RPS Prose BSI FAH 2020
RPS Prose BSI FAH 2020
RPS Prose BSI FAH 2020
PEMBELAJARAN Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
(CP) CPMK-1 Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan berbagai pemahaman konsep dan elemen-elemen prosa dalam menganalisis “short story”
CPMK-2 Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan berbagai pemahaman konsep dan elemen-elemen prosa dalam menganalisis novel
DESKRIPSI SINGKAT This subject aims to improve skills related to literature which focuses on mastering the concept of literature, forms of literature, concept of prose fiction, and elements
MATA KULIAH of prose. Through this subject, students are expected able to understand the importance of studying prose, the students are expected to understand the concept of
prose fiction, the element of prose fiction and also to analyze prose fiction.
BAHAN Secara singkat, pokok-pokok bahasan mata kuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut.
KAJIAN/MATERI a. The Concept of Literature
PEMBELAJARAN i. Forms of literature
ii. Literature of knowledge
iii. Literature of Imagination
b. The Concept of prose Fiction
i. Short story
ii. Novellete
iii. Novel
c. Elements of Prose Fiction
i. Authors/point of view
ii. Characters and characterisation
iii. Setting
iv. Plot
v. Theme
e. Reading and Analyzing Novels
i. The snow of Kilimanjaro (Ernest Hemingway)
ii. The Three Hermits (Leo Tolstoy)
iii. A Haunted House (Virginia Woolf)
iv. The tell-Tale heart ( Edgar Allan poe)
v. To Build a Fire (Jack London)
vi. Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)
vii. The Old man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)
1. Richard Gill. 1995. Mastering English Literature. New york: Palgrave
DAFTAR REFERENSI 3. Sunaryo B. Koesnosubroto. 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction. Jakarta: Dikbud
MEDIA Software Hardware
PEMBELAJARAN LENTERA, Google Classroom dan Whatsaap Laptop – Tablet -Note Hp
4 23 September Students are able to be able to develop Bentuk: TM - Characters and Makalah - Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop knowledge and knowledge and Kuliah 1 x (3 x 50’’) characterisation menjelaskan,
understanding about the understanding about Daring - The creation of memahami dan
elements of prose the elements of prose TT character menguasai cara
fiction; fiction: Metode: 1 x (3 x 60’’) - The range of pengarang
Characters and Ceramah; character mencipta tokoh
characterisation - Characters and Diskusi BM - Telling and karakter serta
characterisation Kelompok 1 x (3 x 60’’) showing memperkenalkan
- The creation of - How characters tokoh dan karakter
character speak tokoh
- The range of - How characters
character think - Ketepatan dalam
- Telling and - How characters menjelaskan,
showing dress memahami dan
- How characters - The appearance menguasai tokoh
6 7 Oktober 2020 Students are able to are able to develop Bentuk: TM Plot and story Makalah Ketepatan dalam 5
develop the ability to the ability to apply the Kuliah 1 x (3 x 50’’) menjelaskan dan
apply the knowledge knowledge about the Daring • Plots and past memahami:
about the elements of elementsof prose: TT events
prose: Metode: 1 x (3 x 60’’) • Plots and the aims • Plots and past
Plot and story Ceramah; of characters events
7 13 Oktober Students are able to are able to develop Bentuk: TM theme Makalah Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop the ability to the ability to apply the Kuliah 1 x (3 x 50’’) menjelaskan dan
apply the knowledge knowledge about the Daring - The importance memahami
about the elements of elements of prose: TT of theme
prose: Metode: 1 x (3 x 60’’) - How the - The importance
Theme theme Ceramah; authors show of theme
Diskusi BM their interest - How the authors
- The importance Kelompok; 1 x (3 x 60’’) - Common show their
of theme themes interest
- How the - The function of - Common
authors show symbols themes
their interest - Importannt - The function of
- Common words symbols
themes - Moral words - Importannt
- The function of words
symbols - Moral words
- Importannt
- Moral words
8 20 Oktober MID 15
9 27 Oktober Students are able to are able to develop Bentuk: TM short story: - Short story Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop the ability to the ability to apply Kuliah Daring 1 x (3 x 50’’) - Makalah menganalisis
apply the knowledge the knowledge and The Snow of elemen-elemen
and undestanding about understanding Metode: TT Kilimanjaro (ernest prosa dalam short
reading and analyzing about reading and Ceramah; 1 x (3 x 60’’) Hemingway) story “The snow of
short stories and novels: analyzing short Diskusi Kilimanjaro”
stories and novels: Kelompok; BM (Ernest
The Snow of Kilimanjaro 1 x (3 x 60’’) Hemingway)
(Ernest Hemingway) The Snow of
Kilimanjaro (ernest
10 3 November Students are able to are able to develop Bentuk: TM TheThree Hermits Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop the ability to the ability to apply Kuliah Daring 1 x (3 x 50’’) (Leo Tolstoy) Short story menganalisis
apply the knowledge the knowledge elemen-elemen
and understanding about reading and Metode: TT Makalah prosa dalam short
about reading and analyzing short Ceramah; 1 x (3 x 60’’) story “The Three
analyzing short stories stories and novels: Diskusi
Hermits” (Leo
and novels Kelompok; BM
TheThree Hermits 1 x (3 x 60’’)
(Leo Tolstoy)
11 10 November Students are able to are able to develop Bentuk: TM A Haunted House Short story Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop the ability to the ability to apply Kuliah Daring 1 x (3 x 50’’) (Virginia Wolf) menganalisis
apply the knowledge the knowledge and Makalah elemen-elemen
and understanding understanding Metode: TT prosa dalam short
about reading and about reading and Ceramah; 1 x (3 x 60’’) story “A Haunted
analyzing short stories analyzing short Diskusi
House” (Virginia
and novels stories: Kelompok; BM
1 x (3 x 60’’)
A Haunted House
(Virginia Wolf)
12 17 November Students are able to Students are able Bentuk: TM The tell-Tale Heart Short story Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop the ability to to develop the Kuliah Daring 1 x (3 x 50’’) menganalisis
apply the knowledge ability to apply the Makalah elemen-elemen
about reading and knowledge about Metode: TT prosa dala short
analyzing short stories reading and Ceramah; 1 x (3 x 60’’) story “The tell-Tale
and novels analyzing short Diskusi
Heart” (Edgar
storiesand novels: Kelompok; BM
Allan Poe)
1 x (3 x 60’’)
13 24 November Students are able to Students are able Bentuk: TM To Build A Fire Short story Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop the ability to to develop the Kuliah Daring 1 x (3 x 50’’) (Jack London) Menganalisis
apply the knowledge ability to apply the Makalah elemen-elemen
about reading and knowledge about Metode: TT prosa dalam short
analyzing short stories reading and Ceramah; 1 x (3 x 60’’) story “To Build a
and novels analyzing short Diskusi Fire” (Jack
stories and novels: Kelompok; BM London)
1 x (3 x 60’’)
To Build A Fire
(Jack London)
14 1 Desember Students are able to Students are able Bentuk: TM Great Expectations Novel Ketepatan dalam 5
2020 develop the ability to to develop the Kuliah Daring 1 x (3 x 50’’) (Charles Dickens) menganalisis
apply the knowledge ability to apply the elemen-elemen
about reading and knowledge about Metode: TT Makalah prosa dalam novel
analyzing short stories reading and Ceramah; 1 x (3 x 60’’) “Great
and novels analyzing short Diskusi Expectation”
stories and novels Kelompok; BM
(Charles Dickens)
1 x (3 x 60’’)
(Charles Dickens)
15 8 Desember Students are able to Students are able Bentuk: TM The Old man and Novel Ketepatan dalam 5
2021 develop the ability to to develop the Kuliah Daring 1 x (3 x 50’’) the Sea menganalisis
apply the knowledge ability to apply the (Ernest Hemingway) Makalah Elemen-elemen
about reading and knowledge about Metode: TT prosa dalam
analyzing short stories reading and Ceramah; 1 x (3 x 60’’) novel “The Old
and novels analyzing short Diskusi Man and The
stories and novels Kelompok; BM
Sea” (Ernest
1 x (3 x 60’’)
The Old man and
the Sea (Ernest
16 15 Desember Final 15
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