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Family Thang
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Dorothy Parker
“Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common.”
Dorothy Parker

P.G. Wodehouse
“He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.”
P.G. Wodehouse

Dorothy Parker
“The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”
Dorothy Parker

P.G. Wodehouse
“Everything in life that’s any fun, as somebody wisely observed, is either immoral, illegal or fattening.”
P.G. Wodehouse

P.G. Wodehouse
“What ho!" I said.
"What ho!" said Motty.
"What ho! What ho!"
"What ho! What ho! What ho!"
After that it seemed rather difficult to go on with the conversation.”
Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves

28438 The Book Barn 2010 Roundup — 237 members — last activity Aug 23, 2010 08:39PM
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