© Helvetas / Flurina Rothenberger

Our Learning & Innovation Approach

© Helvetas / Flurina Rothenberger

Building the capacities of staff and partners to effectively share what they know, to learn together and to arrive at creative and relevant solutions is crucial to the success of our development work. By leveraging this core asset of people’s knowledge and commitment, Helvetas supports context-specific, sustainable development.

Why learning and innovation matter

Development depends on the behavior of a wide range of actors who influence each other in a variety of ways. This leads to results which cannot be fully predicted or controlled. Under such circumstances, we need to effectively learn and innovate on an ongoing basis.

What we do

Through participatory approaches to learning and innovation, we can bring local and external knowledge together. This results in a richer appreciation of the contexts in which Helvetas works and the ways in which we – together with our partners – can improve our work.

We do this by creating and supporting opportunities for collective reflection on existing knowledge and experience, by producing outputs to support further learning, and by taking innovative action based on this learning.

Helvetas is committed to working in ways that foster collaboration, respect diversity, and promote state-of-the-art development practice. We build and develop such capacities at individual, team and organization/network levels – through knowledge sharing, innovative online and face-to-face approaches to facilitation, the tailoring of participatory tools and methods for context-specific needs, and thematic advice.

© Helvetas / Christian Bobst
Tanzania Empowerment Woman GSE Training meeting © Helvetas / Christian Bobst

What we offer

  • Long-standing experience in Knowledge Management for Development
  • Support in developing and implementing Knowledge Management strategies to strengthen effective use of knowledge
  • Facilitation of deep collaboration through participatory processes in both online and face-to-face contexts
  • Training and capacity development in Project Cycle Management (PCM) to manage quality and increase the impact
  • Design and coaching for Monitoring & Evaluation: monitoring systems and plans; reporting; peer reviews; evaluations; impact assessments; capitalization of experience
  • Enabling capture of real-time experiences through Social Reporting / Multimedia Reporting (participatory or collaborative reporting)
  • Strengthening networks and projects through development, facilitation and coaching for e-Collaboration and web platforms
  • Maximizing competence development through blended learning approaches e.g. digital and face-to-face training, webinars, live streaming, coaching for staff and partners of Helvetas as well as for other organizations, projects and networks

Meet the team

Our multilingual advisory team offers wide-ranging thematic expertise and has in-depth experience in navigating complex processes. Helvetas’ work builds on over 60 years of experience in more than 30 countries.

Contact our learning and innovation experts
Senior Advisor Evaluation & Learning, Helvetas
Senior Advisor Learning & Innovation
© Helvetas / Maurice K. Grünig
Senior Advisor Evaluation & Learning

Selected projects

Helvetas develops and accompanies projects. To be sustainable, they must be locally embedded. We support our partners in effectively organizing projects and processes and consult local authorities to better assume their responsibilities.

Education and Vocational Skills

Lack of education perpetuates inequality because poor countries cannot compete economically without a skilled workforce.

Our Impact

As a learning organization we assess the impact of our interventions to improve our work and to ensure accountability vis-a-vis our donors and partners.

Partnership and Capacity Development

Sustainable change must be owned by national actors. Working in partnerships is a fundamental principle of Helvetas’ work.