Political Theory Lec1

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Political theory is also known

as political philosophy
It is the study of politics, concepts, and the historical record of
political thought.

What is political
It is the study of topics such as politics, liberty, justice, property,
rights, law, and the enforcement of laws by authority: what they
are, if they are needed, what makes a government legitimate,
what rights and freedoms it should protect, what form it should
take, what the law is, and what duties citizens owe to a
legitimate government if any, and when it may be legitimately
overthrown, if ever.
• Political philosophy is a branch of philosophy
(Strauss, 1959), but it has also been a major
part of political science, within which a strong
focus has historically been placed on both the
history of political thought and contemporary
political theories (from normative political
theory to various critical approaches
In the Oxford Handbook in Political Theory
• …an interdisciplinary endeavor that heavily weighs on the humanities
end of the happily still undisciplined discipline of political science.
Political theory can be identified in 3 sorts of location: in relation to
the academic disciplines of political science, history, and philosophy;
In the Oxford Handbook in Political Theory
• …between the world of politics and the more abstract, ruminative
register of theory; between canonical political theory and the newer
resources (such as feminist and critical theory, discourse analysis, film
and film theory, popular and political culture, mass media studies,
neuroscience, environmental studies, behavioral science, and
economics) on which political theorists increasingly draw” (Dryzek et
al., 2009).
Therefore: political theory is concerned with the study
of the phenomena of the state both in philosophical as
well as empirical terms. It involves explanation,
description, and prescription regarding the state and
political institutions & also evaluation of their moral
philosophical purpose.

It is not only concerned with what the state is but also

what it ought to be. Weinstein said that political theory
can be viewed as an activity that involves posing
questions, developing responses to those questions, and
creating imaginative perspectives on the public life of
human beings.
• It probes into questions like nature and purpose of the state; why one
should prefer a kind of state than the other; what the political
organization aims at; by what criteria its ends, its methods, and its
achievements should be judged; what is the relation between state and
the individual.
• Political theory has been engaged in these age-old questions from
Plato onwards because it is concerned with the fate of man which
depends on his ability to create a kind of political community in which
rulers and ruled are united in the pursuit of the common good. It is not
necessary that political theory can provide answers to all questions,
but it can at least tell us how one should go about the solution.
• Political theory is an
intellectual and moral
creation of man.
Characteristics of • It is the speculation of an
political theory individual who is attempting
to offer a theoretical
explanation of the political
reality i.e., the phenomena of
the state. (1)
• They have given so many modes of explanations that may or may not
convince us but to which we cannot pass any final judgment. Political
theory is largely an attempt to seek the truth as the thinker sees it and
it is usually expressed through a treatise such as Plato’s Republic,
Aristotle’s Politics, Hobbes’s Leviathan, or Rawls’ A Theory of
• 2nd, political theory contains an
explanation of man, society, and
• It probes the nature of man and
society: how society is made up
and how it works; what are the
important elements; what are the
sources of conflict in the society
and how they can be resolved.
• 3rd, political theory is discipline-
based. It means that though the
phenomena which the theorist seeks
to explain remain the same i.e., the
state, the writer may be a
philosopher, historian, economist,
theologian, or sociologist. So, we
are confronted by a variety of
political theories, each distinguished
by a discipline on which it is based.
• 4th, political theory not only comprehends
and explains the social and political reality
but is also actively engaged in hastening the
process of history. The task of political theory
is not only to understand and explain but also
to devise ways and means to change society.
• It contains programs that embody both ends
and means. Political theory plays 2 roles: to
understand society and to suggest how to
remove imperfections.
• Last, political theory also includes political
ideology. Ideology in simple language means
‘a system of beliefs, values, and ideals by
which people allow themselves to be
governed. All political theories from Plato to
date reflect a distinct ideology of the writer.
Political theory in the form of political
ideology includes a system of political values,
institutions, and practices that society has
adopted as its ideal.
• Example is Western Europe with America &
China with Russia (3)
• In sum, political theory is
associated with the explanation and
evaluation of the political
phenomena and this phenomenon
can be examined as a statement of
ideas and ideals, as an agent of
socio-economic change, and as an
• Normative or Prescriptive or
Traditional Political Theory is a
kind of political theory through
which certain formulas are given
for the transformation of an
Types of imperfect social order to a perfect
political theory one.
• This political theory focuses on
what ought to be and explores the
values and ideals of a political
system. Oct 21, 2021
• The empirical political
theory focuses on the
observation and explanation
Types of
of political phenomena and
political theory involves formulating and
testing hypotheses through
• Contemporary political theory is
concerned with the systematic
elaboration of the underlying
Types of structure of our moral and
political activities, as well as
political theory examination and reconstruction
of the principal political values
such as justice, liberty, common
good, community living, etc.
• (1) An empirical political theory is a
must for the growth of Political
Science as a re-established discipline.
What does Only an overarching or general theory
can bring about integration, coherence,
political theory and autonomy to its subject matter. In
do? fact, it is an indicator of the health and
youth of the discipline. No science can
be fruitful or grow without having a
compre­hensive theory.
• (2)Theory explains political
phenomena and events, finding
out cause-effect relationships. It
helps us to understand the
political behavior of man and
systems; phenomena of violence,
war or devel­opment; problems
like racism, casteism,
regionalism, etc.(4)
• Theory guides us to collect relevant
facts and fill up the gaps or remove
inconsistencies if any. Science without
a theory can be regarded as blind. Only
theory enables science to organize facts
and give direction to research.
3 • Easton remarked that without theory
‘political research must remain
fragmentary and heterogeneous. It
enables the researcher to face the
avalanche of facts and draw a relevant
• Abound theory (not an ideology)
evokes satisfaction, self-confidence,
and proper understanding among all
concerned. It unites human beings,
groups, and associations, and infuses
coherence in their activ­ities. A
4 scientific political theory often
becomes a powerful weapon to win
over battles or fight against enemies.
Sometimes it provides legit­imacy to
the system of government or its rulers.
• Scientific political theory is one of the greatest
weapons to defend humanity (Arnold
Brecht)as it can provide the basis to solve
problems like war, development, and
abundance; on the other hand, it can expose the
ideologies propagated as scientific theories
5 which factually are subversive of human
values. And 2nd, it’s applied aspects a theory
can control, demarcate and direct the forces of
violence, racism, nationalism, sovereign status
of states, etc. Unless this is done, science and
technology are likely to devour their own
maker – man.
• As theory presents political reality in brief and
concise form, political actors – leaders,
politicians, citizens, administrators, and
diplomats – can make use of this knowledge
and can take appropriate decisions. Those who
oppose such theory and citizens can also raise
6 their voices if action is not taken in accordance
with the scientific theory(7).
• If the rulers themselves learn the tenets of an
advanced modern political theory or act on the
advice of such theorists, blunders and wasteful
costs (man & material) can be avoided.
• Even with the present state of
developing a modem political theory,
one can hope to reach higher levels of
knowing political reality, and construct
structures, systems, and processes
suitable to a collectivity. In the fast
7 development of science and
technology, the speed and volume of
empirical theorization are likely to
grow faster. As a result, newer forms of
postmodern political theory are sure to
develop from micro to macro, even
cosmic levels.
• In this way, man can use his
discretion in approximating his
ultimate values in the light of
empirical analysis and
observation of their consequences
for man. The devel­opment of
such modern political theory may
not allow the rulers to run
governments in the name of some
mystic values or to operate it as
their personal estate
Classical Political Theory

Liberal Political Theory

Major schools
of political Marxist Political Theory
theory Empirical-Scientific Political Theory

Contemporary Political Theory

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