Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker’s Reviews > Dearly, Departed > Status Update
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 37% done
Bram & Nora- great characters. I wish we'd focus on just their POV.
— Oct 14, 2011 10:35AM
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Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker’s Previous Updates
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 92% done
This book is taking me forever to read. So many small problems with it that could have been prevented. Even w/ the problems, I love Bram & Nora.
— Oct 17, 2011 11:14AM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 58% done
"..need to stop acting like a little girl --wah- wah, I was bitten, my life sucks so bad. All of our lives suck right now, okay? You might think yours is an extra special sparkly rainbow unicorn fart type of suck, but it's not. Just get on with it! Throw that stupid useless eyeball away and get on with it!" .... best motivational speech EVER! LOL
— Oct 16, 2011 09:23AM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 58% done
Total love/hate relationship with this book.
— Oct 16, 2011 09:21AM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 53% done
I will not skip the other character's POV but boy am I tempted!!!!!!
— Oct 15, 2011 03:52PM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 51% done
I absolutely love Nora and Bram's chapters but I get annoyed with the other POV's to the point of setting the book down. I'm only at halfway point and it feels like I've been reading this forever.
— Oct 15, 2011 09:10AM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 26% done
"'How is telling her the truth disrespectufl? It's not like I enjoy introducing myself as a creature from beyond the grave.' I desperately wanted to roll my eyes, but we were discouraged from doing so. The muscles around the eyes are always some of the first to go."
— Oct 13, 2011 04:37PM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 21% done
Love the characters in this book. I haven't been too picky about the world building (it could be flawed, full of holes...who knows) since I've been too into the story. Call me a hypocrite. I know.
— Oct 13, 2011 12:08PM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 11% done
I'm at work. I've been at work ALL DAY. I'm about ready to cry buckets but now I'm just whining. Anyhow, no reading time for me.....
— Oct 12, 2011 08:14PM
Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker
is 11% done
"They were men. They looked like men, at least -human- but like people who had been dead for months, years, in all stages of decay- flesh hanging limply off limbs, bones exposed..." ahhh, how I missed my zombies.
— Oct 12, 2011 10:26AM
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Wendy Darling
rated it 3 stars
Oct 14, 2011 10:50AM
Totally agree.