Walter Arvid Marinus Schutjens

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Giovanni’s Room
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The Wild Duck
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A Companion to Ma...
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"Lucid lucid ludic - Just as Harvey taught to his own students: sublate, I must teach myself" Dec 05, 2024 09:24AM

See all 77 books that Walter is reading…
Simone Weil
“We are living through a period bereft of a future. Waiting for that which is to come is no longer a matter of hope, but of anguish.”
Simone Weil, Oppression and Liberty

Karl Ove Knausgård
“As your perspective of the world increases not only is the pain it inflicts on you less but also its meaning. Understanding the world requires you to take a certain distance from it. Things that are too small to see with the naked eye, such as molecules and atoms, we magnify. Things that are too large, such as cloud formations, river deltas, constellations, we reduce. At length we bring it within the scope of our senses and we stabilize it with fixer. When it has been fixed we call it knowledge. Throughout our childhood and teenage years, we strive to attain the correct distance to objects and phenomena. We read, we learn, we experience, we make adjustments. Then one day we reach the point where all the necessary distances have been set, all the necessary systems have been put in place. That is when time begins to pick up speed. It no longer meets any obstacles, everything is set, time races through our lives, the days pass by in a flash and before we know that is happening we are fort, fifty, sixty... Meaning requires content, content requires time, time requires resistance. Knowledge is distance, knowledge is stasis and the enemy of meaning. My picture of my father on that evening in 1976 is, in other words, twofold: on the one hand I see him as I saw him at that time, through the eyes of an eight-year-old: unpredictable and frightening; on the other hand, I see him as a peer through whose life time is blowing and unremittingly sweeping large chunks of meaning along with it.”
Karl Ove Knausgård, Min kamp 1

Virginia Woolf
“The lake of my mind, unbroken by oars, heaves placidly and soon sinks into an oily somnolence.’ That will be useful.”
Virginia Woolf, The Waves

Manny Rayner
“There's nothing wrong with giving up all your principles for a suitable financial reward. It is indeed the basis of our society.”
Manny Rayner

Louise Glück
“Some of us make our own light: a silver leaf like a path no one can use.”
Louise Glück, The Wild Iris

501 The Brain and Mind — 4239 members — last activity Aug 21, 2024 08:02PM
This is a group for readers to recommend and discuss books related to real and/or artificial brains. Categories include but are not limited to: neuros ...more
1194 Philosophy — 5411 members — last activity Dec 17, 2024 02:11AM
What is Philosophy? Why is it important? How do you use it? This group looks at these questions and others: ethics, government, economics, skepticism, ...more
1065390 The Obscure Reading Group — 194 members — last activity Sep 20, 2024 04:19PM
July 2024 update: This group is going on hiatus due to low participation in recent discussions. Like a phoenix, however, it reserves the right to fly ...more
220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 263326 members — last activity 1 minute ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
1241654 Council Communism — 33 members — last activity May 15, 2024 12:39PM
Council communism, also known as councilism, emerged as a communist movement in the early 20th century, particularly in the aftermath of the Russian R ...more
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