Political Theory Lec1
Political Theory Lec1
Political Theory Lec1
as political philosophy
It is the study of politics, concepts, and the historical record of
political thought.
What is political
It is the study of topics such as politics, liberty, justice, property,
rights, law, and the enforcement of laws by authority: what they
are, if they are needed, what makes a government legitimate,
what rights and freedoms it should protect, what form it should
take, what the law is, and what duties citizens owe to a
legitimate government if any, and when it may be legitimately
overthrown, if ever.
• Political philosophy is a branch of philosophy
(Strauss, 1959), but it has also been a major
part of political science, within which a strong
focus has historically been placed on both the
history of political thought and contemporary
political theories (from normative political
theory to various critical approaches
In the Oxford Handbook in Political Theory
• …an interdisciplinary endeavor that heavily weighs on the humanities
end of the happily still undisciplined discipline of political science.
Political theory can be identified in 3 sorts of location: in relation to
the academic disciplines of political science, history, and philosophy;
In the Oxford Handbook in Political Theory
• …between the world of politics and the more abstract, ruminative
register of theory; between canonical political theory and the newer
resources (such as feminist and critical theory, discourse analysis, film
and film theory, popular and political culture, mass media studies,
neuroscience, environmental studies, behavioral science, and
economics) on which political theorists increasingly draw” (Dryzek et
al., 2009).
Therefore: political theory is concerned with the study
of the phenomena of the state both in philosophical as
well as empirical terms. It involves explanation,
description, and prescription regarding the state and
political institutions & also evaluation of their moral
philosophical purpose.