*Posts may contain affiliate links.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jewels of the Arctic

I've been stitching away on some more row by rows.
I just love this one from the Northwest Territories in Canada.

Silly me didn't get a kit. I just got the pattern.
Now if there was ever a time to purchase a kit...
it was now. 
Cutting out all those little ice blocks for the igloo!

But seeing these wonderful polar bears playing in the snow
made it all worth it.

Hopefully the ice on the Arctic Circle isn't melting as fast,
as my heart is for these guys!

Keep on Stitchin'

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Finally Getting Started

I've made some major milestones this week.
Some special projects done.
I'll be sharing them in a few weeks, but til then...

I'm getting started on the Modern Bear Paw QAL
with Lorna over at Sew Fresh Quilts.
You can find more information on that 

My fabric arrived last week.

I just love all the glitz and glimmer they have.
Even the background cream color has silver in it, 
but it doesn't show up in photos well.

Here's a practice block made from scrap.
I didn't want to start cutting up my other fabrics until I was sure.
There are lots of little half square triangles in this one.

Personally, I like using triangle paper when I have to do this many.

My favorite place for this is QuiltingandWhatnot.com
The foundation patterns come in many sizes and are free.
You can save them to your computer and print them when needed.
On that note...
                      I save all my junk mail that has a black page.
I load them into my printer for things just like this.
It saves me paper and it's almost like shredding it when your done!
Oh and use "draft" on your printer, when printing these. 
It'll save ink too!

is the link for the triangle foundation papers.
Just a note. She has them listed by finished size. For this quilt we are going to need 1" finished, not the 1 1/2" size. 
Ask me how I know!
At least I could cut them down.

The nice part of this is you get 40 of the 1" finished size per page.
Shorten your stitch length and stitch the entire page, on the broken lines.
Then cut on  the solid lines.
Easy and accurate.

Keep on Stitchin'

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Road Home Blog Hop

Don't you just love the"Road Home" hop?
A big thanks to Amy and Marian for all the time 
and effort they have put into this hop. 
They have found the best sponsors on the planet... 
... here's a round of applause for them too!
Your contribution to our blogging world is so appreciated.
Now add in all the bloggers, who just couldn't wait to 
share their "Road Home"
We've got a row-a-palooza, going on!
There are rows from all over the globe and
you never have to leave home to collect them.

Home for me...

The "Last Frontier"
It's never actually been my home, 
but it sure feels like it every time I visit. 

Glaciers, wilderness, wildlife, and gorgeous views.
But the best is the friends, who make me feel so at home.
Yes, I shed a tear every time I have to leave.

Its a big place. This state is almost 1/3 of the size of the entire USA.

This map from "Freepublic.com" shows you just how big it is.
And for some place that BIG...they have very few roads.
Yep, wilderness is the word, and this city locked girl

 I owe big thanks to the University of Alaska Fairbanks,
for the clipart used in my row.
It was perfect for my "Road to Denali"

If your interested in this row,
It is $3.50, payable thru paypal.
Please contact me
[email protected]
And I will get it to you right away!

Here's the real Mt McKinley in Denali National Park.
This photo was taken on a flight seeing trip.
Seeing the peak is a very unusual treat.
This mountain it so tall, that it creates it's own weather.
We felt very blessed.
to be able to spend such a gorgeous day with her!

Oh, I could just go on and on...
...but you want to get to these incredible give-aways!

And for those who have an embroidery machine...
Sorry, everything does have to be mailed. If your international 
your welcome to enter, but must be willing to pay 
shipping costs as well as possible
customs/duties fees.
Just let us know!

Here's the schedule for the complete hop.

September 6
creates Harrisville, MI Sunrise Coast
creates Adelaide South Australia
creates Grand Coulee, Washington
creates Alberta Canada

September 8
creates Colorado
creates Bulgaria
creates Las Vegas, Nevada
creates Amanzimtoti, South Africa

September 13
creates Edinburgh, UK
creates Heber City, Utah
creates Idaho Falls, Idaho
creates New Zealand

September 15
creates Road to Tehachapi (CA)
creates Worchester Country in Central Massachusetts
creates Toronto, Ontario Canada
creates New Milford, Connecticut

September 20
creates Denmark
creates Netherlands
creates Alaska
creates Northern Main

September 22
creates Beaches of California
creates Africa
creates Port Angeles, Washington
creates West Michigan Shoreline

September 27
creates Dodge City, Kansas
creates Northern Rivers Region NSW, Australia
creates Hollywood/LA
(Dual Posting)
creates Baltimore, MD

September 29
creates Burlington Vermont
creates Manitoulin Island, Canada
creates Oregon
creates Silicon Valley, CA

October 04
creates Central New Mexico
creates Netherlands
creates North Carolina
creates Outer Space

Ocotober 06
creates York, Maine
creates New Hampshire
creates Oklahoma
creates Mojave Desert
creates North Georgia Mountains

October 11
Show N Tell day

Stop in and visit them all...
Tell them Joan sent ya!


A big thanks to our fabulous sponsors!

Sunset on the Turnagain Arm
(and my post)
Keep on Stitchin'

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Alice in Wonderland (counted cross stitch).

The adventures of Alice in Wonderland continue, 
with this cute little Cheshire Cat.

This wonderful stitchery's are from Brooks Books.
You can find more of them right 

While I'm still stitching away on my Alice characters,
I've been very busy with project to share soon.
Very Very busy we can just say!

Next up for me is the Royal Gardener.
 He will be number 6, of the set of 12.
I guess I need to reread the story to find out just 
why a gardener has a paint can in hand???


Keep on Stitchin'

Monday, September 12, 2016


Oh my goodness, can I get side tracked with new projects.
My plate is full with all that I have already...
but could that stop me when I saw this???

Oh heck no.

I just 

Lorna over at Sew Fresh Quilts is hosting this
QAL with her fabulous new pattern.
Check it out right

She's got great color combos, and each one 
really changes up the mood of this quilt.

As for me, I'm sticking with the traditional brown.
I'm going with a Northcott  Shimmer fabric.

I ran out of a silver in this line...right in the middle of a 
very special project.  The fabric was purchased a year ago, and there isn't any left... or so I thought!

After a frantic search online, I found what I needed at Fabric Depot.
While shopping I decided to get my Mod Bear Paw fabric too.
Now I'm patiently, or not so patiently awaiting its arrival!

Thanks Lorna
(I think)
for captivating me with yet another fun project.
Guess that means you totes of UFO's, are going to have to wait!

Keep on Stitchin'

Sunday, September 11, 2016

We Will Never Forget

There are few words that can convey our feelings on this day.

Oh, the thousands of innocent people who lost their lives.

Oh, the loss of security that we felt as a nation.

I remember all too well, working at the airport in Denver on that day.
Watching the sky fill with planes preparing to land.
Planes that had never stopped at our airport before.
It was surreal watching the skies turn dark with planes,
 lined up trying to get on the ground. 
Almost was like watching a flock of birds migrate.
The confused and shaken passengers, deplaning in a strange city.
 The look of fear on the crews faces.

Yes, it's a day that's seared in my memory forever.
We were all the lucky ones. 
Shaken, but here to remember.

For those in the twin towers...
We always will remember you.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Road Home Row Along

Starting today the "Road Home Row Along"
 takes the Internet by storm.

That's my prediction anyway!

Marian from "Seams to be Sew",

have been working behind the scenes all summer,
 to make this one incredible adventure.

Throw in 40 bloggers who couldn't wait, to turn their "Road Home" 
into a fabulous row...
and we've got the best thing going.

Did I mention it's all free?
No getting out of our PJ's, no makeup, no driving to shops...
Just sitting here and downloading the patterns.

Twice a week for the next 6 weeks you will be visiting
bloggers from all over the globe.
If that's not exciting enough...
We've got great sponsors, who are giving away 
tons of free products.
It's big...it's really big!

Today we are kicking off the Row Along with

In addition, there are give-away's from the 

Fat Quarter Shop
Anita Goodesign
Calibre Art Cutting Mats
Washington Street Fabrics

Hop on over and visit each and every one of these incredible blogs

You can find the full schedule 

Again thanks to Amy and Marian, and all our wonderful

Now, while completely off track...
I just wanted to share what I did this weekend.

Oh, I know it doesn't look like much...
but it's true, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Give it a few weeks and your going to see!
(tee hee)

Keep on Stitchin'

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Bountiful Table Toppers with Island Batik

New month, new challenge.
Oh how I love these Island Batik projects.

Bountiful Table Toppers sure gets my attention.

I do love changing out my table topper.
It's aways fun to have a new one, when quilt club is at my house.
This time there were a couple who threatened to take it and run!

I've been inspired for some time with Sharon Vroomans
"Lets Book it"

She encourages us to dust off those books 
and make a project from em.
Heavens knows that I have enough books to sink a ship.
A very large part of them haven't even been opened yet.
Shame on me!

No better time than now.

A few years back, I won this book from Gudrun.
There are so many wonderful toppers in this book.
I'm really not sure just why they didn't manage to get made up, til now.

Right away this "Sassy Blooms" runner caught my attention.

I knew that it my stash of "Island Batik" fabrics,
 was going to be perfect for this!

I used an assortment of fabrics from different lines.
There is a little Lavish in there, Tide Pools, 
some Hollywood Hills, Country Fair.
Oh they all, just play so nicely together.
Best yet, I consider this a bonus project.
All from scraps of past projects.

While the blooms on the original pattern are cute, 
I wanted the chance to use my new
GO die, that I got for my birthday.

It was the perfect size....

These owls just make me happy!

Have you seen what you can do with this die?
Do you see a bunny, raccoon, mouse, frog, pig,
koala, cow or a squirrel here?
If not, you need to check em out right 

All from this one amazing die.
I can hardly wait to get the rest of these critters done!
Keep on Stitchin'

Friday, September 2, 2016

Island Batik Sea Side Summer blog hop

The party is over, but not before Pam got to show off her 
cool "Branches" landscape quilt

What a great end to a fun hop.
"Sew" many fun new fabrics, and "sew" much inspiration.
What's a person to do?
My answer is to go fabric shopping
but lets not share that little detail with my hubby!

Without further ado...
The winner of my package of Island Batik is Allison.

I've sent you and email Ms Allison, for your mailing information,
and I will get it on it's way to you.
Congratulations and thanks to all for visiting
 and leaving such sweet comments! 

While this hop is over, never fear, it's a new month, 
and we have new things to share.

This month it's Bountiful Table Toppers.
You know how we all love to dress up our tables.
Nothing can change up the mood quicker than a new topper.

Keep on Stitchin'