Korbin Patschureck

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Korbin Patschureck is currently reading
by Veronica Roth (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 144 of 531)
Jan 04, 2019 08:08AM

The Ego and Its Own
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  (page 30 of 432)
Mar 14, 2018 06:30AM

Jim Davis
“If you are patient...and wait long enough...Nothing will happen ”
Jim Davis

Matt Groening
“English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England.”
Matt Groening

Guy Fieri
“Love, Peace, and taco grease!”
Guy Fieri

Gordon Ramsay
“Don't take it personally. Just take it seriously.”
Gordon Ramsay

Jim Davis
“Deep fry that sucker! - Garfield”
Jim Davis
tags: humor

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