Rachel (Kalanadi)’s Reviews > Crosstalk > Status Update

Rachel (Kalanadi)
Rachel (Kalanadi) is 63% done
Oh dear lord
Sep 26, 2016 07:16PM


Rachel (Kalanadi)’s Previous Updates

Rachel (Kalanadi)
Rachel (Kalanadi) is 28% done
Briddey, I give you full permission to slug, hang up on, or scream at the next person who interrupts you, calls you more than once an hour, posts your personal info on social media, or otherwise intrudes on your work hours or privacy or sanity. Dear lord. P.S. Trent's a little TOO intent on sharing his feelings, isn't he?
Sep 26, 2016 12:11PM

Rachel (Kalanadi)
Rachel (Kalanadi) is 12% done
Sometimes I get anxious reading Willis' work, because these people just won't go away or shut up! Also, C.B. is my favorite character so far.
Sep 24, 2016 08:32PM

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