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156478 Fans of S.J. Molloy — 86 members — last activity Apr 09, 2015 09:53AM
This group is for discussion of all books by author S.J. Molloy. It will also include the latest book news, teasers, events, group exclusives, and giv ...more
215280 FanSASStic Reading Challenge — 46 members — last activity Mar 20, 2017 12:35PM
A group for those attending the FanSASStic Signing in Birmingham in 2018. We challenge you to read as many attending authors as you can with prizes av ...more
217931 Max Libs: A RomCom Group — 166 members — last activity Aug 09, 2018 12:21PM
Max Libs is a group formed by Max Monroe for the purpose of bringing readers and authors of Romantic Comedy together for discovery, fun, chats, book d ...more
year in books
Kelly -...
7,107 books | 220 friends

Nicole ...
515 books | 2,997 friends

1,643 books | 120 friends

2,690 books | 198 friends

Vicki J...
97 books | 151 friends

2,123 books | 371 friends

193 books | 12 friends

Mandy  ...
1,754 books | 151 friends

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