Stephanie Miller

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Pop Goes the Weasel
Stephanie Miller is currently reading
by James Patterson (Goodreads Author)
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The Wrong Neighbour
Stephanie Miller is currently reading
by Caleb Crowe (Goodreads Author)
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Jim  Butcher
“wherever you go, there you are”
Jim Butcher

Jim  Butcher
“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but Chinese throwing stars get you a dozen stitches.”
Jim Butcher, Dead Beat

Jim  Butcher
“It rained toads the day the White Council came to town.”
Jim Butcher, Summer Knight

Jim  Butcher
“The next time I opened my eyes, I was in the morgue.
This, all by itself, is enough to really ruin your day.
I was lying on the examining table, and Butters, complete with his surgical gown and his tray of autopsy instruments, stood over me.
'I'm not dead!' I sputtered. 'I'm not dead!”
Jim Butcher, Death Masks

Jim  Butcher
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of trauma, I will fear no concussion.”
Jim Butcher, Proven Guilty

11735 All Things Jim Butcher — 629 members — last activity Oct 01, 2019 07:38PM
Welcome to All Things Jim Butcher! This group is for the discussion and recommendation of all writings by Jim Butcher. Join up and discuss your favor ...more
2214 Charlaine Harris Book/Show Group — 1481 members — last activity Nov 08, 2018 07:57AM
This group gives Charlaine fans the opportunity to discuss her books and chat about other related events (shows, movies, etc.). This used to be a Sook ...more
25x33 Oklahoma — 53 members — last activity Mar 25, 2022 11:51AM
For people in or from Oklahoma.
5370 Chicago Style — 23 members — last activity Oct 24, 2013 09:50AM
Books set in Chicago
1475 Ravelry Knitters — 2121 members — last activity Jan 14, 2024 01:58AM
For those out there who are addicted to reading, knitting and Ravelry!
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