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My Year in Books
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Eso Es Mio / That's Mine by Sumana Seeboruth
Shortest Book
Financial & Managerial Accounting by Carl S. Warren
Longest Book

Average book length in 2024

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Most Shelved
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Fine Waters by Michael Mascha
Least Shelved
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Allie’s average rating for 2024

Lefty by Mo Willems
Highest Rated on Goodreads
4.27 average

Spanish Is the Language of My Family by Michael Genhart

Allie’s first review of the year

it was ok
Didáctico is didactic. D-i-d-á-c-t-i-c-o.
Torpe is clumsy. T-o-r-p-e.
Olvidable is forgettable. O-l-v-i-d-a-b-l-e.

John Parra's illustrations are wonderful, as always. I really like the back matter, but the book itself is really ham-fisted. I think in order to be more readable, it needed a much lighter touch. Maybe if the spelling had been incorporated into the illustrations? I don't necessarily know how to make it better, I just know it didn't work

Spanish Is the Language of My Family by Michael Genhart
Fine Waters by Michael Mascha
Eso Es Mio / That's Mine by Sumana Seeboruth
really liked it
Financial & Managerial Accounting by Carl S. Warren
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Lefty by Mo Willems
Under New Management by David Burkus
The Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell
You Are Happy by Margaret Atwood
Love Poems by Sheila Kohler
Luna oscura by Heidi Moreno
really liked it
Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell

Luna oscura by Heidi Moreno

Allie’s last review of the year

really liked it
This is such a special picture book. The story itself is so dang cute, with a shy black cat and best friend toad trying to find their forever home. Surface reading is lovely and sweet. I think it would be a nice story time book to gently introduce talking about prejudice, loneliness, and feeling included/excluded to a very young audience. The illustrations are also really incredible, and I will definitely be watching for Heidi Moreno's picture bo ...more
2024 Reading Challenge Img rccompleted
Allie read 12 out of 12 books.
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