144 books
160 voters
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classics (98)
sci-fi (70)
historical-fiction (64)
currently-reading (1)
to-read (287)
dnf (33)
audiobooks (349)
lgbt (167)
fantasy (136)
lgbt-ff-romance (109)
hc-books (104)
classics (98)
sci-fi (70)
historical-fiction (64)
completed-trilogies-and-duologies (55)
ebooks (55)
lgbt-mm-romance (53)
summer-reading-list-2016 (41)
summer-reading-list-2018 (41)
history (37)
summer-reading-list-2015 (37)
penguin-english-library (36)
summer-reading-list-2017 (35)
drama (32)
favourites (30)
completed-trilogies-and-duologies (55)
ebooks (55)
lgbt-mm-romance (53)
summer-reading-list-2016 (41)
summer-reading-list-2018 (41)
history (37)
summer-reading-list-2015 (37)
penguin-english-library (36)
summer-reading-list-2017 (35)
drama (32)
favourites (30)

“Apollodorus came, Caesar saw, Cleopatra conquered.”
― Cleopatra: A Life
― Cleopatra: A Life

“What are men to rocks and mountains?”
― Pride and Prejudice
― Pride and Prejudice

In 2021, I'm hosting a year-long readathon where I - and hopefully you! - will be reading as many classics as possible. The #ClassicsCommunity is an ...more
Sarah’s 2024 Year in Books
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