Nas peles nuas, a saliva dos beijos e o suor dos abraços irrigavam, dentro deles, raízes fortes, de agarrar as tripas e o que mais tivesse dentro. Até a alma. E as raízes faziam das veias seiva e cresciam pelos poros como galhos trepadeiros

“I had no big plan to become a curator, no great scheme to work my way up a ladder. I was just trying to pass the time. I thought if I did normal things - held down a job, for example - I could starve off the part of me that hated everything.”
― My Year of Rest and Relaxation
― My Year of Rest and Relaxation

“Sometimes I feel dead," I told her, "and I hate everybody.”
― My Year of Rest and Relaxation
― My Year of Rest and Relaxation

“Nothing seemed really real. Sleeping, waking, it all collided into one gray, monotonous plane ride through the clouds. I didn't talk to myself in my head. There wasn't much to say. This was how I knew the sleep was having an effect: I was growing less and less attached to life. If I kept going, I thought, I'd disappear completely, then reappear in some new form. This was my hope. This was my dream.”
― My Year of Rest and Relaxation
― My Year of Rest and Relaxation

“Era una casa viva la que me vio nacer. Si a veces despedía perfume de azahares en invierno o se oían algunas risillas sin dueño en medio de la noche, nadie se espantaba: eran parte de su personalidad, de su esencia. En esta casa no hay fantasmas, me decía mi papá: lo que oyes son los ecos que ha guardado para que recordemos a cuantos han pasado por aquí. Yo lo entendía. Me imaginaba a los veintidós hermanos de mi abuelo y el ruido que deben de haber creado, y me parecía lógico que todavía, años después, se oyeran evocaciones de sus risas reverberando en algunos rincones.”
― El murmullo de las abejas
― El murmullo de las abejas
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