04-Approaches and Methods
04-Approaches and Methods
04-Approaches and Methods
Approaches to
Comparative Politics
Approaches to Comparative Politics
Approach is a wider term which comprehends not only the method (i.e.
how to inquire) but also the focus of our study (i.e. what to inquire) in
order to understand the given phenomenon.
Wider term, comprehends not only the method (i.e. how to inquire) but
also the focus of our study (i.e. what to inquire) in order to understand
the given phenomenon.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
• Since facts and values are closely related to each other so the
study of political science should not be based on facts alone.
Time Period –From Aristotole –till 1945.
Woodrow Wilson: 14 points (Paris conference) (how should our
state/state be)… traditional system ideal system.. we follow that
ideal to make it practical in our society.
•Philosophic Approach
•Historical Approach
•Institutional Approach
•Legal Approach
Approaches to Comparative Politics
Philosophical Approach
Leo Strauss who was one of the ardent supporters of this approach
believed that “the philosophy is the quest for wisdom and political
philosophy is the attempt truly to know about the nature of political
things and the right or good political order.”
Philosophical Approach
Philosophical Approach
Historical Approach
Political phenomena could be understood better with the help of
historical factors like age, place, situations etc.
Politics and history are intricately related and the study of politics
always should have a historical perspective (Machiavelli, Sabine and
Political Science should include all those subjects which have been
discussed in the writings of different political thinkers from the time of
Plato. Every past is linked with the present and thus the historical
analysis provides a chronological order of every political phenomenon
Approaches to Comparative Politics
Institutional Approach
Legal approach regards state as the creator and enforcer of law and
deals with legal institutions, and processes.
Legal Approach
• This approach treats the state primarily as an organization for the
creation and enforcement of law.
• Behavioural Approach
• System Approach
• Structrual Functional Approach
• Political Development approach
• Political MOderinazaion Approach
• Political Culture Approach
• Political Economy Approahc
• Political Sociology Approach
• Neo Instutionalizm
Approaches to Comparative Politics
•Until the middle of the 20th century, political science was primarily
concerned with qualitative questions which had a philosophical,
legalistic and descriptive orientation.
Major exponents
1. Value-free
The behavioural approach is devoid of value. Facts are
distinguished from values. The research should be
value-free, so that the researcher is not tempted to
evaluate a political topic via the lens of his own
subjective valuational judgement. Moral and ethical
concerns should be set aside in order to provide a
scientific explanation.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
2. Verification
Behaviouralists also think that for knowledge to be
genuine, it must consist of propositions that have been
empirically tested, and that all evidence must be based
on observation.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
3. Techniques
Behaviouralists place a high value on using proper data
acquisition and interpretation methodologies, as well as
using research tools or methods that yield accurate,
trustworthy, and comparable data.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
4. Regularities
Political behaviour, according to behavioralists, has
discernible uniformities that can be articulated in
generalisations or theories capable of understanding and
forecasting political happenings.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
5. Quantification
Data collection isn’t enough. They must be quantified
and measured. Accuracy must be assured. This is
accomplished through rigorous measurement and data
manipulation processes. Only quantifiable evidence can
be used to validate research findings.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
6. Systematisation
The behaviourists insist that political science research
should be systematic, which means that it should be
‘theory-oriented and theory-directed,’ that theory and
research should be ‘closely inter-related parts of a
coherent and orderly body of knowledge,’ and
that’research untutored by theory may prove trivial, and
theory unsupported by data, futile.’
7. Integration
Because behaviouralists believe in an inter-disciplinary
approach, they do not regard political science as a
discrete discipline. It should be combined with other
social sciences such as psychology, sociology,
economics, anthropology, and so on. Because
knowledge is indivisible, it must be unified.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
8. Pure Science
Behaviouralists argue that research should be pure or
completely verifiable by evidence, regardless of whether
or not it applies to a specific societal situation. The
ultimate goal should be to make social sciences as
important as natural sciences.
Approaches to Comparative Politics
Approaches to Comparative Politics