Danziger CH1
Danziger CH1
Danziger CH1
Chapter One
Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Longman 2011
On Politics
Politics is defined in a variety of ways:
Exercise of power Determination of who gets what, when, and how Public allocation of things that are valued Resolution of conflict Competition among individuals and groups pursuing their own interests Overall:
Politics is the process through which power and influence are used in the promotion of certain values and interests
Political science
A set of techniques, concepts, and approaches whose objective is to increase the clarity and accuracy of our understandings about the political world
Personal thought
Political Knowledge of Different Age Groups: Applying the Scientific Method to Politics
Political Science
Comparative politics American politics International relations Political theory Boundary-spanning hybrids
Political anthropology Political economy Political psychology Political sociology Biopolitics
Enables us to develop:
Better concepts Improved methods Sound generalizations