1,328 books
1,313 voters
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christianity (122)
fantasy-sf-horror (102)
poetry (85)
buddhism-hinduism-eastern-concerns (61)
noir-crime-murder (43)
inklings (37)
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american-civil-war (28)
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comics-graphic-novels (22)
writing (22)
alternate-paths-mysticism (12)
inklings (37)
music (30)
american-civil-war (28)
sports (26)
comics-graphic-novels (22)
writing (22)
alternate-paths-mysticism (12)
“You cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself were a victim once—there has to be a limit”
“My life is passed in making bad jokes and seeing them turn into true prophecies.”
― Irish Impressions
― Irish Impressions
“He imagined the pain of the world to be like some formless parasitic being seeking out the warmth of human souls wherein to incubate and he thought he knew what made one liable to its visitations. What he had not known was that it was mindless and so had no way to know the limits of those souls and what he feared was that there might be no limits.”
“We all have to die a bit every now and then and usually it's so gradual that we end up more alive than ever. Infinitely old and infinitely alive.”
― The Skating Rink
― The Skating Rink
Japanese Literature
— 4777 members
— last activity 16 hours, 50 min ago
A group for people who enjoy literature written by Japanese authors, the arts, culture, and history of Japan We run a "January in Japan" discussion i ...more
A group for people who enjoy literature written by Japanese authors, the arts, culture, and history of Japan We run a "January in Japan" discussion i ...more
Write, right, rites, reads
— 39 members
— last activity Jul 12, 2011 07:07PM
Discussions of authorship, attribution, social (networking) mores, authenticity, and sundry bookface complexities
Discussions of authorship, attribution, social (networking) mores, authenticity, and sundry bookface complexities
Always Coming Home
— 85 members
— last activity Jan 27, 2016 12:55PM
A group devoted to reading Ursula K. LeGuin's writings: fiction, non-fiction, children's, young adult, science fiction, fantasy, the unclassified and ...more
A group devoted to reading Ursula K. LeGuin's writings: fiction, non-fiction, children's, young adult, science fiction, fantasy, the unclassified and ...more
Serials Serially
— 17 members
— last activity Apr 06, 2013 09:36AM
Reading serials the way they were meant to be read.
Reading serials the way they were meant to be read.
Catholic Fiction
— 744 members
— last activity Aug 06, 2024 04:56PM
A community that loves stories which are animated by God, our faith and the Catholic imagination.
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A community that loves stories which are animated by God, our faith and the Catholic imagination.
D.’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at D.’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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