Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up)’s Reviews > Belladonna > Status Update
Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up)
is on page 93 of 409
Hello, little bird. Come to stab me again?
— Mar 13, 2023 03:31PM
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Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up)’s Previous Updates
Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up)
is on page 260 of 409
Care to find out?
UHHH Yes, I really, really would!!! 🫠😂
— Mar 14, 2023 09:38AM
UHHH Yes, I really, really would!!! 🫠😂
Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)
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message 1:
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨
rated it 5 stars
Mar 13, 2023 03:34PM
I own this and you're making me want to read it!!
I forgot to put this in my goodreads tbr. I'm patiently waiting to read this book because I know I will love it and 2nd isn't out yet 🤣
Oh…hello 😊 He sounds nice… 🫠 Glad you’re enjoying it, SS! You convinced me to download the audiobook so I’ll be listening soon! 🥰
Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ wrote: "I own this and you're making me want to read it!!"
Ha! Same happened to me, it's been on my shelf forever and a friend was reading it and made me pick it up and now I am kicking myself bc I waited so long to read it!
Ha! Same happened to me, it's been on my shelf forever and a friend was reading it and made me pick it up and now I am kicking myself bc I waited so long to read it!
Alessa ✪ wrote: "I forgot to put this in my goodreads tbr. I'm patiently waiting to read this book because I know I will love it and 2nd isn't out yet 🤣"
Oh I know! The covers for these books are so pretty too, but I am loving this one so far. 💙💙💙
Oh I know! The covers for these books are so pretty too, but I am loving this one so far. 💙💙💙
Cecelia wrote: "Oh…hello 😊 He sounds nice… 🫠 Glad you’re enjoying it, SS! You convinced me to download the audiobook so I’ll be listening soon! 🥰"
Babe! You have to pick this up! And the audiobook is 🤌🤌🤌
Babe! You have to pick this up! And the audiobook is 🤌🤌🤌
•❅Avery (Taylor's version)❅• wrote: "YES. I love this book so much, I hope you like it!!"
Thx babe! I am so into it! LOVE the vibes! 💙💙💙
Thx babe! I am so into it! LOVE the vibes! 💙💙💙
Hannah banana is on a book buying ban :( wrote: "100% expect death's comments to get better after each convo between them, they are so cute!"
YES!! Every time they speak, I am swooning! 🫠
YES!! Every time they speak, I am swooning! 🫠
Deema ♡ wrote: "I'm so excited for your thoughts, babe! 💗 This is another one that has been sitting on my bookcase at home, and I'm planning on picking it up closer to the sequel's release date. I hope you're enjo..."
I am loving it so far, definitely think you would like this one bb! Very dark gothiky vibes which we both love! 💙💙💙
I am loving it so far, definitely think you would like this one bb! Very dark gothiky vibes which we both love! 💙💙💙