Multinational Financial Management

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MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PAPER CODE: 2312/50912 COURSE OBJECTIVE: International boundaries are blurring therefore MNCs can

raise funds from international financial management. The purpose of this paper is to equip the students with financial and investment decision of MNCs Unit-I An overview of multinational financial management; international monetary and financial systems, IBRD and development banks; finance function in a multination firms; international flow of funds Unit-II International working capital management: international cash management; international receivable management, managing short term assets and liabilities; international capital money markets; euro dollar and currency market; financial market instruments GDRs, ADRs, Euro issues, CP and ECB Unit-III Multinational capital budgeting, cost of capital and capital structure decisions; dividend policy of multinational firm Unit-IV Developments in foreign exchange markets; exchange rate determination; measuring and managing various risks and exposure; country risk analysis; taxation in multinational firms Suggested Readings: 1. Madura Jeff, International Financial Management; Thomson Learning 2. Sharan, V., International Financial Management, PHI, New Delhi 3. Allen Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, PHI, New Delhi 4. Levi, Maurice D., International Finance, McGraw Hill 5. Apte, P.G., Internati onal Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill 6. Eiteman, David K., Stonehill, Arthur I., Moffett, Michael H. and Pandey, Alok, Multinational Business Finance, Pearson Education Note: 1. One case study be discussed per unit in the class. 2. Instruction for External Examiner: The question paper will have two sections. Section A shall comprise 8 questions ( 2 questions from PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE Paper code: 2310/50910 COURSE OBJECTICE:
The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students about the project planning, appraisal and control

and financing of infrastructure projects. Unit-I Phases and objectives of capital budgeting; generation and screening of project ideas; market, demand and situational analysis, technical analysis and financial analysis. Unit-II Special decision situations, analysis of project risk; appraisal criteria, firm risk and market risk. Unit-III Social cost benefit analysis, UNIDO approach, SCBA by financial institutions, project financing in India project appraisal by financial institutions, environmental appraisal of Projects. Unit-IV Project management: organisation, planning, control, human aspects and pre -requisites. Financing infrastructure projects: Concept, rational and financial instruments; Public finance for infrastructure projects; BOOT/ BOT system for infrastructure projects. Suggested Readings 1. Chandra, Prasanna, Projects : Planning Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Bhavesh, M Patel, Project Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi. 3. Machiraju, H. R., Project Finance, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi. 4. Rao, P.C.K., Project Management and Control , Sultan Chand & Sons, N.D

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