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George R.R. Martin
“... a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.”
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

“It is easier to believe a lie one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact one has never heard before.”                                                                                                                                               —author unknown”
Michael Shank, Muscle and a Shovel

“All denominations teach conflicting doctrines; therefore, it isn't possible that all of them are biblically correct.”
Michael Shank, Muscle and a Shovel

Tahereh Mafi
“I spent my life folded between the pages of books.
In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.”
Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

Yevgeny Yevtushenko
“When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie.”
Yevgeny Yevtushenko

116072 Harry Potter Group Read — 56 members — last activity Feb 01, 2016 05:52AM

354 Harry Potter — 16367 members — last activity Mar 04, 2025 08:04PM
We're fans of Rowling's series because we know that it is more than just a children's fantasy story. ...more
115105 Everything Booklikes & Leafmarks — 732 members — last activity Oct 08, 2020 03:13PM
Want to know about BookLikes? Want to know how those of us who are on BL find it? It's here. If you have a BL account, please post your name. If you h ...more
3936 Francophonie — 6509 members — last activity Mar 04, 2025 11:12AM
Rassemblons les lecteurs francophones Que vous soyez de France, de Belgique, de Suisse, du Québec, ou de tout autre pays francophone, ou bien si vous ...more
220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 273426 members — last activity 0 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
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