Frequently Asked Questions On E-Procurement: General
Frequently Asked Questions On E-Procurement: General
Frequently Asked Questions On E-Procurement: General
eProcurement System is a process of procuring the items electronically using internet. This facility
drastically reduces the tendering cycle time and reduces most of the indirect costs and enhances
transparency in procurement.
2. What are the requirements of the client machine to access the e-Procurement site ?
To access the eProcurement system, you need a computer system with Pentium IV configuration and
above and an internet connection. It is recommended that the connection can be a dedicated connection
for smooth operation of the system.The Browser should be Java enabled. ( Mozilla Firefox / Google
Chrome / Internet Explorer)The driver for the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is to be installed in
the system once. The drivers are provided by the DSC providers along with DSC ( in CD or can be
downloaded).Java Runtime Environment (JRE) should be installed in the client system. This can be
downloaded from the download links of the eProcurement System.You may kindly note that, the client
system should have administrator privilege to install the DSC drivers and JRE.
You can use your account anywhere in the world with the above mentioned configuration (as in S. no.2
). You need to carry your DSC with you.
4. What is the default Date and Time format used in the System ?
The Default date time format is Indian Standard Time (IST), Which is (GMT +5:30). The format used
is DD-Mon-YYYY HH:Mi AM/PM. This standard convention is followed in all the pages.
5. What are the basic features available in this Procurement Portal as a general user ?
The users can use the link 'Latest Active Tenders' available in the Home Page of this portal, to see all
the tenders hosted on this Portal and download the Tender Schedule free of cost.The link 'Tenders by
Closing Date' gives the facility to view the Tenders which are closing Today or closing within next 7
days or closing within next 14 days.The link Corrigendum lists all the corrigenda published for the
related Tenders.The site also provides facility to search for tenders on various parameters such as
Tenders based on value, department, product category, etc.
6. Should I have any Anti Virus software in my client system ?
All are advised to install and keep an update of the signatures of the Antivirus. Bids with virus infected
files are likely to be rejected by the eProcurement Portal.
7. Many documents have to be uploaded as PDF document. Sometimes, it is seen that Autocad
drawings are required to be uploaded. Can I have some software for creating / viewing these
documents ?
In the Home Page, under the downloads link, links for the software that are required for working with
the application are given. These links point to the Open Source software and hence no licensing is
required for using any of these software. Few of the links include Open Office, Adobe Reader, PDF
Creator, DWF Viewer etc.,DWF viewer can be used to view the Autocad documents which are
uploaded in DWF format.
8. I have uploaded the documents after digitally signing all the documents. Should I submit
paper documents ink signed and submit to the TIA office ?
No. As per the IT ACT 2000, the Digitally signed document is as good as paper document for all legal
purposes. Hence, there is no need to submit all the documents physically. However, when the physical
documents are requested for cross checking purposes, the same need to be produced for verification.
However, In the case of offline payment instruments, the physical documents need to be submitted
before the bid opening event.
9. Whether Can I Upload BoQ with Currencies other than Indian Rupees ?
Yes. There is a separate BoQ for facilitating BoQ with International Currencies. The same is to be used
while creating the BoQ. As on date, six currencies are allowed and each bidder can submit his bid with
any one of the 6 foreign currencies of his choice. The rates as applicable on the date of opening will be
used for comparative purposes. The system will give the indicative rates on the dates of opening and
TIA has the option to override the system defined rates.
Online Enrollment
1. How do I get enrolled in the eProcurement Portal ?
Online enrollment for eProcurement is very simple as a bidder. Go to Tenders Home Page Click on
Online Bidder Enrollment link and just fill up the registration form online. On successful submission,
the registered login id can be used to login. Then login again and map your Digital Signature
certificate with your account, which completes the online enrollment process.
NIC does not charge the Bidders for enrollment. The same is dependent on the Organisation
policy.Please check with the organisation.
Your enrollment is valid as long as your business exists. However upon expiry of your Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC), you have to renew your DSC from the Certifying Authority and re-enroll
the DSC. This might be different in some of the States eprocurement system, where in you may have
to check with the respective authorities will approve your enrollment only then, you will be able to
After registering on eProcurement system, You can just login, using the user ID, password and the
Digital Signature Certificate, in to the portal.
Yes, after logging in to the system, on the Dash Board, you may edit your details by clicking edit
profile. Almost, all information except your login id can be changed.
After logging into your account, you will find a link to "Change Password" in your dash board.
1. How much time is required for the new DSC to be recognised by the eProcurement
portal ?
At the time of enrollment in this e-Procurement portal, the Bidders should ensure that the status
of DSC is active on this site. The activation of newly issued DSC may take up to 24 hrs. Hence
users who are obtaining new DSCs should register at least 24 hrs in advance to avoid last
minute problems in enrollment.
2. If the enrolled DSC gets expired and if I get a new DSC, how to map with the existing
registered loginid ?
a) Scenario I - When old DSC has expired and user has got new DSC :
If the enrolled DSC has expired, the system automatically inactivates the same and prompts for
another DSC to be enrolled (afresh) at the next login.
b) Scenario II -When old DSC is due for expiry and user has got new DSC :
If the user wants to register with a new DSC, when the existing DSC is due for expiry, first
login to the system with the Old DSC. Click on DSC information from the Dash board and click
on remove. Then logout of the system.
Now login again, the system prompts to enroll DSC and the new DSC can be enrolled.
Caution :
Never remove the Old encryption from the device. The old encryption certificates lying in the
eToken must not be deleted. They should always be retained. Any of the tenders which have
been configured with these old certificates as bid openers cannot be opened, if certificates have
been deleted from the token.
3. Can I use the same DSC in enrolling for more than one loginid in the same site ?
No, at any point of time only one DSC can be mapped with one user account.
4. I already have purchased one DSC for use in other etendering system. Can I use the
same DSC for this portal ?
Yes. As long as the DSC is valid and as per the requirements of the eProcurement portal, the
same can be enrolled in this site.
DSC gets blocked after certain no of unsuccessful attempts of entering the wrong PIN. A
blocked DSC cannot be used in the e-tendering system unless it is unblocked. To unblock your
DSC please contact the service provider who has issued the DSC.
6. When I Connect to the site with https://<URL> I get an error message. How do I
overcome this problem ?
As per the IT Act, the site uses SSL certificate issued by CA, India. Few of the browsers trust
the certificates and few of them are in the process of trusting the same. You may kindly
download the Trust Chain from the download link and trust these once, (A write up on trusting
is also made available in the downloads), after that these error messages will not appear.
7. Can International firm upload their proposals on e-procurement portal with DSC which
is not issued by Indian firm/ not registered with this e-proc portal ?
As per the IT ACT, this eprocurement portal does not allow to register any DSC issued by CAs
other than Indian CAs. However, Some of our Certifying agencies issue DSC for foreigners
without visiting India. The details of which are already made available under the Downloads
link of this portal.
8. Can a foreign bidder or a foreign consultant get DSC from their respective country i.e.
any country outside India ?
9. Can international consultant (out side India) get DSC through on line ?
YES. Pl refer to the link (S.No. 13, DSC for Foreign
Bidders under downloads). Hence the Foreign Bidder / Consultant can get the Indian DSC
issued and participate in our tender without visiting India.
Tender Related
1. How to view / download Tender documents without logging into the system ?
Click on the Latest Active Tenders, and search the tender you are interested in using certain
search criteria. To download the tender documents click on view button and click on the tender
documents. The system will ask you for the user name and password. You can use the guest
account guest with the password Guest#08 and click on any of the active tenders and download
the required documents. However, it is advised to login to the system and download the tender
documents so that corrigendum/addendum if published will be automatically mailed to you.
Needs to be explained
3. What is the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded as a bid document in a packet
in the eProcurement portal ?
The application does not impose any restriction on the size of bid document that can be
uploaded into the portal. However, the upload limit is decided by the Network speed that the
client system has and also the memory configurations that have been defined in the system for
JRE. This technical documentation is given in Technical Resources in the Home Page.
4. How to verify the genuineness of EMD, other technical documents, Samples etc.
received through e-Procurement system ?
In the e-Procurement portal, the technical and financial bid documents submitted by the bidders
are digitally signed using their authorized officials valid Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs),
which as per the IT Act, can be considered equivalent to the physical signature of an individual.
For the Earnest Money Deposit, we advise the procuring entities to ask the bidder to submit
invite a scanned copy of the draft / cheque / bank guarantee along with the electronic bid and
also to submit a physical copy of the EMD (only) either in person or by post / courier. This can
be verified with the uploaded scanned copy. Samples of any sort cannot be invited online and
the procuring entities must ask the bidders to submit a physical copy of any samples. It is upto
the procuring entities to verify their genuineness as per the norms they have been following so
signed and uploaded. The Documents uploaded in the Other Important Documents (OID) are
digitally signed. All documents including the technical document and Financial documents are
encrypted and safely stored using the PKI technology. It remains in encrypted format, till the
bid opening date and time and cannot be seen by anyone till such time.
6. As a department user, by mistake I have rejected a bidder or the due to legal issues, the
Tender Inviting Authority is forced to go back to previous stage and open a rejected
bidder at the Technical / Financial Stage? Whether it is allowed and if so how ?
Yes. The system has the facility and is carried out using a Corrigendum. This corrigendum is
Tender Revocation Corrigendum. When the tender is in advanced stage, the TIA can invoke this
corrigendum based on the need and those who have participated in this tender are informed
about this procedure by mail. The TIA can continue the process in the same way as before after
accepting the rejected bidder. This is to be used in emergencies such as Court rulings or
inadvertent errors. However, all activities are mailed to the respective stake holders.
7. I generated the BoQ Comparative Chart. I found that one of the Bidders data is not
getting reflected in the Comparative chart. How to handle ?
The System generates the comparative chart from the BoQ uploaded by the bidders. If the
Bidder makes any mistake in the Sheet Name or any of the values, then the system will not be
able to read the data from the BoQ uploaded and hence may get missed out from the
Comparative Chart. The Department user may take a decision to accept or reject that
depending on the nature of mistake and regenerate the Comparative chart manually and upload
this comparative chart along with the Financial Summary which can be seen by the General
Public. T-8) A Tender is published and cancelled after few days of publishing. How will I
know the same?A tender when cancelled, it has to be cancelled using the Tender Cancellation
corrigendum. The system will display this Cancellation corrigendum in this portal for a period
of say 1 week from the date of publishing of the Cancellation Corrigendum.
Security Related
1. How secure are my bid documents in the e-Procurement portal? Can anybody see my
price bid before bid opening ?
All sensitive documents in the e-tendering site are encrypted and stored in the server using the
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology. Both the Technical and Financial Documents are
encrypted and stored. Even the system administrator cannot view the bid documents before bid
opening. Only after decryption by the authorized bid openers the documents are converted into
readable format.
2. Can bids be modified / withdrawn and conditions thereto. Is it not contrary to GFR-
2005 ?
The e-Procurement system allows the bidders to modify and resubmit their bid documents
before the 'closing date and time for bid submission' for the tender. After the closing date of bid
submission, the bidders are not allowed to make any changes to their bid documents. Further,
the option for the bidders to withdraw or resubmit their bids is optional, and it is upto the
procuring entity to enable these options in the system on a case to case basis for each tender.
The System will overwrite the old bids and only the latest uploaded document is retained. If you
are resubmitting even a single document, the entire packet is to be resubmitted. Hence, it is
within the purview of GFR-2005.
3. What precaution needs to be taken to submit online bids in the e-procurement system ?
Please prepare your documents well in advance and submit your documents well before the
closing date and time. While scanning your documents (Scan in 75-100 DPI resolution) try to
keep file size small so that bid submission is smooth. Also in the BOQ enter values only in the
appropriate space provided. Do not make any change in file name or sheet name. If you are not
able to submit at the last minute due to local power problem or internet problem, you may loose
a chance to participate.
4. Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) , Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World
Bank (WB) issues guidelines on security from time to time. Whether this portal adhere to
these ?
Yes. To a greater extent the guidelines are followed and the system adheres to more than 95% of
the guidelines issued by these agencies from time to time.
1. Can International firm upload their proposals on Indian e-procurement portal with DSC
which is not issued by Indian CA ? ?
As per the IT ACT, this eprocurement portal does not allow to register any DSC issued by CAs
other than Indian CAs. However, Some of our Certifying agencies issue DSC for foreigners
without visiting India. The details of which are already made available under the Downloads link
of this portal.
2. Can a foreign bidder or a foreign consultant get DSC from their respective country i.e.
any country outside India ?
No. The same is not allowed to be registered in this portal.
3. Can International consultant (outside India) get DSC on line without physically visiting
India ?
Yes. Kindly refer to the link DSC for foreign Bidders under the Dowloads Option which is
available in the Home Page. Following the procedure given, the Foreign Bidder / Consultant can
get the Indian DSC issued and participate in this eProcurement portal without visiting India.
5. I am using Windows OS. I am unable to upload more than one file in the Bid Document.
What changes in settings are to be done in my local client for this to work ?
4. I am a bidder residing out of India and I do not have representatives / office located within
India. How do I indicate the PAN/TAN no in this Portal ?
The PAN / TAN is a mandatory field. As foreign bidders need not possess a PAN /TAN they may
enter the dummy value TEMPZ9999Z as a PAN number and continue the process. This will be
applicable exclusively for foreign bidders or specially exempted sector. For clarity sake, the
detail given in the enrollment form is reproduced below:
For Bidders who do not have PAN/TAN number may enter TEMPZ9999Z as the PAN/TAN
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Choose the Icon - Region and Language and set the Format as English (United States)
3. Choose the Tab - Location and set the Current Location as India
4. Choose the Tab - Keyboards and Languages and Click
5. Set the Default input language as English (United States-US)
6. Ensure that in Installed services section English (United States-US) keyboard is listed in first
place. Use Move Up/Move Down button to manure the order.
Note: After completing the bid submission process the bidder can either revoke the above setting
or use the language selection in Task bar to switch between languages.
6. As a foreign bidder, I am quoting the rates as per my currency which is approved by the
Tender Inviting Authority. At what point of time, this Currency value is converted into
Indian Rupees (INR) ? ?
It is usual practice that the value of conversion is normally done on the day of Financial Bid
Opening based on the selling rate as on that date. However, the same information may be given in
the Tender Notice document. The details given in the tender notice as specified by the Tender
Inviting Authority will be the final.