Whitney Krane

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Booked for the Ho...
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by Liz Maverick (Goodreads Author)
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How My Neighbor S...
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by Meghan Quinn (Goodreads Author)
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Book cover for The Humans
They were aliens to me. That was the obvious part. What was less obvious was the way I seemed like an alien to them. After all, I looked like them. Maybe this was another human trait. Their ability to turn on themselves, to ostracize their ...more
345436 Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine — 156002 members — last activity 3 hours, 13 min ago
Hey Y’all, We’ve been reading together for awhile and we don’t know about you, but we’re ready to hear your thoughts and opinions. This group is a pl ...more
year in books
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39 books | 9 friends

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