Vakaris the Nosferatu

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Bite of Vengeance
Vakaris the Nosferatu is currently reading
by R.L. Caulder (Goodreads Author)
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Clockworks of Oz
Vakaris the Nosferatu is currently reading
by Casper Hedron (Goodreads Author)
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Jonathan Stroud
“Zealots: Wild eyed persons afflicted with incurable certainty about the workings of the world, a certainty that can lead to violence when the world doesn't fit.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Ring of Solomon

Charlaine Harris
“What are you, Zen Master Fang?”
Charlaine Harris, Deadlocked

Jonathan Stroud
“It's the same with spirit guises; show me a sweet little choirboy or a smiling mother and I'll show you the hideous fanged strigoi it really is. (Not always. Just sometimes. *Your* mother is absolutely fine, for instance. Probably.)”
Jonathan Stroud, The Ring of Solomon

Victoria E. Schwab
“There were some people you had to stay
away from, people who poisoned everything in reach. Then there were people you
wanted to stick with, the ones with silver tongues and golden touches. And then,
there were people you stood beside, because it meant you weren’t in their way”
Victoria Schwab, Vicious

Masamune Shirow
“Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you.”
Masamune Shirow, Ghost in the Shell

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