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Francis of Assisi...
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“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves," (Matthew 10:16).”
Jesus of Nazareth

Blaise Pascal
“Being unable to cure death, wretchedness and ignorance, men have decided, in order to be happy, not to think about such things.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Oscar Wilde
“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”
Oscar Wilde

Randal Rauser
“ I would like to focus on the use of the word silly for a particular people’s point of views. Everybody has what is called a plausibility structure; we all have sets of background beliefs through which we process and assess evidence. When you call something silly, you are merely saying, ‘Relative to my plausibility structure that isn’t within that structure.’ That’s merely a comment on your own psychology, there’s nothing more to it so I don’t find that very helpful,” (Randal Rauser, Unbelieveable Feb. 1, 2014).”
Randal Rauser

2072 Atheists and Skeptics — 2225 members — last activity 13 hours, 41 min ago
This is a group meant for the discussion of atheism and skepticism and the books associated with both. Recommending books arguing for or against relig ...more
68984 Christian Theological/Philosophical Book Club — 1835 members — last activity Dec 02, 2024 09:47AM
The primary guidelines for this group are a sincere love for the true God of the Bible and a commitment to relying on the Word of God (the Bible) as t ...more
10855 Debate Religion — 580 members — last activity Jun 04, 2023 05:51PM
This group is for followers of any religion, atheists, agnostics, and anyone else with questions or concerns about faith. If there's anything you want ...more
1194 Philosophy — 5412 members — last activity Dec 17, 2024 02:11AM
What is Philosophy? Why is it important? How do you use it? This group looks at these questions and others: ethics, government, economics, skepticism, ...more
21156 500 Mormons on Goodreads — 160 members — last activity Apr 08, 2023 09:24AM
If your a Mormon Join! Lets see if we can find 500 Mormons on Goodreads.
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