Adam  McPhee
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Adam McPhee

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Grafton Tanner
“It is a confounding and eerie sensation to feel social while alone, thronged with invisible entities whose presence is felt yet who appear wholly absent. These entities are our twenty-first-century ghosts, shorn from their corporeal shells and set loose to glide through cyberspace at lightning speed and with startling precision. We call to one another in the darkness of the Internet, reuniting with hosts of friends and followers, but the act is all theater. There is nothing there in the dark except the dead gaze of a copy.”
Grafton Tanner, Babbling Corpse: Vaporwave And The Commodification Of Ghosts

“Finally, as 9/11 fell on December 7, 1941, America entered World War II, and wouldn’t you know it, the US actually recovered from the Depression. It turned out that with state control of production and jobs for all, a nation could spend its way out of misery. Of course, this proof of concept of planned economies was instead interpreted as a reason to constantly go to war.”
Chapo Trap House, The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason

Mark Fisher
“The long, dark night of the end of history has to be grasped as an enormous opportunity. The very oppressive pervasiveness of capitalist realism means that even glimmers of alternative political and economic possibilities can have a disproportionately great effect. The tiniest event can tear a hole in the grey curtain of reaction which has marked the horizons of possibility under capitalist realism. From a situation in which nothing can happen, suddenly anything is possible again.”
Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

Gary Brecher
“1. Most wars are asymmetrical or irregular.
2. In these wars, the guerrillas/irregulars/insurgents do not aim for military victory.
3. You can not defeat these groups by killing lots of their members. In fact, they want you to do that.
4. High-tech weaponry is mostly useless in these wars.
5. “Hearts and minds,” meaning propaganda and morale, are more important than military superiority.
6. Most people are not rational; they are tribal: “My gang yeah, your gang boo!” It really is that simple. The rest is cosmetics.”
Gary Brecher, War Nerd

Mark Fisher
“Instead of saying that everyone – i.e. every one – is responsible for climate change, we all have to do our bit, it would be better to say that no-one is, and that’s the very problem. The cause of eco-catastrophe is an impersonal structure which, even though it is capable of producing all manner of effects, is precisely not a subject capable of exercising responsibility. The required subject – a collective subject - does not exist, yet the crisis, like all the other global crises we’re now facing, demands that it be constructed.”
Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

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Can't remember the title of a book you read? Come search our bookshelves and discussion posts. If you don’t find it there, post a description on our U ...more
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Readers, authors, illustrators, and editors aggregate here to discuss Sword & Sorcery books and related media (movies, comics, blogposts, etc.). ...more
25x33 War Nerd Reading List — 136 members — last activity Aug 30, 2023 06:39PM
Collection of books mentioned on Radio War Nerd with Gary Brecher and Mark Ames. Unofficial Radio War Nerd Fac ...more
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