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Eso Es Mio / That's Mine

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When one toddler in a childcare setting takes all the toy animals for herself, she discovers that monopolizing all the toys can be a bit lonely. Will offering one of the animals to another child help bridge the gap? In this gentle exploration of early friendship, toddlers will recognize the tension between wanting everything to be “mine!” and the desire to connect with other children.

26 pages, Board book

Published February 1, 2022

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Sumana Seeboruth

16 books1 follower

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Profile Image for Kailey (Luminous Libro).
3,373 reviews510 followers
June 9, 2022
Un niño pequeño se queda con todos los juguetes y aleja a sus amigos. Pero eventualmente se dan cuenta de que es más divertido compartir y jugar juntos.

¡Este libro de cartón es tan lindo! Me encanta el estilo artístico y los colores brillantes. El diseño es sencillo pero atractivo, perfecto para captar la atención de los pequeños lectores.

También me encanta que este libro enseñe un mensaje positivo sobre compartir y ser generoso con los juguetes, y está narrado de una manera tan sencilla y sincera que cualquier niño pequeño puede entenderlo y beneficiarse de él.

¡Me encanta que este es un libro bilingüe en inglés y español! Esto es perfecto para familias bilingües o para enseñar un segundo idioma a niños pequeños.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Recibí una copia de este libro del editor a cambio de una reseña honesta y gratuita. Todas las opiniones expresadas aquí son mis propios pensamientos verdaderos y no están influenciados por nadie.

A toddler keeps all the toys for themselves, pushing their friends away. But eventually they realize that it's more fun to share and play together.

This board book is so cute! I love the art style and the bright colors. The design is simple but attractive, perfect for grabbing the attention of little readers.

I also love that this book teaches a positive message about sharing and being generous with your toys, and it's told in such a simple and heartfelt way that any little child can understand and benefit from it.

I love that this is a bilingual book in english and spanish! This is perfect for bilingual families or for teaching a second language to little children.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone.
Profile Image for Olivia.
3,470 reviews96 followers
June 12, 2022
See my full review here: https://www.yabookscentral.com/thats-...

THAT'S MINE! is a board book about sharing. Told in simple terms, the book follows a young child who is playing with farm animals and unwilling to share. When she takes them all for herself, another child gets upset and goes to play elsewhere. When the young girl sees the other children playing together happily, she decides to share and goes over to share her animals with them. She realizes it is more fun to play together!

What I loved: This is a simple story with a lesson of sharing. The book is largely told through the illustrations, capturing emotions and the plot through those rather than with words. The text itself is very brief, with some pages being without any words, and this makes it one that children can really tell to themselves. The sketch-like illustrations manage to be expressive and focused.

What left me wanting more: It can be challenging for young readers to fill in the blanks themselves, and a lot of this story happens without words for it. Caregivers may need to help fill in the blanks and can help guide the discussion around what emotions each of the children may be feeling and allowing young readers to help consider interpreting faces and illustrations. On the flip side, it does require more to really help them digest and understand the story, so it's not such a simple read, which means it will not have the repetitive nature that little ones enjoy.

Final verdict: A story about sharing, THAT'S MINE! shows children that sharing is more fun with expressive emotions and simple text.
Profile Image for Barbara.
14.2k reviews301 followers
April 30, 2022
With simple, almost abrupt phrases, this sturdy board book teaches youngsters the benefits of sharing. While youngsters in a daycare or aftercare program are playing with farm animals, one young girl simply cannot resist keeping as many of the toys to herself as she possibly can. At first she seems wiling to play well with another girl, but that quickly changes as she claims the dog, the cat, and every other animal available, even sending her would-be playmate scurrying away when she realizes that she's clearly not wanted. No matter since another playmate, a boy, invites her to join him. They end up having so much fun that the selfish girl decides to join them and share her toys. The double-page spread showing the realization dawning on her that she's all alone and has made the wrong choice by not being willing to share speaks volumes, and of course, the book itself demonstrates that having more friends often does equal a lot more fun than keeping everything to oneself.
Profile Image for Kailey (Luminous Libro).
3,373 reviews510 followers
June 9, 2022
A toddler keeps all the toys for themselves, pushing their friends away. But eventually they realize that it's more fun to share and play together.

This board book is so cute! I love the art style and the bright colors. The design is simple but attractive, perfect for grabbing the attention of little readers.

I also love that this book teaches a positive message about sharing and being generous with your toys, and it's told in such a simple and heartfelt way that any little child can understand and benefit from it.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone.
Profile Image for Andrés.
720 reviews
May 18, 2024
I really want to like this book more, but I needed to flip back and forth to understand the critical dog / cat changeup in the beginning that sets the plot in motion. From there, I did not enjoy the continued broken toddler narrative. However, I liked the illustrations, the message, and the illustration on the page in which the protagonist makes a big realization. My book was not bilingual.
Profile Image for Allie.
1,423 reviews38 followers
February 29, 2024
I think this is a really sharp take on the "Mine!" phase that toddlers and pre-schoolers experience. It's not just "it's nice to share," but more that it's really nice to play with other kids and sometimes you have to share to make that happen.
Profile Image for Aolund.
1,580 reviews17 followers
July 22, 2022
An effective bilingual (Español/English) board book about sharing.

Themes: Sharing, Friends
Readalikes: Blocks - Irene Dickson
Age range: Baby-Toddler
Profile Image for Jaime.
403 reviews18 followers
October 4, 2024
Great for learning some Spanish words/phrases, but I can’t say we enjoyed the story so much. Still a win for the Spanish!
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews

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