are identical to that of the TaxReturn class in this chapter.
1 percent on the rst $50,000. 2 percent on the amount over $50,000 up to $75,000. 3 percent on the amount over $75,000 up to $100,000. 4 percent on the amount over $100,000 up to $250,000. 5 percent on the amount over $250,000 up to $500,000. 6 percent on the amount over $500,000. There was no separate schedule for single or married taxpayers. Write a program that computes the income tax according to this schedule.
P5.9 Write a program that prompts for the day and month of the users birthday and
Each fortune should contain the name of the astrological sign. (You will nd the names and date ranges of the signs at a distressingly large number of sites on the Internet.)
P5.10 When two points in time are compared, each given as hours (in military time, rang-
ing from 0 and 23) and minutes, the following pseudocode determines which comes rst.
If hour1 < hour2 time1 comes first. Else if hour1 and hour2 are the same If minute1 < minute2 time1 comes first. Else if minute1 and minute2 are the same time1 and time2 are the same. Else time2 comes first. Else time2 comes first.
Write a program that prompts the user for two points in time and prints the time that comes rst, then the other time.
P5.11 The following algorithm yields the season (Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter) for a
Write a program that prompts the user for a month and day and then prints the season, as determined by this algorithm.
P5.12 A year with 366 days is called a leap year. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4
(for example, 1980). However, since the introduction of the Gregorian calendar on October 15, 1582, a year is not a leap year if it is divisible by 100 (for example, 1900); however, it is a leap year if it is divisible by 400 (for example, 2000). Write a program that asks the user for a year and computes whether that year is a leap year. Implement a class Year with a predicate method boolean isLeapYear().
P5.13 Write a program that asks the user to enter a month (1 = January, 2 = February, and
so on) and then prints the number of days of the month. For February, print 28 days.
Enter a month (1-12): 5 31 days
Implement a class Month with a method int getDays(). Do not use a separate if or else statement for each month. Use Boolean operators.
P5.14 Write a program that reads in two oating-point numbers and tests (a) whether
they are the same when rounded to two decimal places and (b) whether they differ by less than 0.01. Here are two sample runs.
Enter two floating-point numbers: 2.0 1.99998 They are the same when rounded to two decimal places. They differ by less than 0.01. Enter two floating-point numbers: 0.999 0.991 They are different when rounded to two decimal places. They differ by less than 0.01.
Rejecting negative amounts in the deposit and withdraw methods Rejecting withdrawals that would result in a negative balance
P5.16 Write a program that reads in the hourly wage of an employee. Then ask how many
hours the employee worked in the past week. Be sure to accept fractional hours. Compute the pay. Any overtime work (over 40 hours per week) is paid at 150 percent of the regular wage. Solve this problem by implementing a class Paycheck.
P5.17 Write a unit conversion program that asks users to identify the
unit from which they want to convert and the unit to which they want to convert. Legal units are in, ft, mi, mm, cm, m, and km. Declare two objects of a class UnitConverter that convert between meters and a given unit.
Convert from: in Convert to: mm Value: 10 10 in = 254 mm
by giving a point (x, y) and a slope m by giving two points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) as an equation in slope-intercept form y = mx + b as an equation x = a if the line is vertical Implement a class Line with four constructors, corresponding to the four cases above. Implement methods
boolean intersects(Line other) boolean equals(Line other) boolean isParallel(Line other)
P5.19 Write a program that draws a circle with radius 100 and center (200, 200). Ask the
user to specify the x- and y-coordinates of a point. Draw the point as a small circle. If the point lies inside the circle, color the small circle green. Otherwise, color it red. In your exercise, declare a class Circle and a method boolean isInside(Point2D.Double p).
G P5.20 Write a graphics program that asks the user to specify the radii of two circles. The
rst circle has center (100, 200), and the second circle has center (200, 100). Draw the circles. If they intersect, then color both circles green. Otherwise, color them red. Hint: Compute the distance between the centers and compare it to the radii. Your program should draw nothing if the user enters a negative radius. In your exercise, declare a class Circle and a method boolean intersects(Circle other).
Programming Projects
Project 5.1 Implement a combination lock class. A combination lock has a dial with 26 posi-
tions labeled A . . . Z. The dial needs to be set three times. If it is set to the correct combination, the lock can be opened. When the lock is closed again, the combination can be entered again. If a user sets the dial more than three times, the last three settings determine whether the lock can be opened. An important part of this exercise is to implement a suitable interface for the CombinationLock class.
Project 5.2 Get the instructions for last years form 1040 from Find
the tax brackets that were used last year for all categories of taxpayers (single, married ling jointly, married ling separately, and head of household). Write a program that computes taxes following that schedule. Ignore deductions, exemptions, and credits. Simply apply the tax rate to the income.