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Pillow Thoughts
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by Courtney Peppernell (Goodreads Author)
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Ice Cream And Sui...
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Jamie McGuire
“To douchebags!" he said, gesturing to Brad. "And to girls that break your heart," he bowed his head to me. His eyes lost focus. "And to the absolute fucking horror of losing your best friend because you were stupid enough to fall in love with her.”
Jamie McGuire, Beautiful Disaster

Andrea Gibson
“I said to the sun, ‘Tell me about the big bang.’ The sun said, ‘it hurts to become.”
Andrea Gibson

Andrea Gibson
“I know this world is far from perfect.
I am not the type to mistake a streetlight for the moon.
I know our wounds are deep as the Atlantic.
But every ocean has a shoreline
and every shoreline has a tide
that is constantly returning
to wake the songbirds in our hands,
to wake the music in our bones,
to place one fearless kiss on the mouth of that new born river
that has to run through the center of our hearts
to find its way home.”
Andrea Gibson, Pole Dancing to Gospel Hymns

Andrea Gibson
“Our hearts beat so loud the neighbours think we’re fucking when I’m just trying to find the nerve to touch your face.”
Andrea Gibson

Andrea Gibson
“And if there’s one thing in this world I’ve ever known for sure, it’s that this girl is gonna crush me like a small bug, leave me so fucking broken there’ll be body bags beneath my eyes from nights I cried so hard the stars died. But I’m like, go ahead. I’m all yours. I would kiss you in the middle of the ocean during a lightning storm, cause I’d rather be left for dead than left to wonder what thunder sounds like.”
Andrea Gibson
tags: love

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