551 books
818 voters
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to-read (241)
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on-hold (20)
books-i-have-but-haven-t-read-yet (19)
to-read-this-year (11)
pls-come-out-faster (6)
dnf (3)
2014-reads (74)
covergasm (73)
2016-reads (51)
currently-reading (1)
to-read (241)
to-read-probably (36)
on-hold (20)
books-i-have-but-haven-t-read-yet (19)
to-read-this-year (11)
pls-come-out-faster (6)
dnf (3)
2014-reads (74)
covergasm (73)
2016-reads (51)
adventure (39)
2015-reads (38)
book-series (36)
kick-ass-heroine (33)
2017-reads (25)
lgbtqia (25)
romance (24)
nbrc-wobble (23)
urban-fantasy (23)
comics-or-graphic-novels (22)
contemporary (22)
adventure (39)
2015-reads (38)
book-series (36)
kick-ass-heroine (33)
2017-reads (25)
lgbtqia (25)
romance (24)
nbrc-wobble (23)
urban-fantasy (23)
comics-or-graphic-novels (22)
contemporary (22)

“Happiness. It was the place where passion, with all its dazzle and drumbeat, met something softer: homecoming and safety and pure sunbeam comfort. It was all those things, intertwined with the heat and the thrill, and it was as bright within her as a swallowed star.”
― Daughter of Smoke & Bone
― Daughter of Smoke & Bone

“But I didn't understand then. That I could hurt somebody so badly she would never recover. That a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond repair.”

“You know how sometimes you tell yourself that you have a choice, but really you don't have a choice? Just because there are alternatives doesn't mean they apply to you.”
― The 5th Wave
― The 5th Wave

(click on image to go to discussion) We believe reading is fun and find unique and challenging ways to spread the love of reading. T ...more

Goodreads Indonesia dibentuk tanggal 7 Juni 2007 oleh Femmy Syahrani dan ditujukan untuk para pembaca buku berbahasa Indonesia yang ingin mendiskusika ...more

“You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.” ― Paul Sweeney Welcome to The Young Ad ...more

OUR SHARED SHELF IS CURRENTLY DORMANT AND NOT MANAGED BY EMMA AND HER TEAM. Dear Readers, As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading ...more

A book group for all those who love sci-fi and fantasy. We read three books per month, one from each genre, plus a carefully curated moderators specia ...more
avy’s 2024 Year in Books
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