This is a group where you can find people to discuses your favorite books. You can discuses Young Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction, ext.

Hello! This is a buddy read group for all sorts of readers! We will be reading mostly YA fantasy and sci-fi but we will definitely be branching out if ...more

The official Witness Impulse bookclub for fans and authors of suspense fiction! Join us for live discussions with our editors and authors, book giveaw ...more

We are Writers and Readers who have come together to promote books...just because we love them..:) All are welcome to join us.

A place for Amazon Kindle and Kindle App users to lend and borrow books from all genres using the Amazon Kindle Lending feature. Piracy will NOT be to ...more
Shawn’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Shawn’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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