Jeff Tix

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Tarak: Blood Dict...
Jeff Tix is currently reading
by Sage Patel (Goodreads Author)
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Aphrodite of Luna
Jeff Tix is currently reading
by John E. Siers (Goodreads Author)
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The Huntsman: A S...
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Douglas Phillips
“Yeah, America has always done a piss-poor job of defining what is news and what is misinformation. When you don’t have any rules prohibiting it, misinformation always wins. It gives people exactly what they want to hear. Doesn’t matter if it’s true.” “Confirmation bias,” Daniel said. “People accept what fits within their belief system and reject everything else.”
Douglas Phillips, Quantum Time

Sylvain Neuvel
“People are denying even the most basic scientific facts because it makes them feel better about hurting each other. Do you realize how horrifying that is? We’re talking about human beings making a conscious effort, going out of their way, to be ignorant. Willfully stupid. They’re proud of it. They take pride in idiocy. There’s not even an attempt to rationalize things anymore.”
Sylvain Neuvel, Only Human

year in books
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90 books | 54 friends

308 books | 165 friends

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Joann D...
37 books | 12 friends

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