312 books
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4-star-books (73)
pg-13 (61)
christian-fiction (56)
family (56)
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children-s-books (46)
what-just-happened (46)
3-star-books (45)
fantasy (39)
favorites-all-time (38)
pg (33)
4-5-star-books (32)
books-i-loved-in-my-youth (31)
want-to-hold-this-poor-baby (30)
3-5-stars (26)
strong-male-lead (52)
children-s-books (46)
what-just-happened (46)
3-star-books (45)
fantasy (39)
favorites-all-time (38)
pg (33)
4-5-star-books (32)
books-i-loved-in-my-youth (31)
want-to-hold-this-poor-baby (30)
3-5-stars (26)
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"I want this girl to be batcrap insane where is the insanity" — Dec 16, 2024 05:53AM
"I want this girl to be batcrap insane where is the insanity" — Dec 16, 2024 05:53AM
“Take a breath, Thomas. There has always been fear. There will always be fear. It's up to us to stand tall, even when the fear demands we bow to it.”
― Fawkes
― Fawkes
“Music is nothing unless it fills your soul with colour and passion and dreams”
― A Thousand Perfect Notes
― A Thousand Perfect Notes
“Excuse me? "I am not a damsel in distress. If I were, do you think I could do that?" I point to the two unconscious goons I had taken out."
"You're not an average damsel in distress, I'll give you that.”
― The Time I Saved the Day
"You're not an average damsel in distress, I'll give you that.”
― The Time I Saved the Day
“So why did I come for her? Why did I allow emotions to control me? Emotions were deceptive. They made men do foolish things”
― Fawkes
― Fawkes
“Neat' was the highest superlative possible from Burndee and it was not a word that he often used...unless he was describing something he had done. 'Neat'--without even 'very' or 'really' attached to it--was extremely high praise from Burndee.”
― The Reluctant Godfather
― The Reluctant Godfather
Year-long NaNo
— 181 members
— last activity Jul 22, 2022 07:39PM
Keep track of daily word count all year long, join in on word wars, and get inspiration from other writers who are also trying to achieve their goals
Keep track of daily word count all year long, join in on word wars, and get inspiration from other writers who are also trying to achieve their goals
Evil Writer's Support Group
— 4 members
— last activity Nov 16, 2020 11:38AM
If you've been torturing your characters and need a place to cry and get some chocolate (or be threatened by your readers) this is the place for you. ...more
If you've been torturing your characters and need a place to cry and get some chocolate (or be threatened by your readers) this is the place for you. ...more
Rebellious Writing
— 67 members
— last activity May 30, 2020 07:50PM
Rebellious Writing is a movement that demands for wholesome books. Books that are full of light, good morals, family, friendships, and adventures, ins ...more
Rebellious Writing is a movement that demands for wholesome books. Books that are full of light, good morals, family, friendships, and adventures, ins ...more
Independent Writers and Authors
— 31 members
— last activity May 30, 2020 07:49PM
This group is all about forming a community of independent (Indie) writers and authors who have decided to pave a new way of writing and publishing bo ...more
This group is all about forming a community of independent (Indie) writers and authors who have decided to pave a new way of writing and publishing bo ...more
Allegiance Series
— 16 members
— last activity Sep 30, 2018 04:07PM
A cozy spot to squeal freely, to therorize about what will happen in the series and chat about all your favourite characters.
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A cozy spot to squeal freely, to therorize about what will happen in the series and chat about all your favourite characters.
R.F. Gammon’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at R.F. Gammon’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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