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Questions and Answers Document

COD Basics: Resolving Issues with Title IV Grants

May 15-17, 2007

The table below contains all of the questions received during the May 15-17, 2007 COD Basics:
Resolving Issues with Title IV Grants webinar. Each question’s answer is provided as well. The
questions are grouped in the following categories:
• COD Web Site Access
• Reports
• COD Processing
• Other
In addition to this Questions and Answers Document, the webinar materials are available at
Note: This is a very large file and will take some time to download.
If you have any questions about the Questions and Answers Document or about the webinar
materials, contact the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) School Relations Center at
800/4PGRANT (800/474-7268). You may also e-mail [email protected].



1. Would a software provider need third While many third party servicers have access to the
party servicer access granted by a client COD Web site ( on behalf of their
school to view their student data? client schools, few software providers need access to
student and school data in the COD System. A
software provider that serves as a school’s third party
servicer is an exception to this general rule.

2. Is it possible for schools and third party Both a school and its third party servicer can have
to have joint access to COD, or is it access to the COD System. The school and its third
“either/or”? party servicer would request access to the COD Web
site individually and, once established, maintain that
access individually.
For more information about how to become a COD
Web Site user, click on “Click here if you want more
information about COD” on the COD Web Site
welcome screen and then select one of the following
• “COD Web Site Access for Schools”
• “COD Web Site Access for Third Party
• “COD Web Site User Role Chart”

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3. Where does the COD security A COD security administrator uses the COD Web
administrator go to change my “rights”? site’s Update User Profile screen (accessed by logging
in to the COD Web site and clicking on the User link
on the blue bar at the top of the screen) to enter and
update information for COD Web site users at his or
her school or organization. One of the fields (User
Role) that the security administrator can update is
associated with the rights a user has on the COD Web

4. I have access to COD, but not COD Provided that the appropriate COD Web site rights
reports. So there are separate logins? have been assigned to a user by his or her security
administrator, the user ID and password allow the user
to access his or her school’s reports. To access reports
in a school’s Newsbox, log in to the COD Web site,
click on the Services link on the blue bar at the top of
the screen, and then select the Reports option.

5. How do you receive access to the COD As explained in Q&A #4, a registered COD Web site
reports? I don't have a username and user with the appropriate rights is able to access
password. reports via the COD Web site.
For more information about how to become a COD
Web Site user, click on “Click here if you want more
information about COD” on the COD Web Site
welcome screen and then select one of the following
• “COD Web Site Access for Schools”
• “COD Web Site Access for Third Party
• “COD Web Site User Role Chart”
Note: Federal Student Aid recently implemented new
system functionality that allows a COD Web site user
to reset and unlock his or her password. For more
information, refer to the June 15, 2007 Electronic
Announcement posted on the Information for
Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site.

6. If I recall correctly, when I click on the As explained in Q&A #4, a registered COD Web site
COD reports link it says I don't have user with the appropriate rights is able to access
access to the reports. Is there something reports via the COD Web site. If a user has confirmed
my security administrator needs to do? with his or her security administrator that the
appropriate rights have been assigned and he or she
still cannot access reports, the user should contact the
COD School Relations Center to report the issue.

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7. I am the security administrator. Shouldn't Yes. A security administrator should be able to access
I have access to the reports? reports via the COD Web site, as explained in Q&A
#4. If a security administrator cannot access reports,
he or she should contact the COD School Relations
Center to report the issue.

8. When I click on the COD reports link Assuming that a COD Web site user has the
from the Services tab on the COD Web appropriate rights to access reports via the COD Web
site, nothing happens. site, this situation may mean that the pop-up blocker
feature is turned on. The user should check his or her
browser settings and ensure that pop-ups are allowed.


9. Is it possible to get a report of Each rejected disbursement will be indicated in the

disbursements that are still rejected? response file sent to a school’s Student Aid Internet
Gateway (SAIG) mailbox, and the school can view
pending disbursements in its action queue. However,
there is no COD report that lists current/past rejected
Most software applications provide the ability to run a
report on a school’s system data and query for rejected
disbursements. As well, a school can request a
Year-To-Date (YTD) Record. The YTD Record
contains detailed origination, disbursement, and
summary information at a transaction level and is
available for each grant program.
Upon import of a YTD Record, a school can compare
the COD-accepted disbursement information
contained in the YTD Record to the accepted and
rejected disbursement information in the school’s
system. Through this comparison the school will be
able to identify disbursements in its system that have
not yet been accepted by the COD System.
For complete information about the YTD Record,
refer to Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

10. Is there a report you can request for a A school can request a YTD Record for one student.
single student that will show refunds This report will reflect upward and downward
made and when? adjustment activity for each disbursement.
For complete information about the YTD Record,
refer to Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

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11. Is there a charge to request a No. All reports posted in a school’s Newsbox on the
Year-To-Date Record? COD Web site and all reports sent to a school's SAIG
mailbox are free of charge. This includes the YTD
For complete information about the YTD Record,
refer to Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

12. Is the Year-To-Date Record per award The YTD Record is populated with award year data
year or calendar year? for the award year identified in a school’s data request.
For complete information about the YTD Record,
refer to Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

13. Does the Reconciliation Report now The Reconciliation Report is a student summary of
contain ACG and SMART information as processed records for a specific grant program and a
well as Pell? Did the file name change? specific award year. There is now a separate
Reconciliation Report for each of the three grant
programs—Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG),
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain
Talent Grant (National SMART Grant), and Federal
Pell Grant (Pell Grant). There is no version of the
Reconciliation Report that combines information for
multiple grant programs in the same report.
For complete information about the Reconciliation
Report, refer to Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-
2008 COD Technical Reference.

14. Do you get a concurrent enrollment on The COD System generates a Multiple Reporting
origination records or just disbursements? Record (MRR) when there is a concurrent enrollment
situation or a Potential Overaward Process (POP)
situation. These system-generated MRRs are initiated
on the basis of reported disbursements.
A school can, however, submit a data request based on
all of the school’s originations, a specific origination,
all of the school’s disbursements, or a specific
disbursement for the specified award year. The school
can submit this MRR request via COD Web batch data
request, school software batch data request, or by
contacting the COD School Relations Center.
For complete information about the MRR, refer to
Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

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15. If we receive a concurrent enrollment A COD System-generated MRR for a concurrent

report and the enrollment date is within enrollment situation is a “heads-up” that a school may
30 days for both schools and one have a student who is enrolled at another school for
disburses in the fall and not in the spring, what may be the same period of enrollment. In the
but the other disburses in the spring but case specified, nothing has to be done if the student
not in the fall; should the school that will not receive ACG, National SMART Grant, or Pell
disburses in spring, but not fall, adjust Grant funds from both schools for the same period of
their enrollment date? enrollment. However, the school that will disburse
funds in the spring will need to ensure 1) that there are
Would this take care of the problem, or is
no more disbursements from the first school and
there something else that should be done?
2) that the student will not exceed 100% of his/her
scheduled award.
For complete information about the MRR, refer to
Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

16. What is the definition of the Pell POP A POP situation occurs when disbursement activity for
report, and what is its purpose? a student exceeds 100% of the student’s eligibility for
an award year. The weekly Pell POP Report lists a
school’s students who have entered a POP situation as
well as students whose POP situations has been
resolved during that reporting period. The report
provides student identification information and name
and contact information for the other school or schools
involved in the POP situation.
For complete information about the Pell POP Report,
refer to Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

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17. I receive POP reports, but when I try to Federal Student Aid expects affected schools to work
contact the other schools involved and together during a 30-day period to resolve a POP
they do not respond what can I do? One situation. However, if the affected schools cannot
school is in Puerto Rico, and I do not work out the POP situation within 30 days, the COD
know what to do to get them to help me. System will reduce to zero ($0.00) all of the student’s
disbursements for the award year at all schools.
After all disbursements have been reduced to zero
($0.00), an affected school that has been unsuccessful
in working with the other affected school or schools
can resubmit its disbursement or disbursements to the
COD System. If additional disbursements are
submitted by the other affected school or schools and
the total amount exceeds 100% of the student’s
eligibility for the award year, another POP situation
will occur. In this case, any of the affected schools
can contact the COD School Relations Center to
request Federal Student Aid assistance in resolving the
POP situation.

18. I have a POP, but the total amount As explained in Q&A #16, a POP situation occurs
disbursed is not over the student’s limit when disbursement activity for a student exceeds
amount. Is this student okay? At our 100% of the student’s eligibility for an award year.
school they got 70%, and at the other The overage may be as little as a few cents.
school 30%. But, we still have a POP.
To ensure that a school has the most current data
relative to a POP situation, the school should check
the disbursement information for the affected student
in the COD System. After checking the COD System,
a school that believes a POP situation should not exist
may contact the COD School Relations Center for

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19. Our school is only getting POPs, not As explained in Q&A #14, the COD System generates
Concurrent Enrollments. When I called an MRR when there is a concurrent enrollment
COD, they said they no longer send situation or a POP situation. These system-generated
Concurrent Enrollment PGMRs... only MRRs are initiated on the basis of reported
POPs. What is the real process? disbursements.
• In a concurrent enrollment situation, more than
one school has reported disbursements for what
may be the same period of enrollment, but the
disbursements do not exceed 100% of the
student’s eligibility for an award year. In this
case, the MRR is a “heads-up” for the school.
• In a POP situation, more than one school has
reported disbursements for what may be the same
period of enrollment, and the disbursements do
exceed 100% of the student’s eligibility for an
award year. In this case, the MRR is a notice that
the school must work with the other affected
school or schools to resolve the situation.
A school may not always receive an MRR for a
concurrent enrollment situation prior to receiving an
MRR for a POP situation. This is completely
dependent on disbursement reporting by the affected
For complete information about the MRR, refer to
Volume VI, Section 8 of the 2007-2008 COD
Technical Reference.

20. Regarding MRR/POP... we sometimes Any time a POP situation occurs, the COD System
have a student on the POP report that we automatically generates and sends an MRR to all
did not receive an MRR for. Can you affected schools. If a school’s Pell POP Report lists
explain what causes that scenario? students for whom the school has not received an
MRR notification, the school should contact the COD
School Relations Center to report the issue.

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21. Where are the responses sent? The COD Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Common Record is transmitted to the COD System by
a school or third party servicer. The COD System will
send one of two types of acknowledgements to the
school’s or third party servicer’s SAIG mailbox.
These acknowledgements are receipts and responses.
• A receipt informs the school or third party
servicer that the COD System received a
common record document sent by the school
to the COD System.
• A response informs the school or third party
servicer that the data in a common record
document has been processed by the COD
System and provides the processing status of
that data.
Both receipts and responses can be imported by the
school or third party servicer.

22. I am having a problem getting my The answer to this question depends on how
batches from my system to EDconnect. EDconnect is tied to a school’s processing software
What are those steps exactly? application. If the school is using EDExpress
software, settings are available to have all exported
data go directly to an export queue in EDconnect. If
the school uses another processing application, it
should contact its software provider or IT Department
for guidance.

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23. So it doesn't matter that there was a When a school submits disbursement information to
disbursement sequence 1 and 2? You can the COD System, it provides the date and amount of a
submit a disbursement sequence 3 to payment on a student’s award. The COD System will
collect total payment? accept and process disbursements for ACG, National
SMART Grant, and Pell Grant awards out of order.
As an example, if a school submits disbursement
number 2 before disbursement number 1 for an ACG
award, the COD System will accept and process
disbursement number 2.
Each disbursement submitted to the COD System
includes a disbursement sequence number. The
purpose of the sequence number is to identify an
action that has been taken on the disbursement.
Accordingly, sequence numbers must be assigned in
order (i.e., first 1, then 2, then 3, etc.). As an example,
if a school must subsequently reduce the amount of an
established disbursement number 1/sequence number
1 for a National SMART Grant award, it would submit
disbursement number 1/sequence number 2 with the
reduced disbursement amount.
In the case specified, the COD System has previously
accepted disbursement actions identified by sequence
numbers 1 and 2 for a specific disbursement.
Accordingly, if the school submits a sequence number
3 for that disbursement that changes the disbursement
amount to the full grant amount, it would be accepted
by the COD System. Of course, this answer assumes
that the change in the disbursement amount complies
with all applicable Federal regulations.
Note: The acceptance of disbursements out of order is
different for William D. Ford Federal Direct (Direct
Loan) awards. A school would also need to send the
first disbursement flag set to true when a disbursement
other than disbursement number 1 is to be the first

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24. Where can I get information on how to Currently, there is a COD Computer-Based Training
use the Web instead of batch processing? (CBT) available on the IFAP Web site that provides
basic instruction on how to use the COD Web site. A
school may also contact the COD School Relations
Center for assistance. A Customer Service
Representative (CSR) can walk the school through the
process of entering data online, including cautioning
the school on what to do and what not to do online.
1. Some processing software applications used by
schools do not import the Web-generated
responses created by the COD System, and a
school may run the risk of its database not
agreeing with the COD database. For this reason,
a school should first communicate with its
software provider or IT Department before
contacting the COD School Relations Center.
2. In fall 2007, Federal Student Aid plans to provide
a new and updated COD CBT product that will
reflect the ACG, National SMART Grant, Pell
Grant, and Direct Loan programs. The updated
COD CBT will be posted on the IFAP Web site.

25. If a student's record is flagged with an A school will receive an edit code reject # for each
edit code reject, where should I look to reject in a response. If the school looks up the student
find this code? in the response file and clicks on the rejected data,
each error will be displayed. The number, the field or
tag in error, the edit code reject #, and the
corresponding edit code reject text explanation will be
All COD edit codes, including reject codes, are
available in Volume II, Section 4 of the 2007-2008
COD Technical Reference. COD edit codes are also
available on the COD Web site by clicking on the
Help link after logging in, selecting the appropriate
award year, and then clicking on the blue hyperlink
Edit/Comment Codes.

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26. What types of warnings would we All COD edit codes, including warning codes, are
receive? available in Volume II, Section 4 of the COD
Technical Reference. COD edit codes are also
available on the COD Web site by clicking on the
Help link after logging in, selecting the appropriate
award year, and then clicking on the blue hyperlink
Edit/Comment Codes.
Of particular note, a school will receive a warning edit
when it submits a disbursement to the COD System
more than 30 days after the actual date of
disbursement. In this case, the data will be accepted.
However, the edit informs the school that it should
submit disbursement information to the COD System
no later than 30 days after making an actual
disbursement or becoming aware of the need to adjust
a student’s previously reported disbursement.

27. Is the Web response something you load A Web response can serve the same purpose as a
into your system, or do you get the response sent for an incoming batch. It is generated
response in your regular response file? after a Web event takes place and sent to a school or
third party servicer. The school or third party servicer
can import the Web response, and it will update the
school's database. However, the following conditions
must be satisfied:
1. The school must select the receipt of Web-
generated responses option in its setup on the
COD Web site.
2. The school must ensure that its software is
capable of importing a Web-generated response
and using it to update the information.
A school should contact the COD School Relations
Center for assistance in verifying that it is set up
correctly on the COD Web site. To ensure the school’s
import and use of Web-generated responses, the
school should contact its software provider or IT


28. What does “COD” stand for? “COD” stands for Common Origination and
Disbursement. This system took the place of the
Recipient Financial Management System or RFMS
(for Pell Grant processing) and the Loan Origination
System or LOS ( for Direct Loan processing).

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29. Do I use COD to access my SSCR files? No. The Student Status Confirmation Report (SSCR)
file is used to submit information to the National
Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), not the COD

30. How do you find out who your COD A school can contact the COD School Relations
primary Customer Service Representative Center to find out the name of its primary Customer
(CSR) is? Service Representative (CSR).

31. Will there be a similar training session Federal Student Aid plans to offer a similar session for
for Direct Loans? Direct Loans as well as a more advanced COD
processing and reconciliation session in the future.
Training Announcements about these upcoming
sessions will be posted on the IFAP Web site.

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