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Joe Abercrombie
“you should laugh every moment you live, for you’ll find it decidedly difficult afterwards.”
Joe Abercrombie, Best Served Cold

Agostinho da Silva
“I am not interested in being original. I am interested in being true.”
Agostinho da Silva

Brandon Sanderson
“When you read a book, it’s like you’re becoming an actor, taking on the roles of a dozen different people, coming to know and love them like you know yourself. It’s one of the best ways to experience another life, to become something that you are not.”
Brandon Sanderson

51545 Knjigom u glavu — 1797 members — last activity 18 hours, 8 min ago
Knjiški klub za sve ljude s područja Balkana željnih rasprava o knjigama na materinjem jeziku =) Svi su dobrodošli. FB: ...more
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