Alexandra Elend Wolf’s Reviews > If the Fates Allow > Status Update
Alexandra Elend Wolf
is on page 28 of 38
"If Reagan had known in February what was coming, she would have thrown her body into more arms."
I often felt the same right at the beginning of the Pandemic having as only consolation that I had managed to go out with friends really close before everything hit.
— Dec 09, 2021 10:08AM
I often felt the same right at the beginning of the Pandemic having as only consolation that I had managed to go out with friends really close before everything hit.
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Alexandra Elend Wolf’s Previous Updates
Alexandra Elend Wolf
is on page 34 of 38
"'Did you get vaccinated?'
'Fuck yeah,' he said. 'I don't care if it makes me grow another leg. I was first in line.'"
Kinda hilarious to read this right now when I'm bed ridden with third dose side effects 😂😂😂
— Dec 09, 2021 10:27AM
'Fuck yeah,' he said. 'I don't care if it makes me grow another leg. I was first in line.'"
Kinda hilarious to read this right now when I'm bed ridden with third dose side effects 😂😂😂
Alexandra Elend Wolf
is on page 16 of 38
"Reagan already felt hard enough. She didn't need any accessories. She didn't need to telegraph it out to the world."
Gosh, I identify with Reagan so much.
— Dec 07, 2021 07:59AM
Gosh, I identify with Reagan so much.