77 books
18 voters
currently-reading (51)
to-read (4234)
2025-aa-kindle-on-hand (1049)
physical-books-on-hand (277)
currently-reading (51)
to-read (4234)
2025-aa-kindle-on-hand (1049)
physical-books-on-hand (277)
cozy-mysteries-on-hand (237)
recommendations (135)
kindle-unlimited-wish-list (121)
2025-aa-read (82)
cozy-mysteries-on-hand (237)
recommendations (135)
kindle-unlimited-wish-list (121)
2025-aa-read (82)

There is at least one reading challenge within the group per month as well as quarterly reading challenges, buddy reads, book of the month group discu ...more

(click on image to go to discussion) We believe reading is fun and find unique and challenging ways to spread the love of reading. T ...more

If you love to read romance novels, or just read, and you like reading challenges, come and join this group. If you look at your TBR list and don't kn ...more

This is a relaxed group for anyone who loves both challenges and learning about this wonderful world we live in. Come join our virtual travels! All p ...more

Feed your Reading Challenge Addiction Here!!! We offer a wide range of challenges across many different themes/genres/subjects! We have a wide variety ...more
Deanie’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Deanie’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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