Lazaros’s Reviews > A Feast for Crows > Status Update
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is on page 818 of 1058
«When Edmure made no move to rise, he said, “I’ll leave you to enjoy your food. Singer, play for our guest whilst he eats. You know the song, I trust.” “The one about the rain? Aye, my lord. I know it.” Edmure seemed to see the man for the first time. “No. Not him. Get him away from me.” “Why, it’s just a song,” said Jaime. “He cannot have that bad a voice.»
— Mar 28, 2015 07:36AM

is on page 673 of 1058
«I have to find her,” she finished. “There are others looking, all wanting to capture her and sell her to the queen. I have to find her first. I promised Jaime. Oathkeeper, he named the sword. I have to try to save her . . . or die in the attempt.»
— Mar 28, 2015 04:43AM

is on page 361 of 1058
Cersei, dear, you're a cunning bitch but I love you. *sigh*
— Mar 22, 2015 07:38AM

is on page 225 of 1058
I still don't trust Petyr.. After 3 books he still gives off major untrustworthy vibes.
— Mar 18, 2015 05:32PM