Sunday, 16 June 2013

A couple of things we did this week.

Two of Us-033I thought I’d share a couple of things that we did this week, we visited the newly finished Marina in Seaham, it’s gorgeous down there, it has a cafe overlooking the sea and the Marina so we popped in for a coffee.


It is quite historic and they have had a lifeboat restored to its former glory after on Saturday the 17th of November 1962,the Seaham lifeboat, George Elmy was involved in a disaster. Where crew and fishermen lost their lives one of which was my sister in laws father. You can read more about it here


The next little outing was one I hadn’t even thought about until I saw it on the local news, it was a news report featuring the Transport bridge in Middlesbrough, I mentioned to Chris that I had never been across it and that I would like to.

transport bridge1

You drive onto it in the car and the yellow carriage seen in the above picture carry's you across the water.

transport bridge2

So on we went.

transport bridge3

It was much faster than I had thought it would be.

Jak Signature


Tammy said...

Wonderful pictures Jak! Glad you enjoy your excursions!

Patti J said...

Wow! What a fun day you had! Thanks for sharing with the layout!

My'scardcorner said...

Two great visits Jak you tend to forget what youve got on the doorstep so to speak I too have never been on that bridge although I viist Middlesbrough ofter.

Merry said...

What fantastic photos Jak. How much fun to travel on that special bridge.

Mad Mary said...

Thanks for sharing your pics with us and i would love a wee trip on the Transport Bridge too, looks so cool.

Mary x

Janette said...

Great pictures Jak, never seen that Bridge before, amazing what we have and don't realise...thanks for sharing.x